Homeland of hibiscus. Chinese rose, or hibiscus: description, photo, features of growing, signs

Hibiscus is one of the best flowers to grow at home. Its main advantages are:

  • exotic look;
  • moderate requirements for conditions of detention;
  • bright flowers.

Thanks to this, he began to enjoy great popularity. However, at home, many different signs and beliefs are associated with it. In particular, the Chinese claim that hibiscus is the flower of death.

Plant feature

Hibiscus, which grows in natural conditions, belongs to evergreen shrubs that reach a height of 4.5 m. The bark of the shoots and trunk has a black or brownish tint. The apartments are mainly grown Chinese rose (or hibiscus), the care of which is quite simple. At the same time, the tree has a height of only 50 cm to 2 m. People really like this plant for its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance.

homeland of hibiscus
Luxurious flowers are short-lived. Literally the day after they have blossomed, they begin to fade, but instead, new buds begin to bloom.

Hibiscuses are interesting to flower growers not only for their flowers, but also for variegated leaves. There are also quite original variegated varieties, but their flowering is not so luxurious. This plant is relatively hardy, as it can easily tolerate a lack of light, excessive amounts of water, cold, lack of moisture and fertilizers. Nevertheless, all this negatively affects the plant. It will not bloom, but it will not perish.

Homeland flower

The birthplace of hibiscus is considered to be South China, for this reason it is called the Chinese rose. In addition, the plant is quite common in Polynesia and Western India. Africa and America can be considered the birthplace of hibiscus, as some species grow on this continent. In Malaysia, the flower is considered national, since its buds represent the feminine.

At the end of the 18th century, the flower was first brought to Europe, and a little later to Russia, where many flower growers immediately fell in love for its special beauty. If you arrange the right growing conditions, then this flower will delight with its abundant flowering for six months.

hibiscus plant homeland

Not only in its homeland, the hibiscus plant is very popular, but also in many other countries. On the islands of the Pacific Ocean, it serves as a decoration for the hairstyles of local girls. This flower is one of the national plants of Malaysia.

At home, hibiscus belongs to the element of Fire. According to Feng Shui, the flower helps strengthen the marriage and establish business. Blooming hibiscus helps fill the house with special energy and cope with stress and depression.

Until recently, natural dye was made from hibiscus flowers in China, its leaves and stems were used to make ropes and ropes, and the healing properties are mentioned in treatises of traditional medicine.

Interesting legends and beliefs

Hibiscus has gained great popularity due to its useful qualities. In India, there is a legend about the origin of Hibiscus tea. Exhausted by a long, expensive traveler, he made a fire, set up a pot of water and began to pray to the gods for help. After that, flowers fell into the water, staining it in a ruby-bloody color. The wanderer was not afraid to drink this unusual drink and felt his strength gradually begin to return to him.

Leaving the area, the traveler took with him several wonderful flowers. He handed them to the inhabitants of those villages that passed, talking about the extraordinary qualities of this drink. Many years passed, and the glory of Hibiscus tea spread throughout the world.

hibiscus flower of death
Many people wonder whether it is possible to keep a Chinese rose at home. The signs relating to this plant, there are very different. Some believe that a flower brings misfortune to a person and his house, while others say that it helps to build relationships in the family and improve the microclimate.

In China, there is a belief that hibiscus is a flower of death. Recently, it is believed that the Chinese rose is able to attract death to the house. It is believed that if the plant begins to bloom suddenly, then someone from those who live in the house will soon die. If the flower begins to sharply drop the foliage, then someone living will become seriously ill or a misfortune will happen in the family. However, this opinion is completely wrong, on the contrary, the plant is considered healing and is used to treat many diseases.

Varieties of hibiscus

In the homeland of hibiscus, many species of this plant grow, the most popular of which is Hibiscus. Studies of the flower confirmed that this is a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Perhaps this makes him popular, and each country is trying to appropriate its origin.

In Sudan, this plant has been grown on huge plantations for several centuries. In the natural environment, its height can reach 5 m, and with home cultivation - no more than 2 m. It is worth noting that the indoor plant is unsuitable for making tea, but in terms of decorative qualities it has no equal. Other types of hibiscus can be distinguished:

  • musky;
  • blue hibiscus;
  • lipoid;
  • terry yellow;
  • Hawaiian;
  • variegated;
  • royal.

Musk hibiscus is one of the most interesting varieties. Unlike many hibiscus, many people cannot make tea from it. But it is believed that its aroma is able to increase potency. This blooming hibiscus looks very beautiful and elegant. Among its main features are the following:

  • plant height no more than 2 m;
  • leaves are wide, densely covered with hairs;
  • seed capsules are covered with hairs;
  • flowers are rich yellow.

The seeds of this plant are widely used for the manufacture of perfumes and various cosmetics. The oil of this plant helps to normalize digestion, relieve itching and remove bad breath.

hibiscus home care photo
Blue hibiscus will help add some exotic to your home interior. This variety has quite large flowers of expressive blue color, somewhat omitted. The blue flower growing along with other species of hibiscus looks very beautiful.

The most unusual member of the family is the lip-shaped hibiscus, which is a tree that, depending on where it grows, can reach about 7 m in height. It got its name due to its similarity with linden. Spreading branches with large leaves and flowers of a chameleon. During the day they are yellow, and at night they change their shade to red. It is quite possible to use flowers of this variety also for medical purposes, namely:

  • copes with bronchitis;
  • helps in the treatment of tonsillitis;
  • heals wounds and abscesses.

