Active citizenship - what is it?

We all live in a dynamic, constantly evolving world and are forced to keep pace with its rapid progress. What seemed to our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers to be an unshakable truth, we, the young generation, can today question, rethink in a new way and experience a little differently. Of course, this is not about overthrowing the traditional moral principles and principles of normative behavior, but no one will deny the fact that the patriarchal system of society is slowly but surely losing ground, and it’s not at all accepted to punish a woman for going out without a hat. At least in most countries.

citizenship is

The inexorable running of time requires a modern person to be stable in material, physical and moral terms, because without it, the cycle of changes, stress and turmoil will simply knock you down and carry it with the flow in a direction that can hardly be called attractive.

Internal resilience is determined by a number of factors, starting with the ability to forgive, ending with such a thing as a civil position.

Difficulty understanding

Of course, everyone has their own idea of ​​this component of human consciousness - for some it seems to some people akin to nationalism, but for some it remains a special inner core that helps to deal with everyday troubles. Nevertheless, after analyzing certain literature, having studied some historical facts, we can highlight the features of this definition.

Not a word about violence

First of all, the civic stand itself is in no way connected with cruelty and violence, contrary to popular belief. Many in response to this assertion will begin to pour in examples of revolutions and wars, which in the history of mankind are by no means a lot, and they will not be quite right.

The thing is that a civic position is certain internal convictions aimed more at self-determination than at the promotion of certain ideals. Simply put, this is self-awareness of oneself as an individual, the ability to have one’s own opinion about the world around as a whole and one’s country in particular.

Relations with the country

Oddly enough, for many it will become a revelation that the fact that being a patriot of your homeland and having a certain civic position are things that are connected, but not identical. The first is love for one’s country, with all its shortcomings and virtues. This is an absolute unity with the cultural and historical heritage, the willingness at any time to show the most attractive aspects of their homeland to any visitor, having settled the love of his country in his heart.

civil position

Citizenship is a slightly different phenomenon. By this we should understand rather some kind of internal autonomy, the ability to objectively assess the situation in the country. This is a more detached view of the world, based on personal beliefs, analysis and erudition.

Revolution and normative behavior

As mentioned earlier, a person’s civic position in itself has nothing to do with coup d'etat, brawls or mass pickets. In fact, this is just a sober view of things, the ability to assess and form their own opinions about a particular situation.

A civic position is not only a certain point of view on the economic, cultural or political situation within the state - it is to a greater extent the most ordinary, human decency accessible to all and sundry. It begins with a piece of paper thrown into the ballot box, or a grandmother, transferred across the road, and ends with the payment of taxes and, for example, the preference for a domestic product over imported.

Man and power

Nevertheless, if we discard sentimentality and some romance, the understanding that civic position is also an attitude towards the government of the country will be more obvious. As mentioned earlier, this definition should be understood, first of all, own opinion. Personal ideas about a particular aspect that a person can easily argue and demonstrate their legitimacy, if necessary.

active citizenship

An active civic position can sometimes lead to the most unpredictable consequences, examples of which are abundant in world history, but its presence is mandatory for every person who considers himself a full-fledged personality.

Degree of activity

So, we have come to the conclusion that civic position is, first of all, everyone’s business. Of course, the possibility of disputes always exists, but most often they either do not arise, or lead to a kind of common denominator. Nevertheless, there are situations in which an active civic position requires certain actions, since there are no other options.

An example is the confrontation between the northern and southern parts of the United States in the 60s of the 19th century. The stumbling block then was the slave system, which the planters continued to adhere to while the northern states abandoned such exploitation of people. The disagreement of the population with the current situation led to a civil war, in which more Americans died than in any other war involving the United States.

formation of citizenship

Another example of the manifestation of an active civic stand, which found support among the masses, is the famous Cuban revolution, during which the population managed to overthrow the regime of police dictatorship and elect a leader respected by the people.

Where to get what is not there initially

None of us is born with solid ideas about the structure of the country and the world, but with experience comes the understanding of certain values, the awareness of the need for certain actions. The formation of a civic position takes place at different levels. It begins in the family circle and ends with your own searches for information of interest.

citizen's position

The more knowledge a person possesses, the wider his horizons will be, the easier it will be for him to form his own point of view on certain aspects of life.

Of course, one cannot deny the fact that the formation of an active civil position of a person is directly related to the political regime in force in the country. Everyone who has found the USSR is familiar with traditional gratitude for a happy childhood to Comrade Stalin, and for any New Hampshire resident the phrase: “Live free or die” will be an unshakable truth.

Other ways to influence a person

Despite the fact that citizenship is a personal choice of each person, in modern reality it is quite difficult to make it. And although in most countries the era of rigid dictatorship has long passed, the imposition of someone else's opinion has remained relevant to this day. The reason for this lies in the continuous informational noise that surrounds a person - the media, Internet resources promoting a certain opinion, literature and television - all this puts pressure on a person, thereby forming his point of view.

formation of an active citizenship

The time of the cruel planting of a certain vision has long passed - he was replaced by an era of false ideals and seductive pictures of a brighter future, which cover pressing problems. Strength was replaced by cunning, but the truth was replaced by a convenient version. That is why every person who considers himself a real person, sooner or later have to look beyond the edge of the information fence and look for facts to shape himself.


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