Educational toy "Noah's Ark" Kiddieland with sound: photos, reviews

From the age of one to six years, the child actively masters the world, and the toy “Noah's Ark” (Kiddieland) with many functions helps him in this.

Hong Kong manufacturer

Kiddieland is headquartered in Hong Kong and has branches around the world. The company has been manufacturing educational toys for more than 17 years, and during this time a huge number of children managed to get the necessary recognition, counting and sorting skills.

Toy Noah's Ark Kiddieland

Toys from this manufacturer are so recognizable because they use the appearance of Disney characters. For this, Kiddieland has an international license. These toys are international, they are loved in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. A child of any nation understands the universal language of colors, colors and sounds of this company. Children around the world develop their vision, hearing and coordination through these toys. Compliance with international safety standards makes products useful for children of different social strata. One of the great new products is the Noah's Ark toy.

Kiddieland produces toys in different languages ​​for different countries, but the sounds of nature and the voices of animals sound the same everywhere. The voices of animals make children aware of the danger of wild animals, but they are muffled so that the children do not have a sense of fear.

Bible motives

The parable of Noah's Ark refers us to the Bible. A young child for whom the toy is intended cannot, due to age, recognize a religious motive. However, encountering religion later, the child will begin to perceive the spiritual life as something tangible and understandable.

According to legend, God ordered Noah to build an ark to save his family from the Flood. In order for life on Earth to continue, it was necessary to take “every creature in a pair” onto the ship, as well as food supplies. When everything was ready, the ark was closed, the flood began, and the ship sailed along the waves among the storms of 40 days and nights. Then everything unclean on Earth died, the ark opened, and life began again. Toy "Noah's Ark" (Kiddieland) is selected so that you can see representatives of different animals.

In a playful way, children are taught the lessons of goodness and world order. The sound repeats what the child can see in real life: the sound of heavy rain, the sounds of water, the sound of a tiger and the voice of a good captain.

Double deck ship

The ark is made in the form of a two-deck ship, on which there is Noah, animals, baskets with vegetables and fish, a steering wheel and piano keys. Under the bottom there are 4 wheels on which the toy "Noah's Ark" (Kiddieland) travels on a flat surface, simulating the pitching among the waves. The wheels rustle so that it is very similar to the sound of water. Simple and clear sounds attract children.

toy kiddieland noah's ark with sound

The captain is the old man Noah, he has a gray beard and mustache. When you turn the helm you can hear the peal of thunder and the sound of heavy rain, the ringing of a bell, as well as a song that says "the coast awaits us, the earth awaits us." Noah knows where he is swimming. A confident male voice sings that "the sky will give a rainbow."

On the bow of the ship there is a hole for the rope, the ship can be rolled or dragged along. Wheels crack, a gong sounds, the story begins.

Upper deck

Pets live on it, and the piano keys are located on the side. The kid can at any time pick up a melody by sound or come up with his own. The animals on the upper deck are glossy, this helps to distinguish oh from wild even by touch. The pet figures are smooth, and the wild ones are rough and rough.

Kiddieland Noah's Ark Educational Toy

Toy Kiddieland "Noah's Ark" with a sound, each animal has its own song. On the upper deck there lives a sheep, a horse, a pig and a cow. All animals speak Russian. A female voice voices a sheep, a pig and a cow, and a male voice a horse. Poems are short and simple, easy to remember, they are funny and kind. A pig, for example, is therefore called a pig, because it has a "dirty belly." Horse "can ride the kids, can plow the field." Each animal has its own melody.

Lower deck

The inhabitants of the lower deck are wild animals. Here is the place of the monkey, lion, tiger, elephant and giraffe. Moreover, a lion, a tiger, an elephant and a monkey are placed under the roof, and a giraffe with its long neck can only be on the open deck. The Noah's Ark - a Kiddieland toy - has a place for every animal, there is a notch in the decks for this. First, you need to find the animal its place and insert it into the recess. If the place is found correctly, then you can click on the animal, and it will tell about itself to pleasant music. “The mischievous monkey ate all the bananas at once,” and the “big cat” the lion growls menacingly and asks not to play with him pretense - he has fangs.

By placing animals on the deck, the child saves the animals from the flood. To hear the sounds of rain and thunder, you need to turn the helm.

Noah's ark toy kiddieland reviews

Each animal is on a stand, all stands are of different shapes. This is a sorter teaching a child to choose a form. The "terrible and mustachioed" tiger growls viciously, but it is immediately clear that in fact he is kind, because he is "like a striped vest."

Special animals

Children determine the names of animals at once, the design team of the manufacturer Kiddieland is working on this. The developing toy "Noah's Ark" is made in the form of stylizations for a recognizable image. The elephant raised a powerful trunk, he is "a champion by weight", but you should not be afraid of him, he "crunches with delicious leaves." An elephant roars, like a living one, only a little quieter.

educational toy Kiddieland Noah's ark with sound

A giraffe can only fit under a canopy: a long neck interferes. He was very tired because "he got the top leaf." The proportions of the animal bodies make it clear how the animals actually look. Feeling each beast and playing with it, the child easily recognizes them in a book or zoo. The coloring of the animal also helps in recognition: the monkey is brown, the pig is pink, the cow is white, and the lion is orange.

What animals eat

The ark carries "a real garden, corn and cabbage" - all that animals eat. “Tomatoes and salad” are useful for animals. There is also a basket of fish on the ship, but it is a pity, so the fish "must be released into the sea." The development toy Kiddieland Noah's Ark with sound is completely safe, parts cannot be swallowed, placed in the nose or ear.

Around the characters there is a whole fairy tale or an entertaining story. The child learns to understand the purpose of animals, their benefits to humans. Playing with the child, you can tell him everything that the parent considers it necessary to inform. If the parents do not have time, then the song of each animal will report on how this animal helps the person.

Clock and Chicken

The side parts of the case also did not go idle: a clock hangs above Noah, in which the hands move. A chicken is attached to the opposite side of the body, which makes funny sounds. And do not forget about the helm: at different turns you can hear the sound of pouring water and a real ship gong.

The hands on the clock move - you can teach your child to recognize time and its designation on the dial. An anchor and a life buoy also teach the child the rules of navigation.

Noah's ark toy kiddieland reviews

A lot of new knowledge and impressions are given to children by the Noah's Ark - the Kiddieland toy. The parents' reviews are unequivocal: the boat and its inhabitants can occupy the baby for a long time. Not only do all animals need to find their place, but you can still play with each separately. Singing and moving joyful boat is a pleasant and informative entertainment for preschool children. The toy can be offered to the company of children or to leave the child alone with it.

Open spaces of fantasy

The main thing that gives any child a toy is the stories that he invents. For a child, a toy and its story represent the same reality as everything that actually surrounds it. The toy becomes a full participant in children's life, an integral part of it.

Noah's Ark Toy Kiddieland Photo

In this sense, the Noah's Ark (Kiddieland toy) is unique. The photo shows how many characters are collected on one ship. The child thinks what is not: adventures and exploits, care and mercy, surging waves and his wonderful role as a savior. The child easily imagines himself in the place of Noah, learning to help others and take care of animals.

From animals you can make a whole zoo or distribute animals for their intended purpose. Traveling by ship can last as long as you like. At any time, you can return to this ancient history to add color or adventure to it.


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