Yellow fish. Content and breeding at home

Aquarium fish "yellow" have several common names: Canarian cichlid, lemon yellow labidochrome, hummingbird cichlid, yellow labidochrome.

yellow fish


Caliber cichlids are common in Lake Malawi. They can live along rocky coastal lines or at depths of up to 40 meters. They can also be found in thickets and shallows. Yellow labidochromis is a dwarf "yellow" fish. Individuals have no differences in color. However, the male gender is determined by the black abdominal fin and a clear yellow color. Among the variety of species, there are both thermophilic representatives (Malawi cichlids) and individuals resistant to a temporary decrease in temperature (up to 10 degrees) (cichlazoma biocell). The latter feel comfortable in an unheated pond. Small representatives (Nannakaras and Pelmatochromises) are liked by lovers of keeping fish in small aquariums (up to 20 liters). Dwarf cyclides need stale, slightly soft and acidified water.

yellow fish photo

"Yellow" fish. Content

This species feels very comfortable at temperatures up to thirty degrees. Home maintenance should be close to the natural habitat. Various rock formations should be built in the aquarium, and shelters for spawning should be made in them. Individuals love space, so there should be a lot of space for free swimming. As a soil substrate, it is best to use marble chips, crushed corals. In addition, a little tree should be present in the aquarium, on which algae will begin to grow after some time. All this will be eaten. For registration, you can use dense vegetation - thickets of Javanese moss, cryptocoryns, echinodorus. The dark background on the rear wall of the aquarium does not hurt. So, all the beauty of the created underwater world will look voluminous and contrast. "Yellow" is a fairly unpretentious fish. For some representatives, it may not even be necessary to install some kind of powerful filter or compressor. Individuals are not very picky regarding the quality and composition of water. But still, more of the "yellow" fish, the photo of which is presented below, prefers to be in water that does not change for a long time, and in some cases it simply does not tolerate fresh. However, this does not mean that you do not need to change the fluid at all, it just needs to be biologically stable. In this case, one should not forget that it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of the aquarium from time to time.

yellow fish content


Feeding individuals is simple. "Yellow" is an omnivorous fish. The main food for it is insects, snails, algae. In order for individuals to live as long as possible, they should be given products with a high content of plant components. As a meal, salad, spinach and peeled peas are perfect. Individuals can also eat dry, frozen or canned food.

aquarium fish


For high-quality breeding of individuals, the aquarium must have a capacity of at least 250 liters. One male must be provided with three to six females. "Yellow" is a fish that reproduces very well. Spawning takes place in the usual form. Females lay eggs in hidden places. From the very beginning, the male chooses for himself females, which soon join him. Male fish determine the place where females lay eggs. At this moment, the males carry out fertilization. The process lasts about an hour and takes place in several stages. The incubation period lasts three weeks, during which the females do not eat.

Individuals very violently protect their offspring. Malawi females with caviar are easy to identify - their throats sag. The eggs are quite large in size - up to three millimeters. Moreover, their number is relatively small - from ten to one hundred and twenty pieces. The fry that were born are quite large, well formed. Their length is about 3-5 millimeters. Thanks to such an early formation, they immediately adapt well to independent living. When in a monovid aquarium, the Malawian cichlids quite easily interbreed with each other. In this case, hybrids capable of survival and reproduction appear.

yellow fish

"Yellow" fish. View compatibility

When breeding individuals at home, it should be borne in mind that cichlids peacefully live mainly with relatives. For example, the cichlid "yellow" - a peaceful and quiet fish - easily gets along with the offspring of its family. Although they get along with Akars, their nature is predatory. Parrot cichlids have a small mouth. Perhaps they would have eaten their relatives, but individuals larger than their mouths can feel calmly close. At the same time, fish can use individuals of other species as feed.

Representatives of African cichlids will fight with tanganyika fish, unless you place with them many other smaller fish and arrange underwater reefs. Some large species live well only in pairs. For example, African and American cichlids. It is better to keep them separate from those species that lead a pack life. For example, astronotuses are aggressive towards relatives. They should not be lodged with the Arovans. We can say that compatibility for cichlids boils down to the ability of individuals not to have neighbors if they do not pretend to feed. Representatives of this species can take shrimp cherries for food , and therefore their neighborhood is also undesirable.

Disease prevention

According to experienced aquarists, about 90% of the fish diseases described by literature do not occur in practice. Equally important in maintaining good health is the desire to create ideal conditions for pets. A special role in the prevention of certain diseases is played not only by the formation, but also by the stable maintenance of vital conditions for each particular species. A prolonged stressful state of even one individual should not be allowed, since this is the first stage of the disease or weakening of the immune system of all the inhabitants of the reservoir. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fish, to plant them in time if necessary.


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