Why do tomato leaves turn yellow? How to deal with it?

Tomatoes can not be attributed to too picky and requiring attention to plants, which is why many gardeners grow tomato seedlings from year to year . Not everyone has the necessary conditions and greenhouses, but in this case, an ordinary glazed loggia or window sill on the sunny side, where you can place boxes with earth, will do. Sowing seeds, caring for emerging small shoots, fertilizing fertilizers, picking - these are far from all the worries that "fall on the head" of summer residents. It is good if the plant thanks a good harvest, but what if there are signs of the disease?

why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow
Many gardeners do not understand why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow , because everything is done according to the rules, the plants are good, healthy. And here for no reason their appearance deteriorates. It should be noted that this is a fairly common phenomenon and there are a lot of reasons for its appearance. So still, why do tomato leaves sprout yellow and what to do about it? First of all, it is worth checking the humidity of the earth, highly moistened soil negatively affects the development of plants.

If the leaf plate, and not the veins, changes color, the reason why the leaves of the tomato seedlings turn yellow is obvious - they lack nitrogen, so you need to feed. If the lower leaves die off, then you should not particularly worry. Sometimes seedlings in the pot grows solid, and its root system is a continuous tangled ball. It is much harder for it to take root after a transplant, therefore, until the plant adapts, the leaves will turn yellow.

Do not lose sight of the quality of the seeds. If they were originally infected with a fungus, then most likely this is the answer to the question of why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. Infected can be land, tools used in its processing. Fungi are dangerous in that they can destroy a huge number of plants in a short time, therefore it is necessary to monitor the latter and remove diseased tomatoes in a timely manner. If you use your own seeds, then they must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and washed several times in clean water.

why do tomato leaves turn yellow
In some cases, the disease initially affects the roots, and then it passes to the stem, disrupting the functioning of the vascular system. The plant weakens because it does not receive water and nutrients. Here is the answer to the question of why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. Such a problem can and should be fought, the main thing is to recognize the disease in the first stages.

why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow
Seedling boxes must be disinfected so that there are no fungi left there. It is better to take the earth at the edge of the forest or in the meadows; annually in greenhouses it is advisable to prepare new soil. All affected bushes must be collected so that they do not have any part left and destroyed outside the garden or vegetable garden, because the fungus is well tolerated by the wind. It is very important to understand in time why the leaves of a tomato turn yellow, then there will be time to fight the disease. It is better to prepare the garden in a new place where there is no infection. Dig the soil before planting and add coarse sand. These simple tips will help preserve the tomatoes and harvest a good harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5742/

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