How to make dishes for a doll with your own hands? The best ideas for creativity

Dollhouse is one of the most beloved toys of girls of all ages. Today on sale you can find a variety of furniture and accessories for dolls of various sizes. And yet, many girls and mothers prefer to make many elements for arranging the home of their toy favorites with their own hands. How to make dishes for dolls at home?

Sculpt doll service

How to make dishes for a doll
One of the simplest and most budget-friendly ideas for filling a doll's kitchen is to mold everything you need from plasticine. This material has a low cost and is ideal for joint work with a child. How to make do-it-yourself dollware for dolls from plasticine? Practice on simple forms, let's blind a few plates first. Nip off a small piece from plasticine, roll a ball out of it and flatten it. The resulting pancake can be left flat, but if you need a deep plate - stretch the edges or stick the protruding border from the “sausage”. Cups and cups can be made by fashioning cylinders of a suitable size and squeezing the inner contour with a felt-tip pen of the desired diameter. A feature of plasticine is that even after drying in air, it partially retains its plasticity. The craft is easy to mash; when in contact with other objects, it can leave dirty marks. How to make dishes for a doll from plasticine so that you can play with it? Everything is quite simple: apply a couple of layers of any transparent varnish to the finished plates and mugs and dry them well.

Complex Cookware

How to make dishes for dolls
After practicing on plates and cups, you can begin to create more complex items in the form of kitchen utensils. You can mold a teapot out of plasticine, for this roll a ball and flatten the bottom a little for stability. Fashion and attach the spout, handle and cap. Try to make pots and pans - you can sculpt them on the same principle as deep "soup" plates. Don't know what else to mold kitchen utensils? Get inspired in your own kitchen. Try to make dishes for cakes, holiday salad bowls, a sugar bowl, and maybe even a real samovar. Some experienced craftswomen advise how to make the dishes for dolls more even. Choose a suitable shape (bottle cap, capsule from Kinder Surprise) and stick plasticine around it, and then stick handles and decorative elements.

Plasticine, polymer clay, salt dough

How to make do-it-yourself utensils for dolls
How to make dishes for a doll with your own hands? Of course, the easiest way to dazzle her. And yet, even varnished plasticine products remain quite fragile. You can try another mass for modeling, for example, polymer clay or plastic. If you know how to work with this material, special difficulties in the manufacture of dishes will not arise. Plastic definitely has advantages - after processing it becomes very durable, and you can play with ready-made figures without fear of damaging them. Some craftswomen prefer to sculpt from salt dough. The idea is not bad, but do not forget that this material is too soft, to learn how to make an accurate miniature out of it is not so simple.

How to make dishes for dolls from scrap material?

How to make do-it-yourself dishes for a Barbie doll
Many craftswomen, seriously keen on making puppet miniatures, admit that very soon they begin to examine every little thing prepared for throwing out with the question: “Is it possible to make something out of this for dolls?” And indeed, in fact, interesting and beautiful crafts can be made from the most banal, at first glance, objects. Lids from makeup tubes can turn into cups. From corks from bottles wonderful plates are obtained. Still wondering how to make the dishes for your Barbie doll with your own hands from junk material? Take a closer look at the dispensers for children's medicines, among them sometimes come across transparent glasses and even curly glasses-vases. All this is not difficult to paint or paste over with plasticine. And also handles for pots and pans can be bent from wire or thin strips of plastic. Do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment, and very soon you will be able to create your own master class on the topic: "How to make dishes for dolls with your own hands."


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