Crown of beads - an exquisite decoration for the princess

Every woman at least once in her life dreamed of a crown. I would especially like to try on this decoration for little girls, to the envy of all their girlfriends. After all, each of them is a real princess. But if in adulthood there are not many reasons to wear this accessory, then a bead crown will be relevant in kindergarten or at a school holiday. Such an ornament can perfectly complement the outfit of not only the princess, but also the peak (worm) lady, the snow queen at themed parties, and will also be an excellent reward for the winner of the school beauty contest.

bead crown

What is necessary?

If you are "friends" with such material as beads, then making such a decoration will not be difficult. In order to create a crown, you need to stock up on thick and thin wire, beads, beads and other material that you will weave into the canvas of the product. It can be rhinestones, stones, feathers, crystals ... Jewelry made from glass accessories looks great. They shine beautifully and shimmer, which causes envious sighs of delight and admiration.

You also need to prepare a glue gun and a base, if the crown of beads will adorn any product, such as a hair hoop. Satin ribbons may also be needed . In this article, we will consider two options for creating such an ornament.

DIY bead crown

So different crowns

Surely you saw different types of crowns. It can be small crowns attached to the side of the hairstyle, large, almost covering the entire surface of the head. A crown made of beads, made with your own hands, can decorate the rim and perfectly approach loose wavy hair. Also, this decoration is very different in shape: it can be the main one, the central part can stand out, and the whole circle may consist of the same elements.

In addition, the decoration can be in the form of not only a crown, but also tiaras. Depending on what event is planned, the type of this accessory is also selected.

crown bead diagram

Option number 1

Many needlewomen often wonder: "How to make a crown of beads?". This process is extremely fascinating and quite simple, so you should not be afraid of it. For an experienced craftswoman, the creation of such an accessory will take a little time (about 5-6 hours). Agree, to work on a small masterpiece is very little.

Consider the first version of the crown. It can not be said that it is the simplest, but not archy complex. In order to make such an ornament, it is necessary to bend the round base from thick wire. It should be slightly less than the girth of the head. The desired elements are attached to a round base of the same wire. It can be triangular parts, as in this figure.

bead crown master class

Or bent as a heart. In fact, the very appearance of the crown depends on how the top is decorated, therefore, a variety of forms are welcome here.

how to make a bead crown

Further, the crown of beads with their own hands is decorated. To do this, beads, beads and other decor are strung on a thin wire, and the wire itself is wrapped around the base. This is clearly seen in the following figure.

bead crown master class

After all the parts are filled with beads, the crown can be left unchanged or additionally decorated with a cloth so that the wire edges are not visible.

If you chose a small base, it can be glued to the hoop, but a large bead crown is also made in this way. The master class on creating this product is simple and straightforward, so usually there are no difficulties in the creation process.

bead crown master class

Another way

The second version of the crown provides a similar creation technique, only in this case beads and beads are strung directly onto the wire (both on the base and on the protruding parts). A bead crown created in this way (a daisy pattern) looks very nice on girls.

bead crown

In order to give such a crown a more festive look, you can attach a beautiful glass bead in the center of each part. Thanks to this simple technique, the appearance of the product changes completely.

DIY bead crown

Such a crown of beads is created, the scheme of which is presented below, is very simple. It is enough to form a circle from strong wire and beads strung on it, to form a circle on which then semicircular parts - petals - are wound. Beads are also strung on each petal. Work is very simple and fast in execution.

crown bead diagram

Other options

There are also other ways to create this unusual decoration. The crown of beads is most often made openwork. But there are models in which all the small parts are filled. Such a crown of beads looks very stylish with the appropriate outfit.

how to make a bead crown

Very often, such jewelry is used for photo shoots, and here they can be of different shapes and colors. With this accessory, every girl or woman will instantly become a magnificent princess who is hard to look away from.


To create a truly royal decoration, you need a small amount of free time, beads, wire and inspiration as the most important component. Having these three factors available, you will certainly create a chic bead crown. Such a wonderful accessory will perfectly complement the image of the princess, queen, fairies, will become a bright spot in the photographs during the photo shoot. And most importantly, this jewelry will give its owner unforgettable memories and indescribable delight.


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