Red Book of the Vologda Oblast: rare animals and plants

The Red Book of the Vologda Oblast was founded on March 29, 2004 by a government decree. This was done in order to protect and remove animals and plants threatened with extinction and extinction from economic use in the region. Their species, subspecies and populations are monitored and developed measures for their restoration and conservation.

red book of the Vologda region

The Red Book of the Vologda Oblast is published at least once a decade. The sequence of publication and distribution is established by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the region in agreement with the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

What volumes consists of

The Red Book of the Vologda Oblast is divided into sections and groups of objects of the animal and plant world. It consists of several volumes:

  • Volume One - on territories that require special protection.
  • Volume Two - About Plants and Mushrooms.
  • Volume Three is about animals.

Each of them contains lists of species that have already disappeared and are still under threat. A dangerous reduction in the number or distribution, as well as deterioration in the living conditions of a rare type of animal, plant, bird, serve as the basis for entering it into the book and immediate adoption of measures for its restoration and protection. To date, only two volumes have been published: the second and third. Printing of the first volume is planned after the boundaries of protected areas are specified.


animals and plants of the red book of the Vologda region photo

The Red Book of the Vologda Oblast is a directory in which:

  • Plants and mushrooms - 294 species (bryophytes, vascular, algae, lichens, fungi).
  • Animals - 153 species (arthropods, mollusks, bone fish, lampreys, amphibians, reptiles, as well as mammals and birds).

Without fail, plants and animals that are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, namely those that live in the Vologda region, are listed in the Red Book of the region. There are only 45 such registered species. They are strictly monitored and, if necessary, protected.


Animals and plants of the Red Book of the Vologda Oblast, photographs of which can be seen on its pages, all without exception are listed by category. There are only five of them:

1. The type of creatures that are dying out and require surgical intervention to protect and restore them.

2. Vulnerable species that are declining in the Vologda Oblast.

3. Rare species.

4. Not defined by status.

5. The zero category. Already extinct species are recorded in it. You can’t meet them in nature, but the Red Book of the Vologda Oblast tells about them. Animals (photos are given in the article), birds, plants, insects, all kinds of mushrooms can, if desired, be studied in detail in the reference book.


Red Book of the Vologda Oblast animals photo

The fauna of the region is rich in various mammals, there are 48 species. Here is a far from complete list of animals listed in the Red Book: desman, bats (brown ushlan, ginger evening, small evening, pond night and others), forest lemmings, field voles, garden sleepyheads, and also reindeer.


The largest forest mammal is the bison. The mass of his body (mainly in males) reaches thousands of kilograms. The height of an adult is about two meters. The coat grows more on the front of the body than on the back. Color - brown-brown or gray-brown. The bison diet includes leaves, tree bark, young shoots. He moves quite easily and quickly, despite his powerful physique. A favorite activity of this large animal is riding in the mud, but it does not take mud baths, such as a wild boar. In the Vologda Oblast, bison appeared in 1991.

animals of the red book of the Vologda region


Also a large mammal is an elk. In the Vologda Oblast these animals can be found everywhere - near forest rivers, swamps and lakes, where there are many bushes and aspens. This beautiful animal weighing almost five hundred kilograms has a length of three meters and a height of two meters. You can recognize an elk by its powerful physique, short neck and large horns (in the male), as well as by strong legs. The coat of this animal is coarse, long and rather thick.

The Red Book includes a huge number of animals, and listing all is simply impossible. These animals die out due to human fault. It is we who create the environmentally polluted environment for their habitat. We cut down forests, dry rivers and lakes, hunt them.

Red Book of the Vologda Oblast: birds

On the pages of the guide you can see such birds as the red-throated and black-throated loons (these are migratory birds). They live in pairs in reservoirs and lakes, where there are a lot of fish. They build their nests almost at the very water, usually lay two eggs each. Both female and male hatch them. Where there are a large number of people, loons do not live. Recently, there have been fewer nests, they are no longer found in the usual places.

Red-necked, black-necked, and gray-cheeked grebes are also migratory birds. Settle only on the lakes. Several pairs nest on one lake. This is a rather rare species, and there is very little data on these birds. They feed only on fish and insects in large quantities.

red book of the Vologda region birds black stork

Also, the reference book includes large and small bitterns, black stork, geese, swans, ospreys, kites, eagles and golden eagles, quails and cranes. It even has larks and owls, hawks and blackbirds. Birds are the richest class of terrestrial vertebrate animals. There are 264 species in the Vologda Oblast. Sixty-one species of birds are listed in the Red Book.

Enviroment protection

The fauna of the Vologda Oblast is very rich and has its own characteristics. This is evidenced by its geographical location and climate. There is evidence that more than fifteen thousand invertebrate species and about five hundred vertebrate species live in the region. These are river and Japanese lamprey, Russian sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, Siberian vendace, comb newt, green toad, snakes and so on. Every year, the abundance indicators of these species are becoming smaller.

Everyone knows that our wildlife needs protection. All of humanity must take measures to restore it, otherwise the irreparable can happen.

Red Book of the Vologda Oblast: Plants

red book of the Vologda region plants

It so happened that a man had to dig up land in order to feed himself, cut down forests and build villages and cities, destroying rare plants of his land. The flora of the planet is very affected, as a result of which thousands of species of different plants are threatened with extinction. Every year the Red Book is replenished with more and more large species of herbs and trees. Examples of rare plants: venus slipper, Lungwort, tree juniper, cuckoo, helmet orchis, leafless chin, calypso bulbous. You can also note the medicinal plants listed in the Book, such as spring adonis, common oak, blackberry gray, bought medicinal, immortelle and others.

Instead of a conclusion

Summing up, we can say that absolutely all plants and animals of the Red Book of the Vologda Oblast need protection and restoration. And humanity needs to learn how to live near them, without causing them any harm, without polluting the lakes and rivers.


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