Gifts of nature: forest champignon

The most popular type of mushrooms in our country are, of course, champignons. They are grown almost everywhere, and the delicate taste and aroma of this species is suitable for many culinary delights. But do you know that there is also forest champignon?

forest champignon
Since he is a rare guest in our forests, few people know about the existence and nutritional value of this representative of the mushroom kingdom. Most often it can be seen at the edges of coniferous or mixed forests, in young plantings of spruce or pine. Often it is found near anthills. Since ants can use mycelium, it is likely that forest champignon became their target. The time when it appears is quite long - usually the first mushrooms grow in July, and then, with a frequency of two weeks, are updated. And they grow until the onset of winter frost.

How are forest champignons different from the usual ones familiar to our eye? A photo of this mushroom in a specialized encyclopedia clearly demonstrates that they are completely different in appearance. Unlike almost round, with a wide leg and a dense whitish or brownish hat, ordinary mushrooms, forest champignon has a thin long leg, a spreading hat with a diameter of 5 to 10 centimeters. At the same time, with age, the edges of the cap from rounded down can turn into bent up. Its color is vaguely brown, casting a pinkish tint at the beginning of growth, and acquiring a purple hue as it ripens. The center of the cap is covered with scales.

forest mushrooms photo
Of all types of champignons, forest champignon is considered the most delicious. But its thin flesh and the rarity of occurrence in our forests do not make it particularly popular in the kitchens. This mushroom should not be dried or salted - its delicate aroma and soft taste will not reveal in these types of blanks. The best way to cook it is baking or frying with the addition of sour cream or onion. Also, do not abuse spices when cooking forest mushrooms - they can interrupt the taste of the dish itself.

As you know, there are not only edible, but also inedible and poisonous mushrooms similar to them . Champignon forest did not pass this fate. They can be confused with the most dangerous pale toadstool, if you do not know a little trick. When collecting these mushrooms, be sure to carefully consider the plates at the bottom of the cap. They are always white in the toadstool, while forest champignon boasts plates of a pinkish, red or brownish hue (depending on age). If the plates are already blackened, then this, of course, is champignon, but it is better not to eat it. This color indicates that the mushroom is already very old, and therefore unsuitable for food.

forest champignon mushrooms
Mushroom diversity, on the one hand, gives us many culinary discoveries and delights, and on the other, it increases the risk of poisoning by poisonous species. If you are not sure of your ability to distinguish forest champignon from the fringe from a toadstool, it is better not to risk your own health - opt for ordinary mushrooms grown in industrial conditions. And if you enjoy the process of silent hunting, be sure to look for this delicious and fragrant mushroom in the fir tree.


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