Kholmogorsk geese: breed description and content

Geese belong to domesticated birds, which can be found in many yards. Today, a lot of different species have been bred, each of which has its own differences. In this article we will talk about one of the most popular breeds. Meet the Kholmogorsk geese.

Breed history

This is one of the very first breeds that were bred on the territory of our country. It is still not known exactly what species these birds came from, but there is an assumption that for this, Chinese and Arzamas geese were crossed.

Kholmogorsk geese

This species, presumably, got its name in honor of the area on which it is most common. The first records of this breed appeared in 1885. Meanwhile, some believe that the fabulous geese-swans are precisely those geese of the Kholmogory breed. Locals say that it is these birds that combine swan greatness and a typical goose character.

Breed description

These poultry are divided into three species. They are separated by the color of plumage - it is gray-pinto, gray and white. The characteristic features of the Kholmogorsk goose are an elongated neck (somewhat similar to the neck of a swan), a large head, decorated with a cone on the forehead, a large, strongly curved, humpback downward and a very strong beak, bright orange-yellow legs.

Kholmogorsk geese

Kholmogorsk geese have a fold on the stomach, a well-developed and deep chest, a wide, strong and heavy body, as well as a kind of “purse”, which is located under the neck of a bird.

The character of these poultry is calm. They get along well with other animals and can be in a large herd. Another feature of this breed is its high acclimatization abilities. It is because of this that they can be bred in any region of the Russian Federation.

Economic and useful qualities

The main characteristics of the breed:

- young growth remains at 92%;

- hatchability is 52%;

- the percentage of fertility - 81%;

- egg weight - from 0.16 to 0.22 kg;

- geese carry about 20 eggs per year, the best representatives can bring about 50 eggs;

- live weight an average of eight kilograms, the best representatives can reach 12 kilograms.

Kholmogorsk geese are excellent and quickly fattened. Mother hens are very caring. Birds have a high life expectancy. This breed was used in the breeding of such rocks as Lindovskaya, Solnechnogorskaya, Vladimir, etc.

How to contain

Where to buy Kholmogorsk geese

Many people wonder: “Where to buy Kholmogorsk geese?” This is not a problem. As we wrote above, this breed can live in any region of our country, and it’s easy to find a person selling goslings. But even before the acquisition of chicks or adults, you need to properly prepare their place of residence.

First of all, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the future crawler. Be sure to make sure that the groundwater at the laying site will not rise one level with the floor. It is best to build a house for geese from a tree. Floors must be covered with sawdust or straw.

Many poultry can hardly tolerate the cold. The Kholmogorsk geese are not afraid of frost, which means that the straw litter in the guslinnik may not be too thick. Meanwhile, you should not make a cement flooring, it is better to use wood too.

Of course, there should be doors in the crawler. They should be installed on the side that is least blown. If there is a constant draft in the room, then the birds will stop eating and become very sick. It is worth noting that the Kholmogorsk geese love large spaces. The size of the future caterpillar should be calculated by the formula: 1 bird = 1 square meter of premises. In order for the birds to walk well, arrange in the yard a small and not too deep pond or pool.

Geese content

Kholmogorsk goose is a wonderful, caring brood hen. However, in order for them to feel comfortable, it should be dry and warm in a special room. The temperature should be at least five degrees. Most often geese rush at the end of winter, in February. Meanwhile, this process can be accelerated. Correctly selected artificial lighting, which will prolong daylight hours, will lead to the fact that the birds begin to rush in January, at the beginning of the month. Therefore, if you want to place an ad with the text "I will sell the Kholmogorsk geese" before your competitors, you should seriously address this issue.

I will sell geese of Kholmogory

Determining that a new masonry will begin soon is easy. Geese begin to behave very restlessly. Birds move around the nest all the time and scatter straw. Watch the room temperature! If it is below zero, then the eggs must be placed in a warm place. In order for Kholmogorsk geese to rush well, it is necessary to purchase several manufacturers at once. Otherwise, the laying of the hens will be reduced by half.

Nestling content

After the goslings hatch, they need to be laid on a dry litter. Chicks will grow stronger and faster if the temperature in the room provided to them does not exceed +22 degrees. They walk on a walk only after their paws become stable. Make sure that the goslings do not fall on the backs, they are not able to rise on their own and can simply suffocate.

In the warm season, the amount of food should depend on the age of the chick and its body weight. In the winter season, it is increased.

If it is hot outside, then the birds should be near the water. In the autumn they are transferred to gusyachnik, which must be painted with slaked lime.


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