Sweet cherry Bryanochka: variety description, photos, reviews

Bryanochka sweet cherry, the description of which can be found in this article, is a favorite variety of many gardeners. It is ideal for making compote and preserves, jam and juice, and you can also enjoy fresh berries, as it has a wonderful sweet taste. Still not as finicky as other types of cherries, Bryanochka. A description of the variety, reviews, agricultural practices and other useful information for gardeners is in our publication.


Bryanochka was bred by crossing two varieties. It is red dense and 8-14. The orienteer is the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine, and the author of the creation of the species was M.V. Kanyshina, an agronomist known throughout Russia. Thanks to the labors of this woman, gardeners received many new varieties of pears, cherries, apples, plums. In the state trials of cherry Bryanochka appeared in 2006. Since then, many lovers of fruit trees managed to plant it on their plots.

sweet cherry

Sweet cherry Bryanochka: description, photo of a tree

The tree of this variety is medium tall, grows up to 3.5 meters. It comes into bearing in the fifth year of life. The fruits ripen late. The first berries can be enjoyed at the end of July.

Crohn is quite rare, has an oval-rounded shape. The branches are spreading moderately, have a small amount of foliage, which is good for berries - sunlight comes in better. The sheets are rather large, oval, strongly pointed at the end and base of the petiole, the edges are serrated. In spring, the tree is covered with inflorescences, and each has three flowers. They are pure white, have five not touching petals. Pestles are located on the same level with anthers or slightly higher.

For fruiting Bryanochka needs pollinators, the ideal varieties will be Iput, Tyutchevka and Veda. Trees must be planted in one year, so that the fruits appear at the same time.


Description of fruit and taste

The color of ripe fruits, their pulp and juice is bright red. Berries have an average weight of four and a half grams, and the maximum is slightly above seven. The shape of the fetus is wide, heart-shaped: the tip is pointed and the base flattened.

The pulp is dense, but very juicy, sweet. Inside there is an oval bone, it is not large, and its weight is a little more than six percent of the weight of the entire fetus.

Sweet cherry Bryanochka, the description of the variety of which is made in our article, has beautiful berries. They are very tasty, and got a tasting score of 4.7. If we consider the composition in more detail, the values ​​will be as follows:

  • solids - 17.8%;
  • sugar - 11.7%;
  • acids - 0.24%;
  • ascorbic acid - 15.6 mg per 100 grams.

The fruiting is average, it is possible to collect about 93 centners per hectare, in the absence of frost during the flowering period (freezing of pestles at -3 degrees can be 76%) - and up to 308 centners.

cherry cherries description

Planting time

In areas where the climate is warm and mild, seedlings are planted in the fall, a few weeks before the soil freezes. In the northern regions, where severe winters are rampant, it is necessary to wait for spring, and have time to immerse the stalk in the ground, while the buds are not swollen.

Variety of cherries Bryanochka, like other varieties, will grow well and bear fruit on slopes where moisture does not stagnate and groundwater is deep. For planting, southern, southwestern and southeastern sites are selected. They should be well warmed up and shined with sunshine, be protected from the north and east winds.

Sand, peat or clay soil is the worst thing you can give cherries. She prefers to take root in fertile loam or in sandy loamy lands.

For a good harvest, cross-pollination is necessary, therefore, Bryanochka cherry is planted together with several varieties (2-3) of suitable pollinators or any cherries whose flowering coincides with cherry.

sweet cherry cherries description of the variety

Autumn landing

So that the tree planted in autumn feels comfortable throughout the winter and its roots do not freeze, it is necessary to prepare the soil in three weeks. To do this, the landing site is carefully dug up, all the clods are broken up, and for each square meter of the site, 180 grams of superphosphate, 10 kilograms of compost, 100 grams of potassium fertilizer are added. You can also use fertilizers specially designed for cherries and cherries, the calculation is simpler: 200 grams per square meter.

If you notice that plantain, sorrel or sour acid grow comfortably in your area, then the soil is very acidified. It is necessary to lime it, otherwise Bryanochka cherry (photo is in the article) will not be able to take root and in the spring is unlikely to please foliage. For heavy loam, a lot of lime will be required, from 600 to 800 grams per meter squared. If you have sandy loam, then only 400-500 grams per meter. Lime should be taken a week before tillage, since the simultaneous application of this component and fertilizers is unacceptable.

