Diseases of British cats: a list of ailments, symptoms and treatment

Enough ancient is the British breed. Diseases of cats of this species we will consider in the article. Note that usually breeders try to maintain the best qualities of the breed. In general, the British are distinguished by strong immunity and endurance. But still they have a number of specific ailments. You can familiarize yourself with them in our article.

How to understand that a cat is unhealthy?

The most common sign of illness is a refusal to eat. Symptoms of the disease include poor coat and sore red eyes. In addition, if you feel unwell, the following symptoms may occur:

  • labored breathing;
  • cough.

If such symptoms appear, then urgently need to go with the pet to the veterinarian. Note that temperature can tell a lot about the state of an animal. Normally, it should not exceed 39 degrees. If the indicators on the thermometer are higher than normal, then there is good reason to say that the cat is sick. If on the thermometer you see indicators less than 37.5, then you need to urgently show the pet to the doctor.

British cat diseases and their symptoms

A particular disease of the british

We begin to describe the disease with the most acute and serious problem. Representatives of this breed in the body can have two blood groups at once (A and B). If you do not plan to knit a cat, then special questions should not arise. However, problems may arise when breeding representatives of the breed. For example, if a cat with group A is associated with a cat who has group B, then it is likely that the two blood groups in the offspring will be combined. After birth, kittens with this problem feel completely normal. But on the third or fifth day they can suddenly die. A similar phenomenon in medicine is called "kitten disappearance syndrome." Why do kittens with such a pathology die? The reason is the production of antibodies in the body of a cat-mother. They simply do not recognize the blood of a kitten. When interaction with breast milk occurs, cell destruction begins. To detect blood type at an early age, DNA tests are used.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Continuing to describe the diseases of British cats and their symptoms, it cannot be said that such animals have a genetic disease of HCMP (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Eeya). "What is this ailment?" - you ask. This is a violation of the heart and blood circulation due to the fact that a thickening of the heart muscle is formed. Initially, a British cat does not show heart disease. But over time, you can notice the following symptoms:

  • depressed state;
  • dyspnea;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • hoarseness.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in adults. Therefore, an ultrasound examination of the heart is required at the age of 1 year. Note that this disease is not subject to treatment. Some representatives of the breed do not show an ailment at all.

what makes a british cat sick

Eye problems

What eye diseases does a British cat suffer from? For example, conjunctivitis. What is this disease? This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Representatives of the British breed have a special head structure. For this reason, their eyes are very vulnerable. Conjunctivitis speaks of an infectious lesion. It is important to find out the reason for its appearance. A disease can occur in a British cat due to mechanical damage, allergies, or a viral disease. Regardless of the nature of the disease, you need to undergo a course of treatment. Topically applied drops and ointments.

Another disease of British fold cats is epiphora. The disease manifests itself with abundant secretions from the mucous of the organs of vision. Such a disease is very common among representatives of the breed. The ailment is associated with many reasons: occlusion of the lacrimal canal, inflammation of the eyelids, inversion, unnatural structure of the lacrimal canal and so on. Antimicrobials are used for treatment.


As you may have noticed, the representatives of the breed have a solid physique. These cats are prone to weight gain. It is necessary to control the diet in order to avoid problems with excess weight. It is also worth monitoring the physical activity of the cat. To control the body weight of a representative of the breed, it is necessary to organize active work for him, as well as select specialized diet food.


Continuing the theme of diseases and treatment of British cats, I would like to dwell on problems with teeth. Representatives of the breed rarely see caries, but tartar often occurs. In order to avoid loss of molars and bleeding, it is necessary to observe constant oral hygiene. You can buy dentifrices for these purposes. They will help prevent the formation of tartar and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.


Often, representatives of the breed have a claw fungus. Kittens should be periodically examined in early childhood for the presence of such lesions. If the claws are healthy, then they should not have spots and deformations. For the claws of the animal to be in good condition, a claw point is required.

Kidney disease

British cat

There are cases that representatives of the breed are diagnosed with urolithiasis. It occurs due to impaired metabolism and poor diet. The symptoms of this disease in British cats are as follows:

  • during urination, the animal is uncomfortable;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the coat becomes unsightly.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, appropriate therapy is prescribed. There are times when it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Also, a sick animal requires a strict diet with medicinal products.


Usually, the occurrence of the disease is associated with an improper diet of the animal. For example, gastritis can cause a sharp change in diet, poor-quality food, violation of the regime and so on. Also, stress, worms and intoxication can lead to the occurrence of an ailment. How to understand that a cat has such a disease? The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • refusal of food;
  • immobility;
  • severe vomiting;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • stool problems
  • bad breath from the mouth.

Remember that with repeated vomiting, dehydration may occur. This condition is very dangerous for the animal. Therefore, you should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible so that he prescribes the appropriate treatment.

heart diseases


What other diseases do British cats suffer from? Do not forget about panleukopenia. This disease is deadly. The stomach afflicts. Another sign of the disease is a decrease in the level of white blood cells in the blood. Symptoms of the disease:

  • fever;
  • heat;
  • rapid pulse
  • dehydration;
  • heart damage
  • frequent breathing
  • damage to the respiratory system.

Also, sick animals may interfere with the functioning of internal organs and coordination. In order to cure a cat, a whole range of drugs is prescribed.

ailment of british cats

Airway inflammation

This disease refers to respiratory diseases. Its causative agent is various viral infections. A few days after infection, the following symptoms appear:

  • severe runny nose;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • lack of appetite.

Antibiotics are used for treatment.


This disease is caused by the presence of tape and round parasites in the cat's body. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • discharge from the eyes;
  • digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation, etc.);
  • rapid fatigue;
  • deterioration of the coat;
  • apathy;
  • shaky gait;
  • fast fatigue.

In order to prevent damage, it is necessary to regularly carry out planned dehalmentation once a quarter. A disease such as helminthiasis is contagious to humans. If the cat has worms, then prevention should be given to all family members.


This is a cancerous disease. The disease affects the circulatory system. A cat can become infected from a sick cat. The disease develops asymptomatically for a sufficiently long period of time. Gradually, the animal's appetite decreases, it becomes inactive. The disease is practically incurable. As therapy, expensive foreign drugs are used.

British cat diseases and their symptoms


This is a serious viral disease. The British are also affected. The disease is accompanied by a defeat of the respiratory tract, high fever, the occurrence of shortness of breath. The infection is transmitted by contact with a sick cat. The disease is easily confused with the common cold. A complication of the disease is pneumonia. For treatment use:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • antibiotics.


This is a fungal disease. It is characterized by complete baldness of the skin. When a rash appears, the cat begins to feel discomfort, combing the affected areas. To diagnose the ailment, a microscopy of the wool is performed, and the affected areas are exposed under the Wood lamp. In this case, the problem areas will glow in light green.

Previously, this disease of British cats was considered incurable. But now there is a whole range of drugs that will help overcome the disease. In therapy, antifungal ointments, immunosupporting vaccines, special creams are used. A disease such as ringworm is dangerous to humans. Therefore, the owner of a cat with this diagnosis should take precautions.

british cat disease


The article examined the disease of British cats. Symptoms and treatment of ailments are two important topics that we examined in detail in the article. Many of the diseases examined are affected not only by the British, but also by representatives of other breeds. Some of the diseases described above are dangerous to humans, in particular, worms and lichen. Remember that the average life span of a British cat is fifteen years. However, the longevity of the animal also depends on many factors, including the owners. It is necessary to treat the animal in good faith, to properly care for and feed it. It is also necessary to conduct regular examinations by a doctor so that at the first signs of the disease treatment is started immediately.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5754/

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