Do-it-yourself demobil albums

All the guys who served in the army know that everyone must always have a so-called demobilization album in memory of years of service. What is it, as well as how you can make a demobilization album with your own hands step by step - I want to talk about all this.

do-it-yourself demobil albums

Some rules

First of all, you need to figure out what exactly it is. So, the demobilization album is a kind of unofficial document about a soldier being in military service. And this is not just a thick notebook with pasted photos. The demobilization album itself can even be called a work of art, a certain book, so unique that the second one is simply not found. It is created for one person. You need to start making your demobilization album approximately 100 days before the order, i.e. three months before leaving the service. What can be useful for this? Cover is very important. For her, the old fashioned red velvet fabric. However, it was considered chic to make a cover of fabric that goes to the officer’s overcoat. Today you can also make from ordinary spotted khaki fabric. The pages themselves should be thick, made of cardboard. Often they, as before, are laid over with tracing paper so that photos do not stick together and drawings do not spoil. You can draw anything - pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, you can even use a pen or a simple pencil. A foil for gluing inscriptions will also be needed.

do-it-yourself debel album

Who is doing?

It is worth saying that not all soldiers make DIY albums with their own hands. Often they are asked to make people who write or paint beautifully. After all, the album should be not only memorable, but also pretty. Several people can be involved in this action, there is nothing wrong with that. However, it is better that they be service people, not civilians. Presenting a finished demobilization album with your own hands to your girlfriend’s beloved is not a good idea. It is also worth mentioning that, according to the unwritten rules of the employees, the most valuable album is the one to which the demobilization itself has not even touched. He at the end of the service is given as a gift. And as a reward, the fighters who created it may sometimes not go into outfits or sleep a little longer.

DIY do-it-yourself album

The most important thing

So, are there rules on how to create do-it-yourself-yourself demobil albums, what do you need to do? It is important to say that there are no rules in this matter. Only fantasy is needed. Also, in the beginning you need to decide what you want to see in the album and reproduce all this. So, do-it-yourself demobilization albums, can “tell” about life in the army (how it all began and how it ended), can simply describe the most memorable days, maybe even a kind of diary, a soldier’s dreams of an early return to civilian life. Here, each employee chooses for himself what he wants to see in the end.


Today you can, of course, buy a ready-made demo album and paste a few photos into it, as well as enter a couple of interesting stories. But it’s just not interesting. So, it’s best to do everything yourself from start to finish. Dembel albums, made with their own hands, are most often created from cardboard, their pages should be strong and normally hold what will be pasted on them. Previously, they are also varnished, and tracing paper is laid between the leaves. It is also worth mentioning that it is rather difficult to paint on varnish in a standard way, therefore toothbrushes and needles can be used to spray paint (today varnish is rarely covered with varnish, since designing an album in such a situation is a very difficult and laborious work). Also pages can be covered with silk ribbon. The album cover is covered with fabric, then chasing is applied to it. Everything is fastened in the old fashion, with large bolts.

do-it-yourself demobil album step by step

What could be in the album?

So what could be in the album? First of all, these are photographs. They are the ones who best talk about the hardships of army service. It is imperative to place them in chronological order, so it will be possible to view the entire path of a fighter from “spirit” to “grandfather”. However, it is worth saying that collecting photos about the service is not so easy. Indeed, they may, in addition to fighters, also display secret military installations or parts thereof, which is prohibited. Therefore, often the command of the units conducts searches with a search of personal items, so that such photos appear as little as possible. Also, the order of appeal may be placed on the first pages, and on demobilization on the last pages. Drawings that tell about the army service, various caricatures are also good. Also on the album are various songs, poems, phrases that became a soldier during his service. Well, a mandatory point is a special symbolism. For example, a self-made demobilization album (Airborne Forces) can be decorated with parachutes. It is also necessary to indicate the type of troops in which the soldier served, where this happened, how long it took.


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