What is the punishment for driving without insurance. What is the penalty for driving without insurance

Any driver knows that among other documents that you need to have with you when you are driving, there is an MTPL insurance policy. If he is not with him, the car owner is punished. In the article, we consider what penalty is provided for driving without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance.

what is the penalty for driving without insurance


As follows from the decryption, OSAGO is compulsory insurance, which means that the driver in any case must have this type of insurance. The policy includes liability insurance. It turns out that, by drawing up this agreement, the policyholder protects those people and their property who will suffer as a result of the accident in which he will be the culprit. Thanks to insurance, he does not have to independently compensate for the damage.

Studying the essence of OSAGO insurance, the driver should know what a Euro-protocol is, how and when it can be issued, a KBM, or a bonus-malus coefficient, and the basic rules for calculating it, as well as other important points. After all, how much he ultimately will pay depends on this.

It is also important to understand the offenses behind the wheel and the administrative sanctions that rely on them. For example, what is the penalty for driving without insurance?

fine for driving without insurance amount

Types of fines

OSAGO helps to resolve disputes in road accidents. The driver is entitled to a fine for driving, driving without insurance.

Situations are different. CTP can stay, for example, at home. Or it may be that the driver will forget about the date of insurance, and suddenly it turns out that he has expired. There are also car owners who generally go without a policy.

We consider each situation separately.

Policy stayed home

Current legislation provides for the requirement to have a CTP insurance document with you. Even if the policy was purchased through the Internet, the car owner must print it and carry it with him.

If a traffic police officer stopped you when you forgot your home insurance or did not print it, you will still be punished. What is the penalty for driving without insurance - the insurance policy? It is rare, but it happens that the inspector will take your word for it and you will get off with only an oral warning. Most often, the fine is 500 rubles. And then, it will be such only when you prove that you really have insurance. Otherwise, you will have to pay more.

what is the penalty for driving without insurance

If you can access the Internet from a mobile phone, go to your e-mail and show the policy from the insurance company sent to you. If this is not possible, then you have to go home for insurance.

The driver is not included in the CTP

Only persons who are included in the contract (if it is with a limited list of persons) are allowed to drive a motor vehicle. In the case when at the stop of the vehicle the traffic police officer at the wheel of a car was a person who is not on the list on the policy, the car owner will have to pay a fine for driving without insurance, the amount of which is 500 rubles.

However, if the car owner wants, he can challenge the decision of personal payment and try to shift the responsibility to the one who was driving.

Expired Insurance

In our country, the rules regarding vehicles change very often. Just a few years ago, drivers could re-arrange insurance for a whole month after the previous one expired. Today, this rule is abolished. And even if several hours have passed after the insurance has ceased to be valid, the driver cannot control his car. What is the penalty for driving without insurance? According to the current legislation, a fine of 800 rubles is imposed.

There is an accident, no policy

a fine for driving without insurance

Without a policy, a traffic accident can occur. In this case, no matter what the participant may be the offender, he will face the same penalty as punishment for driving without insurance is usually expected. Whether the driver without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is the culprit of the accident or the injured party, he will still have to pay a fine of 800 rubles.

If he is responsible for the accident, he will have to pay monetary compensation to the victim from his own funds. The traffic police officer arriving at the scene of the incident will necessarily record the fact that the driver does not have OSAGO. In order to calculate the losses incurred, an independent expert is invited.

Of course, in this situation, the most profitable option is to resolve the financial issue on the spot. If the aggrieved party agrees with the monetary compensation, then it is necessary to take a receipt that no claims will be made after revealing the hidden damages.

If the culprit has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, but the injured party does not have it, then the insurance company must pay. However, for the lack of insurance, he still has to pay.

Punishment (2014)

Until 2014, inspectors had the right to remove license plates from a car for driving without insurance or with an expired document. However, later it was decided to abandon such a measure, since copies of the numbers can be made as many as you like, and the punishment for such an offense was considered too serious.

Therefore, at present, the maximum that can be brought to the offender is a fine for driving without insurance. What is the penalty of the traffic police - we have already considered: 800 rubles.

Further mitigation of punishment (2016)

From the beginning of 2016, it was decided to go even further. The measure was taken not only in connection with the considered offenses, but also for other non-grave violations. If within 20 days after the fine is issued, pay it, then you will need to pay only half of the issued amount. What is the penalty for driving without insurance then?

  1. If a fine of 800 rubles is issued, then you can pay only 400 rubles.
  2. If a fine of 500 rubles is issued, then you can pay only 250 rubles.

Insurance process

fine for driving without insurance

So, in spite of the fact that the penalty for driving without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is small, care must be taken to arrange insurance in advance if possible. Currently, the changes have not bypassed this procedure. On the one hand, payments to policyholders increased, and on the other, insurers were forced to raise the cost of insurance. Moreover, during registration in the UK, additional services are often imposed, and very successfully. You should be aware that this is illegal, and any car owner has the right to complain about such actions in the Central Committee of the Russian Federation. More often than not, one such threat is enough for the agent to completely forget about the offer of additional services, since otherwise a considerable amount of the fine may await the insurance company.

what is the penalty for driving without insurance

Other changes related to the fact that a technical inspection of the car must be completed before insurance. All these nuances should be taken into account in order to be in time to conclude a new MTPL agreement. Then, although the answer to the question of what kind of penalty is provided for driving without insurance will be known, it will not be needed in practice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5701/

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