How to make a cabbage suit with your own hands?

Are you going to a costume party and don’t know who to dress with? Do you suspect that there will be too many cats, bunnies and nurses at the festival? Make yourself a cabbage costume. This original outfit will help to stand out from the gray mass.

Costume cabbage for a boy

costume cabbage for a girl on a matinee
At the matinee about the autumn harvest, it is often necessary to sew an original outfit for the child. The cabbage costume is made quickly and effortlessly. How to sew it? We will only produce heading. Under it you will need to wear a green jumpsuit or pants and a turtleneck of similar colors. How to make a head out? We make a sheet pattern. She will look like a big oval. We cut out 2 details from the light green fabric and sew them together. You do not need to fill them, but you will have to make decorative lines. With their help, you need to "draw" on the vein sheet. A small boy will need at least 50 of these leaves. When the preparatory work is ready, you can proceed to the final part. It will consist in sewing all the components to the petticoat from a wedding or prom dress. If this is not in the house, then the frame will have to be built independently of two rings and tulle. Sew on leaves in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the top, and gradually lower. On the head you need to sew a hood.

Sophisticated cabbage costume

costume cabbage for a girl on a matinee
Sewing such an outfit will not be difficult for a girl who is with you on a sewing machine. The cabbage costume consists of a skirt, turtleneck, decorative elements, as well as a curly wig. We start to sew with a skirt. Here we will require 3 colored cuts of tulle: white and two shades of green. We cut the material into strips with a width of 30 cm. We punch them into elastic. Thus we collect a skirt. The layers in it will alternate, as a result, they should turn out at least 10. Sew the skirts together. To keep our design in shape, tulle can be starched. We select a green turtleneck. It can have any print, for example, a flower or polka dots. We sew ruffles blouses to the sleeves, and decorative flowers to the chest. We put green tights and boots on our feet, and a curly wig and glasses on our heads. Awesome look is ready.

We remake the evening dress in a suit of cabbage

costume of cabbage for matinee
If you need to build an image for a party, but do not want to spend money on it, then you can redo the things already in the wardrobe. For example, make a costume of cabbage from a green evening dress. We need to find a piece of fabric and lace to match it. It is desirable that the decor is different from the color of the dress, but the tone is the same with the base. We put on a dress and stab it in front of the mirror so that it falls down in beautiful folds. When you are happy with the result, you can remove the dress and sew on the places pinned with needles. Further, from a long cut of fabric of a different color, we form a cabbage leaf. To do this, it needs to be starched. We trim the edge so that it creates a wave and process it on a typewriter. If desired, you can draw on it dark patches and streaks. And now we have the crucial part of creating a costume of cabbage with our own hands. You need to beautifully drape the dress with a blank. It is necessary to let it go in waves, put it under the existing folds and finally bring it onto the shoulder. Now it remains to complement the dress with lace in tone. A large cabbage leaf made of paper or fabric can be attached to the back. On hands you can wear lace mitts.

Cabbage Dress

do-it-yourself cabbage costume for girls
Such an outfit certainly will not go unnoticed. This is a great option for a cabbage costume for a girl at a matinee or for yourself at a party. How to create it? We need a large head of cabbage, which must be taken apart into leaves. You need to understand that the costume is made at once, so it should be immediately made on the model and immediately an hour before the event. First you need to form a corset. It is best to attach leaves to each other with a stapler, but you can do it with threads. After 5-6 leaves encircled the waist, we proceed to the manufacture of the bodice. Here we need two sheets that will cover the chest. They will be supported by 4 more sheets, which will create the straps of the dress. If it seems to you that the bodice is too frank, then you can attach another leaf of cabbage between its impromptu cups. The matter remains for small, you need to make a skirt. It is made in layers. If you are making a costume on yourself, then it is better to entrust this part of the work to your mom, sister or girlfriend, it will be impossible to make a skirt yourself. Green shoes and a hat in color can complement such a suit.

The image of cabbage for a girl

do-it-yourself cabbage suit
The easiest way to make a costume is to assemble it from existing things at home. For example, you can invent a unique image by beating it with an interesting skirt or nontrivial headdress. How to make a cabbage costume for a girl with your own hands from improvised materials? You need to take a skirt-pack of green and a topic in tone. It can be made in the form of a corset, or simply quite tightly fit the body. On the neck you need to wear beads that will symbolize dew drops. And a green hairpin should be pinned to the head. It is advisable to make it yourself so that it is decorated with a leaf of cabbage. The costume for the girl is ready. It looks beautiful, and most importantly, it is not difficult to make it.

Whip cabbage suit

cabbage costume for girls
If you need to quickly figure out how to make yourself a memorable image, then pay attention to this method. If you draw well, then making such a costume will not take you two hours. On a half-sheet of whatman paper, you need to depict a cabbage leaf and color it with gouache mixed with PVA glue. Why should paint interfere with something, you ask? The answer is quite trivial: so that the cabbage leaves are not painted. After all, gouache has the property of erasing after drying. Such sheets need to be made 8 pieces, and 4 more pieces smaller. They will go to decorate the headgear. While the sheets are drying, we will make a skirt. You can take a ready-made green one, but if you don’t have one in your wardrobe, it doesn’t matter. We find all the pieces of green cloth that are in the household, if there are not enough green rags, you can use the white ones. Now you need to cut out the rectangles from all the cuts and sew them to the elastic. The skirt will turn out to be funny and elegant.

When our leaves have dried, they need to be cut. We find a green T-shirt and sew to it our large clippings. Leaves can be arranged in different ways. They can decorate the sleeves, chest, or arrange them in a chaotic manner. Now let's start making the headgear. Sew small leaves to the green ribbon and tie the head around such a rim.

Costume of cabbage for a matinee

cabbage costume
To daughter stood out from the crowd, you need to sew her an original outfit. The costume of cabbage on a matinee will simply cause genuine delight. To make such an outfit is not difficult. To begin with, find or sew a green corset. He will be the basis of the costume. And then we need to draw leaves for the skirt. Color them with gouache on both sides. And draw three more small sheets to decorate the corset. We will connect the top and bottom of the suit with the help of a circle. It can be cut out of polystyrene foam. In such a hoop it will be easy to insert the leaves of the skirt. We also decorate the corset with paper clippings. You can use a hat as a headdress, or you can do something like a head of paper.


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