If you grow hibiscus from seeds, then you can bring other varieties, up to terry. Terry varieties are quite common, regardless of variety.

Royal hibiscus is a flower with soft waves, its petals are painted in a spiral. And his palette is characterized by the fact that it combines several different shades at once.

Growing conditions

At home, the hibiscus plant belongs to the decorative flowers that are grown on flower beds or even entire plantations. However, it is quite possible to grow it at home, most importantly, to organize optimal conditions for its growth. Many say that this is a very beautiful plant, which can be seen by looking at the photo of hibiscus. Home care is not too complicated, the most important thing is to create optimal conditions.

One of the most basic requirements is lighting. The plant is photophilous, but prefers diffused and bright light. If the lighting is not good enough, then it is impossible to achieve flowering, but direct sunlight can burn the leaves. When grown indoors, the flower pot should be placed on well-lit windows. In winter, it is necessary to additionally create artificial lighting, since if there is not enough light, the shoots will elongate sharply, become weak and thin, which will adversely affect the appearance of the flower.

hibiscus red
The optimal temperature for growing hibiscus will be an indicator of twenty - twenty-five degrees. In winter, you need to make sure that the surrounding temperature does not fall below 10 degrees, as the plant will drop leaves. With dry and hot air, the foliage becomes too sensitive to spraying, which is why it must be carried out in the early morning or immediately after sunset.

Under well-organized growing conditions, the plant looks simply luxurious, which is clearly visible in the photo of the hibiscus. Home care for it implies proper watering. Its mode is chosen depending on what kind of plant the plant belongs to. For shrubs and trees, watering should be moderate, that is, so that the soil surface in the pot has time to dry out a little, but for grassy and marshy species, the soil should be well moistened all the time.

The plant practically does not need additional humidification of air and tolerates even severe dryness well. However, periodically, the crown with glossy leaves should be rinsed with warm water.

Red hibiscus is quite calmly tolerates even strong pruning, which allows you to create a beautiful volumetric crown and slightly suspend the excessive growth of shoots. It must be carried out in spring or autumn, even before the formation of flower buds.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizers intended for flowering indoor plants. Nutrient mixtures containing no nitrogen are well suited. In winter, the plant does not need fertilizing.

Plant transplant

During the first 5 years of growth, the Chinese rose requires daily transplantation, and adult plants are transplanted every 3-4 years as the root system grows. The soil should consist of leaf, humus and sod land. Sand must be added to the ground. Transplantation is carried out in early spring.

Before transplanting, you need to trim part of the root system. The branches of the plant require pruning, so immediately after transplanting, they need to be shortened by about a third. All this will allow you to form a beautiful crown, which will certainly please with abundant flowering. After the transplant, the plant needs to be transferred to a lighted place and well watered.

How does reproduction occur?

Hibiscus can be planted with seeds or cuttings, so growing a plant on your own will not be difficult. Many people prefer to propagate the flower with cuttings.

To do this, cut a small twig from the very top of an adult plant. It is desirable that the stalk has 2-3 leaves. Then you need to prepare the soil mixture by mixing peat and sand in equal parts. The pot must be selected small in size, but deep, as the root system develops very quickly.

hibiscus species
It is imperative to use drainage, which is laid on the bottom of the pot with a layer of 2 cm, then fill the pot with soil by a third, place the stalk and fill up the remaining soil. To make the plant take root faster, it should be covered with a glass jar, thereby creating a greenhouse effect.

You need to water the planted stalk every 3-4 days, just pouring water into the pan. The flower will determine how much fluid it needs. As soon as at least 1 leaf appears on the plant, the jar can be removed.

The stem can be rooted in another way. To do this, cut a twig, put it in a container with purified water, after adding a product to the water that promotes the rapid formation of roots. After a lot of thick roots appear, you can transplant the flower into the ground.

Possible difficulties growing

There may be some difficulties with growing a plant. If buds are formed, but do not open, but buds fall on hibiscus, this means that he lacks nutrients, the soil is very dry, not enough good watering, and also low air temperature.

Many people wonder why hibiscus turns yellow and leaves quickly fall off. This can be due to the fact that the water for irrigation contains a lot of calcium and chlorine, plus iron and nitrogen are not supplied enough. In addition, the leaves begin to turn yellow upon hypothermia, excessive watering, and dry air in the room.

In low light, dark pink spots may form on the leaves. When the soil is hypothermic, the root system begins to die, and with a lack of moisture, the leaves lower, begin to wither and wither. All this must be taken into account when growing a plant so that it pleases with its lush foliage and bright flowering.


Hibiscus diseases develop mainly as a result of improper care. Yellowing leaves without falling off may be due to chlorosis. This disease occurs as a result of watering a plant with very hard water. Falling of the lower leaves can be associated with diseases of the root system that develop as a result of the latter being in the swampy soil.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a flower disease, he definitely needs to ensure proper care. It is worth noting that no particularly dangerous diseases threaten hibiscus in the least.

Flower pests

Hibiscus can be attacked by various pests, so caring for a Chinese rose should be special. This plant is often affected by a spider mite, which is a small insect that is difficult to detect. This red spider is located mainly on the bottom of the leaves and entangles them with a cobweb. It is especially dangerous for hibiscus, which grows outdoors or in too dry a room. At the very first signs of a spider mite lesion, you need to treat the flower with a soapy solution or use special tools.

Chinese rose or hibiscus care
Often there is aphid that settles on still unopened buds and young shoots. This insect breeds very quickly, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate it. If the plant aphids are affected, it must be sprayed with a sulfate-containing solution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5654/

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