Youth Palace in Ryazan - a place where it is always fun and interesting

Ryazan is one of the largest cities in Russia. More than half a million people live here. The city has a large number of entertainment centers, cinemas and other cultural institutions. Problems, what to do with yourself and where to go in your free time usually do not arise here. One of the largest city leisure facilities is the Youth Palace. In Ryazan, both adults and children know about him. It is always unusually interesting and fun here. Today we will tell you about this institution.

youth palace ryazan address

Youth Palace in Ryazan: features

Other places are located in the city, but for some reason this is very popular among many people. Let's see how the Palace of Youth attracts the special attention of citizens. We list the most basic reasons.

  • Here are the most interesting and spectacular concerts and competitions, as well as other events.
  • A large number of the most diverse and interesting circles work in the Youth Palace. Next, we will give you information about some of them.
  • Love improvisation and funny jokes? In the Youth Palace in Ryazan, various KVNs are held with the participation of teams from different cities.
  • If you want to watch the most exciting New Year's shows for children and adults, then you just need to come here.

youth palace ryazan

Youth Palace of Ryazan

It is no coincidence that this place is the most beloved and popular among residents. In front of the Youth Palace in Ryazan there is a square in which trees and beautiful flowers grow. In the warm season, you can take a walk or sit on a bench listening to the birds singing. What is the Youth Palace in Ryazan itself? This is a large venue for the most interesting mass events, performances of city and Russian pop stars, as well as all kinds of circles and sections. We will talk about them further.

Mugs and sections

Many residents of the city come here themselves or bring their children to do their favorite thing and physical self-improvement. We offer you information about the most popular sections and circles:

  • "Banzai." Here children from 5 to 18 years are engaged. Let's see what is included in the curriculum: dancing, gymnastics, yoga, acting. Classes are conducted by experienced instructors who do everything to reveal and improve the abilities of students.
  • Musical rhythm and impeccable mastery of one’s body will be taught in the evening dance ensemble. If you need individual consultations and classes, the trainer will select the necessary program.
  • "Star Workshop" will help to reveal creative potential and learn to speak in front of the audience.
  • Teachers of the studio "Colorful World" will not only teach you how to draw your children, but also help them improve their professional skills.

Ryazan youth palace

Helpful information

We think that many people will be interested to know where the Youth Palace in Ryazan is located. The address is unusually easy to remember - the area of ​​the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, 1. It will be interesting to know the opening hours of this institution. For visitors, the Youth Palace in Ryazan opens its doors at 10.00, and closes at 19.00. This cultural institution works without days off.


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