Good words about a person, about love for people. Quotes about a man

Man is different from animal awareness. He is in a constant search for the meaning of life, which leads him invariably to the need to understand himself. The challenge is not new. Philosophers and writers tried to solve it, leaving us a handwritten heritage containing good words about a person. Works do not disappear in vain, but help all thinking individuals to advance along their own path of knowledge. And in everyday life, we often apply them, unfortunately, not always to the place. Let's discuss what good words about a person are, why they are needed and how to use other people's wisdom.

good words about man

General Philosophical, Introductory

Let's be honest with ourselves. We rarely ponder good words about a person; we are too lazy to work on the structure and capacity of phrases. Much easier to take someone else's to look smarter and more attractive. This is not criticism, but a statement of fact.

Today it’s customary to design your pages on social networks not only with pictures, but also with wise sayings. They are understandable to readers, immediately show that they are faced with a cultured and educated person. And there’s nothing wrong with that if quotes about a person are used to the place. On the contrary, it is a generally accepted rule that facilitates communication and helps to establish pleasant and harmonious relationships. The same, by the way, can be said about the everyday use of quotes. After all, they are so biting, capacious, beautiful that you can’t imagine any better. Yes, and why be smart? The geniuses of the past, if they could see the current popularity of their words, were glad that the works were not in vain. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, the work of talented authors is our science. Reading good words about a man, once invented and written, we involuntarily try to understand their meaning, understand the feelings of the one who gave birth to them. True?

Let's start with Plato

Have you ever thought about how a person has changed over the millennia? If you believe the currently available sources of ancient wisdom - no way. Judge for yourself, Plato said to his contemporaries: "The best victory for a man is to subjugate himself: to be subjugated by oneself is shameful and lower than everything." Does this not apply to modern people?

quotes about man

In fact, the ancient philosopher left us many such quotes that have not lost their relevance. Apparently, our vices are eternal, like humanity itself. People are trying to reach the stars, they have come up with a lot of smart and convenient cars, but they have not figured it out in themselves.

Plato has one phrase that is useful to ponder for those who are trying to find beautiful words about a good person. Usually they try to talk about personality traits, to recall positive actions that are useful to society. The speech turns out to be quite voluminous and, excuse me, confused. And Plato said this: "No one becomes a good person by accident." Agree, beautiful and capacious. And there is nothing to supplement when these words are addressed to a truly amazing and unusual person.

Francois Rabelais

The famous French humanist is distinguished by the truthfulness and realism of thoughts about people. His quotes about man are used in scientific works and in ordinary life, as they express the essence of the personality in certain situations. By the way, it should be warned. Before quoting Rabelais, think about whether you will offend the other person. The Frenchman’s phrases are more suitable for unhurried reflection on the meaning of earthly existence and its role in current events.

He wrote that the value of man is determined by himself. Think about why we are trying to get praise or respect from others. Do they really affect what we ourselves are, especially in the modern, difficult, and not always fair world? The media and the Internet talk about those who, by and large, are not worth a word. Do we not encounter such facts every minute? So why crave fame?

And Rabelais wrote that the essence of man is laughter. It is also impossible to argue with this. The ability to make fun of oneself is a great talent, which contributes to ups to the heights of glory, and to maintaining a good mood in the rare moments of falls, and maintaining excellent relationships with friends, loved ones and just walking alongside. Do not agree?

good words about loved ones

Erich Maria Remarque

If you need good words about loved ones to make them understand how dear they are, then turn to the work of this person. Remarque's works, of course, are difficult to understand, but contain so many unusual and soulful thoughts that it is simply impossible not to take them with all your heart.

What is the expression “Until a person surrenders, he is stronger than his fate”! Think, does it not emphasize the essence of your loved ones? Such words demonstrate the will and kindness, perseverance and vitality of every ordinary person. In it, so to speak, someone will express both respect, and admiration, and reverence, and a desire to maintain communication. This is a very deep phrase.

But this: “People love each other, and that’s all”? It is probably impossible to say shorter and more voluminous. Remarque's reasoning is permeated with love for others. Probably, that was the effect of upbringing and a difficult fate. You value your loved ones, you understand, we begin when we encounter meanness and betrayal, experience grief, overcome suffering. Why wait for troubles, if you can read about love for people, trying to imbue with the ideas and experience of the authors?

Are we not philosophers in ordinary life?

