Dungeons World of Warcraft: Grim Batol

Grim Batol is a dungeon added in the Cataclysm update. It is designed for a group of players of level 84/85 and is presented in both normal and heroic mode. As usual, inside you have to face not only ordinary opponents, but also with complex bosses, for each of which a generous reward is laid.


The entrance to Grim Batol is located in the location of Twilight Highlands, which, in turn, is located on the continent of the Eastern Kingdoms. Finding the gates of the dungeon is quite simple - you just need to move strictly west.

Grim Batol Entrance

Once upon a time, this underground fortress belonged to Wildhammer dwarves, but was then recaptured by the orcs, who made it a prison for the dragon queen Alexstrasza. Now Grim Batol is under the control of the cult of the Twilight's Hammer, whose followers just have to fight the brave heroes.


Well, now, in fact, about the bosses waiting for adventurers in the bowels of the dungeon. The first one is Umbriss. This is a black draconid, leading the defense forces of Grim Batol. Under his command are not only ordinary cultists, but also powerful defenders of the kind of twilight dragons.

Umbriss at Grim Batol

When fighting this boss, always remember his Blitz ability. This skill allows Umbriss to instantly move to his chosen point, dealing damage and knocking down all targets that stand in his way. You, in turn, need to try to make sure that the boss does not hit any of the group members.


A huge ettin serving as the blacksmith of the Twilight's Hammer cult. The peculiarity of this boss is that he can arbitrarily change his weapon during the battle, and you will need to adapt to it. In addition, Trong periodically applies “Mighty Stomp”, causing a collapse.

Here it is desirable that the tank keep the boss with his back to the rest of the group. Also, do not forget about the “Mighty Stomp” and manage to evade stones falling from the ceiling.


Orc sworn allegiance to the Twilight's Hammer. The battle with him should not cause you any problems. In the first phase, the boss is only able to release rather weak "Arrows of Darkness", the castes of which, moreover, can be interrupted. You just need to take Draghu 80% of your life as quickly as possible.

As for the second phase, it begins at the moment when the boss has 20% health. Dragkh escapes and returns astride the dragon. Well, just beat the fire-breathing lizard, trying not to get into its flames and puddles on the floor. At some point, the dragon decides to retire, and the battle on this will be over.


Well, finally, the most dangerous enemy that lives in Grim Batol. Erudax is one of Deathwing's greatest generals, who has managed to bring out a new kind of bloodthirsty dragons protecting his creator.

Erudax to Grim Batol

In battle, special attention should be paid to the boss’s skill called Twilight Storm. At the time of application, you need to have time to run into a small circle, otherwise a DOT will be imposed on you, which will gradually kill you.

In addition, Erudax calls for the help of Faceless Defilers, whom you should kill as soon as possible. If you fail, dragons will appear on the battlefield and restore the boss’s health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F579/

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