What is Advance RP? Server Admin Commands

GTA: San Andreas is one of the parts of the legendary series of games that many fans consider the best even after the release of GTA 5. In many ways, the reason for this is its revolution, since it was here that the players got incredible opportunities that they did not have in any project of this kind before. However, it is also worth noting that the game was able to maintain its popularity for such a long period of time not because of this. The reason lies in the simple abbreviation "SAMP". It stands for "San Andreas Multiplayer", that is, it is a multiplayer mode that allows you to team up with other gamers and play out what is happening in the city of San Andreas online. Thanks to this mode, the project’s popularity has been preserved for such a long time.

The main and most popular mode of the multiplayer aspect of the game is RP, that is, role-playing game. Here, gamers play their roles within a specific server, while following a large number of prescribed rules, which are monitored by administrators. This article will focus on admin teams, not just on any server, but specifically on Advance RP, whose teams are divided into exactly five levels to make it easier to delegate authority.

What it is?

advance team rp

So, you now have an idea of ​​what RP is in the game "GTA: SAMP", but what is "Advance RP"? It turns out that this is one of the many projects providing players with functional servers, competent rules and adequate control. This means that on the Advance RP servers, the admin teams are the most clear and adequate. It is about them that will be discussed later in the article. You will learn what authority the administration receives and what responsible persons of one level or another can do. The Advance RP teams, as mentioned above, are divided into five levels, and then you can consider each of them separately.

First level

advance rp teams

At the first level, the administrations of the Advance RP team are fairly basic and simple. They do not give much freedom of action, but nevertheless endow with some means of control. For example, you can use the / sp command to call up the dashboard for players on the server. In addition, you can view information about each player and his equipment with the / team command, and the / stats combination will allow you to view statistics of a participant located in the north. Naturally, the Advance RP teams are not limited to the first level, so you will have to familiarize yourself with the opportunities that administrators of a higher order get.

Second level

Admins Advance RP teams

Naturally, the teams of Advance RP administrators of the second level are different from those that can use the administrators of the first level. Of course, higher level administrators can use all the commands that lower level administrators use, but they have a number of combinations that are more advanced. For example, the / get command allows you to find out absolutely all the information about a specific player’s account, and with / kick you can kick any player off the server if his behavior does not comply with the rules. Just remember that kick is not a ban, so the player can return at any time. Also, for example, you can silence any player by prohibiting him from writing in the chat and thereby cutting off his path to playing the role. This is done using the / mute command, but you should also be aware of the existence of the / unmute command, which returns the player the right to write in the chat. As you can see, the teams in “SAMP” in “Advance RP” are very diverse, so you will have something to work with.

Third level

teams samp advance rp

As for the third level, here the teams of “SAMP” admins in “Advance RP” become much more diverse. If at the first level you had the opportunity to use only six admin commands, then at the second level the number of teams increased to 12. And at the third level, you already have 25 commands. And the most important of them, of course, is / ban, which allows you to ban players, that is, not just throw them from the server, but also prohibit them from returning. In addition, you still have a sea of ​​opportunities such as teleporting to your home or business (/ house or / biz), taking control of your business (/ inter), viewing the IP address of any player (/ ip) and so on. Particular attention should be paid to the commands / jail and / unjail, which allow you to imprison any player, as well as release him from prison.

Fourth level

Admin teams samp advance rp

As you may have noticed, the number of commands available to the administrator increases significantly with increasing level. And at the fourth level, you can already use 40 teams, so almost all the functionality will be available to you. What gives you this level? First, you can use the / rban command, which allows you to ban players by IP address. Also, only fourth level admins can ban and unblock players. As you recall, third-level admins can only send players to the ban, but they cannot return them from there.

Also, the administrator of this level has a large number of powerful game teams that allow you to create a car from the void, set the specific weather on the street, set the player’s health indicator to a certain level and much more. It would seem that what else could be better? What other teams can the fifth level admin use? It's time to find out.

Fifth level

The fifth level of administration in the game is distinguished by the fact that it allows you to use the server restart command / gmx, delete the player’s account / delacc, and issue leadership / makeleader. Naturally, only fifth-level admins can use the / arang command to raise or lower the level of other administrators.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F567/

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