Artificial pond in a personal plot: secrets of arrangement

An artificial pond is an element of landscape design specially made by man. It decorates the garden and makes it original, unique. On the site, they usually dig out either a decorative pond or a pool. And in the second case, you have to sweat a lot more. Even if the pond is created faster, it must be taken into account that a normal biological balance must be established in it, without which the water quickly becomes cloudy and deteriorates.

artificial pond
Both the pool and the pond can have a different geometric shape and decoration. Most often, a pond is built in the garden, so we will talk about it.

The artificial pond is mainly located in the back of the garden or near the lawn. Around the pond, you can sow grass or plant plants that will not die from a large amount of moisture. If the pond will be used for swimming, then the descent can be laid out with pebbles. If it is just a decorative reservoir, then such a procedure is not necessary.

An artificial pond can have different sizes. Most often, this indicator is determined by the size of the garden. However, one must take into account the fact that in a small pond it is very difficult to maintain ecological balance. In any case, a small lake requires careful maintenance and regular replacement of water.

artificial pond in the garden
Any owner who has a summer house and does not plant a plot of potatoes with onions, tries to organize a small pond in the garden so that the whole family can relax by the water. Therefore, a place to rest near the reservoir should also be organized. Naturally, it is advisable to protect the area for recreation from bright sunlight, wind and rain. But do not forget that the artificial reservoir will quickly clog if tall bushes or trees are planted near it. At the same time, do not place the pond in an open area where the sun always shines, as the water will begin to bloom.

The basis for an artificial pond can be done independently, or you can buy a ready-made form. In the second case, it will be easier to organize a pond, but the choice of form is quite limited. The most common option is the form of polyvinyl chloride. Although you can use fiberglass. If you want the pond to serve up to 50 years, you can use butyl rubber, although it costs a lot.

artificial pond is
In order to create an artificial pond in the garden on your own, you can use concrete, from which a bowl of the right size and shape is made. Naturally, such an organization provides for a large number of earthwork, since a foundation pit will have to be dug under the bowl. It should be noted that the shores of such a foundation pit should be dug at an angle of 45 degrees.

After the pit is ready, you can install a concrete or other bowl. Only it should be installed strictly horizontally. You can use the level for this. After installation, water is poured into the bowl so that it can be well compacted. All gaps are covered with sand. Further, the reservoir can be decorated with plants, sculptures and other elements of landscape design.


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