The best part of Call of Duty: a comparison of the entire series

When asked what is the best part of Call of Duty, each gamer will respond differently. The only correct rating does not exist, because developers, fans and experts disagree. Each person evaluates the games according to the parameters that he considers to be the most attractive. That is why the only top was not created, but the best parts among the list still exist.

Series Features

To find out what is the best part of Call of Duty, you need to understand why millions of fans around the world love the entertainment line. First of all, the realism of what is happening plays a role here. Even when science fiction was introduced into the series, it looked in the style of the general world and did not seem superfluous.

the best part of call of duty
From the very beginning, the players were bought by the dynamics of each individual mission, where the user participated, constant skirmishes in which a hero with a detachment of allies breaks through battles for the sake of fulfilling some task.

The last important feature can rightly be considered the style of feature films. It consists not only in video inserts, but also in a variety of actions. This was especially observed in the finals of some parts of the series.

Developer Opinion

Most recently, publishers and owners of the rights to this series said which Call of Duty is the best part. They summarized all the data and collected activity statistics from the servers, sales, and information on other aspects. Their list was led by an internal series called Black Ops.

call of duty is the best part
It has three parts at the moment, and among them the sequel was the most successful. Over the five years of the existence of servers, skirmishes between thousands of users per day continue on them. For all the time, millions of players managed to take part in the battles.

The original game talks about the confrontation of the Cold War - Americans versus Russians. The gamer will visit many locations, including Cuba and Vietnam.

The second, best part of the Call of Duty series, according to developers, talks about attempts to neutralize the leader of the terrorist organization Cordis Die. Attackers plan to wage war between the US and China through network attacks.

The last part at the moment takes players to the near future, where the heroes are fighting with the rebellious machines. Compared to previous parts, it has less popularity, but sales two years ago were impressive.

call of duty which part is better

Rating from fans

There is no consensus among fans of the shooter line about what the best part of Call of Duty is. Many note the very first part, which bore the same name. She gave people incredible at that time the feeling of teamwork in shooters. It is almost impossible to independently fight off German soldiers and have to rely on support.

Others deservedly mark the most popular part of the series about the Second World War. It is called World at War, and it has a real opportunity to set the USSR flag over Berlin. This project is already distinguished by new graphics, and even now users are happy to nostalgic on servers in the evenings, recalling the old days.

Recent parts of Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare have been marked by heroes using advanced technology. The entertainment was at its best again, but these sequels did not close the question of which part of Call of Duty is the best. There is still no consensus among fans, and everyone is waiting for a striking game in the future that can be called a champion.

which part of call of duty is the best

Expert Ratings

Experts in the gaming industry are more consistent in their opinions. After the release of each part, authoritative publications made estimates, and they vary among themselves by plus or minus ten points. The first place, in their opinion, deserves the beginning of the internal line of Modern Warfare. The plot tells how the political upheavals in America and Russia associated with terrorism began to threaten peace. The game deservedly received 91 points, and this is precisely the best part of Call of Duty, according to experts.

In second place is a sequel from the same series. In it, the threat of terrorism has grown to unprecedented limits, and sudden betrayal has put the world in danger of nuclear war.

The bronze among authoritative publications deserved the very first part of 2003. On average, they gave 89 points for this Call of Duty. Which part is better, at that time they still did not think, because it was only a start. It was not in vain that she was recognized as one of the best of her years and laid the foundation for an entire era.


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