So usually many people think. What are the pompous words, if there are unresolved problems in your head, do you need to take care of filling the refrigerator, paying for services, in general, making money? Thinking a little, you yourself will come to the idea of ​​the incomplete justice of such reasoning. A person cannot live without love. Remarque came up with a wonderful comparison: "Such that the dead man is on vacation." Funny, but pretty accurate. If there is no light in the soul, then it is time for a churchyard, not as a guest, but as a settler.

This author has another expression that has become winged. When you think about how to please your chosen one, you are looking for good words about your loved one, remember such reasoning. The author, however, wrote about departed feelings, but all the more valuable is the thought. And it consists in the fact that no one can be more alien than the one whom you once loved. Probably, it is worth thinking about this together, with the goal of developing such behavior so as never to experience Remarque's apt truth.


Our current civilization is built on the achievements of ancient Greek philosophers. And if enlightened minds are read by the works of Socrates, why should you and I be ashamed of and abandon his beautiful work? Moreover, the ancient Greek philosopher found special words about a good person, which have not lost their life-giving relevance in our times.

nice words about a good person

The sage wrote that every person has a sun, but they just do not let him shine. Socrates urged people to remove barriers, allow themselves to radiate heat and give it to people. Kindness lives in everyone, but we ourselves do not allow ourselves to realize it in action, trusting in what manipulators inspire us, no matter who they are. Some people are sure that they will make an impression of a weakling, others consider mercy to be untimely, others fear the deception and fraud, and the world grows poorer and colder from an excess of indifference and negativity.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The creator of the immortal "Little Prince" with all his creativity tried to make the reader talk about good and bad people, try to understand what their differences are. And prompted, by the way. Remember his statement about what drives a person. The great writer argued that it is impossible to see through the eyes what is the cause of behavior, the adoption of a decision. “Man is led by the spirit,” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Do you think that this thought is devoid of beauty? And his unique statement that there is a human essence? The author is sure that our truth is what makes everyone human.

about love for people

About the value of communication

And why, in fact, look for words about a good person (in prose or poetry)? Surely you need them to tell your neighbor how valuable he is, how valuable you are, and how afraid you are to lose him. Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote about the same. He assured us that we all have only one luxury - human communication. And a person realizes himself as a value only when he accepts responsibility. Humans are creatures who are characterized by shame, for example, for poverty, albeit independent of them. They also know how to be proud not only of their own, but also of other people's achievements. Humanity is a harmony of identities that together build this beautiful world.

Leo Tolstoy

The Russian philosopher and writer also talked a lot about the essence of man. Some of his ideas are still alive in us, the author so precisely noticed the stages of the endless development of the soul. So, he assured, that loneliness is a way to death. No one can be realized and feel happiness without communication. And each of us must do what connects with others, and does not separate. Tell your loved ones about it in moments of quarrel or scandal. Just be sure to remind that the thought belongs to Lev Nikolaevich.

It is impossible not to bring here his ideas about death. By the way, nowadays almost all esotericists and other gurus use them. When a person thinks only of the body, his death is the end of something insignificant. The essence of the people is spirituality, and the duty is to realize and realize this during the earthly path, and not at the border of the transition.

good words about a loved one

Oh happiness

Very interesting is the thought of L. N. Tolstoy on the main meaning of human life and the path to achieving goals. By the way, researchers still argue about it. The simple essence of the statement probably does not reach them.

And Tolstoy said that everyone came to the world for happiness. This, in his opinion, is an axiom, that is, a statement that does not require proof. But, you say, we don’t feel this, we constantly struggle with obstacles, solve problems, and are discouraged. Lev Nikolayevich gives a simple and ingenious advice: "... look, what was wrong." This means that happiness is within the individual. And only man himself deprives himself of this beautiful gift of heaven.

We are a little distracted from the stated topic. But Lev Nikolaevich does not fail us, he has something to say about a good man. So, the writer assured that each of us strives for only one thing - that life makes sense. Of course, you won’t tell a close friend. What is that compliment? But you can beat this idea. Tell your beloved that you consider him a genius for understanding others, able to build a happy space and give it to loved ones. Check how he will react to the ideas of Lev Nikolaevich, and share in the comments.

words about a good man


We did not have time to get acquainted with the thoughts of Rabindranath Tagore and Bernard Shaw, William Shakespeare and Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, and other undoubted geniuses of the word. You have to discover this world yourself. The work ahead is entertaining and exciting. People, fortunately, have accumulated quite wonderful words about love and kindness, compassion and understanding, which enrich the life of a researcher. But not only that, great ideas push a person to independent creativity. It is simply impossible to resist, so as not to try to compete with the genius of the authors. Perhaps not everything will turn out perfectly right away, but the road will overpower Good luck on this magnificent path of knowledge.


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