A pit for planting cherries is prepared in two weeks. It should be dug 0.6 meters deep, and 0.8 meters wide. When excavating, sort the soil, discard the upper fertile one way, and the lower (empty) the other. After this, mix fertile with compost, superphosphate (200 grams), ash (0.5 kg) and potassium sulfur (60 grams). Refuse to make nitrogen fertilizers, as they can burn the roots of the seedling. A stake is driven into the center of the resulting pit. Its height should be such that half a meter remains outside. Now take a little prepared fertile soil and lay it in a heap around the peg, sprinkle the same barren layer on top, rinse, water and leave for two weeks.

sweet cherry cheesecake reviews

Choosing the right planting material

In order for Bryanochka cherry to take root, grow and bear fruit, it is necessary to choose the strongest, most beautiful cuttings. Arriving at the store, do not buy the first seedling you like, carefully inspect it. On the trunk of a one-year or two-year-old shank there should be a visible trace from the vaccine done. If there is one, then this is definitely a varietal plant.

The advantage of the handle will be a large number of branches, it will be easier to form a crown. But most of all, inspect the conductor: it must be strong and healthy, otherwise competitors may appear in the form of strong branches. Do not buy a seedling with two conductors (trunks), otherwise, at the time of active growth or fruiting, the tree may break between them, and this will lead to its death.

Of course, the roots should not be damaged or dry. For transportation, they are wrapped in a damp cloth, and then in polyethylene. If there are leaves, then remove them, they take away the strength and moisture from the seedling.

cherry bryanochka photo


Before planting, inspect the roots again, remove those that make you doubtful about life, and everything that will not fit into the prepared hole. After this, the roots are dipped in water for two hours. If the roots are dried, then it is necessary to soak them for at least ten hours. Before liming, if liming has taken place, dip the roots in clay or mud pulp so that they are not burnt.

Place the seedling in the pit, spreading the roots on a mound of land that you poured two weeks ago. After this, pour a layer of the soil that was below, tamp, pour a bucket of water. Now fill the fertile soil with a seedling so that the root neck sticks out five inches above the ground. Tamped well, again pour the same amount of water.

Around the trunk, at a distance of 30 centimeters, dig a trench five centimeters deep. Inside the circle there will be a place for watering, when the earth settles over time, you will need to pour a little so that the roots do not open.

If you decide to plant several cherries at once, then the distance between plantings should be at least five meters. Cherry Bryanochka, although a medium-sized tree, is still quite large, and it has enough space for growth and development.

cherry bryanochka photo description

Planted in spring

The pit is prepared according to the same scheme that is prescribed above, and also in the fall. When the snow has melted and the soil has settled a little, apply mineral fertilizers, including nitrogen fertilizers, which are prohibited during autumn planting. After a week, you can plant a seedling. After the work done, the soil is mulched with humus or peat.


In the spring, it is necessary to remove all damaged and frostbitten branches, cut the slices with garden var. When the air warms up to +18 degrees, spraying from pests and diseases is carried out. Those fertilizers that were planted during planting β€œwork” for three years, after this time Bryanochka will need minerals.

In summer, around a tree, it is necessary to loosen the soil in depth by ten centimeters. Watering Bryanochka in the absence of sufficient rainfall is necessary up to five times per season. If signs of the disease appear, do not hesitate in processing so that the crop does not suffer. In summer, do not forget about the necessary thinning, remove new shoots, broken branches.

In the fall, apply funds under the roots that fight pests that decide to winter in the roots of the tree. Whitewash the stems and bases of the skeletal branches at the end of October.

Getting ready for winter

Cherry Bryanochka is a very winter-hardy variety, and an adult tree tolerates frosts perfectly. However, if a seedling is under three years old, then it is necessary to protect it. To do this, wrap it with lapnik or a simple burlap. In such a "fur coat" the cherry will be warm and cozy, it will survive the winter without frostbite. Never use lutrasil and other non-natural materials to shelter, trees under them can mate, and this will lead to decay.


Cherry Bryanochka is very resistant to many diseases that affect most varieties. It is rarely affected by diseases such as kleasterosporiosis, coccomycosis and moniliosis. In order not to put your beauty at risk, prune the branches before saping starts, and be sure to treat all wounds with garden varieties.

Sweet cherry varieties Bryanochka: reviews gardeners

This cherry appeared relatively recently, but immediately fell in love with people. It is praised for its frost resistance, because many varieties cannot be grown in the northern regions, or they do not bear fruit well. For its delicious fruits, Bryanochka cherries also fell in love. Reviews of gardeners confirm a rich, pleasant, sweet taste. They write that the berries are very juicy, and are ideal for winter harvesting. It is also frozen to feast on in the winter. In the comments it is written that the jam is fragrant, the bones are easily removed for their preparation. More juice is obtained from the same number of berries that was taken from another variety. Less sugar is required, because the fruits are already quite sweet.

They write about planting and care that the tree is not picky, but you still need to take care of it, like any other sweet cherry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5690/

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