Quotes about the devil, soul and love

The devil is a mystical and spiritual person. Christians give Satan a huge place in their life, without realizing it. Believing in his personality and "bloodthirsty" effect on the soul and actions of man. Quotes about the devil are expressed throughout the existence of the universe.

First sayings

The first person on Earth to mention the devil was Eve.

And the Lord God said to his wife: Why did you do this? The wife said: The serpent seduced me, and I ate (Genesis. 3 chapter).

She calls the devil an insidious seductive Serpent. In principle, she does not speak about the devil. He blames God on a reptile animal. But Moses (the author of Genesis) and other clergy and Christians come to a common opinion - "the devil seduced a poor woman."

Since then, quotes about the devil and great interest in his personality have not run out. Not surprising. It becomes known from the Bible that the devil is the fallen angel Lucifer, whom many call "Satan" and the "roaring lion."

bad satan

A lot of films have been shot about the personality of Lucifer, and in each of them he appears gloomy, sizzling, with burning eyes and a cold, cruel expression on his face.

With the devil, people associate all inanimate, dead, spoiling relationships and feelings, or, on the contrary, passions and torments that burn the soul.

Ancient philosophy says:

God lives by inhalation, the devil exhale (Ishek Noram).

God is inspiration, creativity, surge of energy, love of life.

The devil is decline, despair, darkness.

Dark and light

good and evil

For many years, Christians have become accustomed to blaming the person of the devil in all the turmoil of life. Regardless of the quarrel, or how the person stumbles, he is to blame: the devil-seducer.

Anthony Onil expressed himself well on this subject in the book "The Lantern":

If God really created man in his own image, then man created the devil in his own way.

Indeed, the human mind endowed the personality of Satan with the most base qualities and feelings inherent in man. These are: cruelty, meanness, anger, anger, blasphemy, baseness, desecration, rage, greed, arrogance.

“He who sins is from the Devil.” - Then we are all from the Devil (film "Rite").

It happens that the sayings of non-public people become popular. A quote from an unknown author reads as follows:

In each of us there is a devil and God ... you become the one you feed more.

This truth has a great meaning. Quotes about the devil speak of fear of the dark side of sin, of the fear of succumbing to fear or base feelings and negative emotions.

Sometimes it seems that people with their sophisticated cruelty would surpass the devil himself.

For example, I do not believe in the devil. There are a great many people who are capable of dealing with its functions (Joan Harris).

Lucifer’s personality has emerged through the millennia as a vicious and cruel demon, but humanity observes its deeds only through human actions and deeds. The question arises: either a person does this of his own free will, or each person is a puppet in the hands of the devil.

Each of us is a devil to each other. And we make this world hell (Oscar Wilde).

Devil and love

Quotes about the devil are steadily close when it comes to love and passion. The expressions "devilish love", "devilish passion" do not scare people. Neither man nor woman. In such cases, the devil is referred to as a “fiery” metaphor, announcing strong feelings and “crazy” attraction.

If a woman characterizes a man as a “devil”, not fear but the playful lights of excitement will appear in her eyes. The same applies to women: "demon", "devil." Hearing such an expression, everyone has a sort of “vamp woman” in front of his eyes. Indomitable in love passion and very attractive.

Victor Hugo said:

God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil - pretty.

And most thinkers will agree with him. This thought is not uncommon.

If a woman is young, rich, beautiful, and even smart, she is most likely a devil.

Love and the devil are inseparable concepts for many lovers. Experiencing passionate torment, love torment and unrequited feelings, a man calls a love impulse no other than "the fiend of hell." Quotes about the devil and love confirm emotional experiences. This feeling does not bring pleasure and happiness. It torments the lover from within.

Soul as a gift to Satan

Experiencing life or love troubles, a person is ready to make any sacrifices if only the long-awaited lighthouse appears on his way. In one of the songs, a line of desperate romance is sung:

I’ll sell the soul to the devil over night with you ...

Indeed, quotes about the soul of the devil are firmly entrenched in the heads of many people. They are not afraid of the "fiery hyena" and other hellish torments, if only to experience heavenly pleasure on this earth. Such thoughts push a person to desperate acts that do not bring the desired reassurance, but only exacerbate the situation.

sold my soul

To the side of the world

Negative actions and self-flagellation will never bring to good. There are light and dark sides in each person, and it is extremely important in difficult moments to seek support in wisdom and kindness.

Do not sell your soul to the devil - God will give more for her (Zharko Petan).

Quotes about the devil prompt a person to reconsider their own views on life and the internal state of the soul. Do not blame the "invisible demon" for all the troubles and personal flaws. Exile "your demons", turning them into angels of good, love and mercy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5653/

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