What does it mean, "Be what happens." Origin of phrase

“Whatever happens” is a rather common phrase, firmly rooted in everyday life. Meanwhile, few people think about its origin. What does it mean, “Whatever happens”? If you start searching for information on this issue, it will be difficult to find any one clear definition. Where are the roots of this famous phrase? It is attributed to completely different sources. And more fully it sounds like "Do what you must - and be what happens!". So what is the origin of the expression “Be that it will be”? We will try to reveal the meaning and origin of the phrase in this article. Consider all possible answers to these questions.

what it means be what will happen

Option One: The Bible

What does it mean, “Whatever happens”? Maybe that's what they say in the hope of God? This phrase is attributed to the Latin translation of the Bible. A more precise expression is “Do what is due, and what is destined will happen.” These words refer to Abraham (Genesis 22: 1-19) when God demanded that he sacrifice his own son. Abraham hesitated, but received exactly that expression.

Option Two: Karma Yoga

Another source is the Bhagavad Gita, on which Karma Yoga is based. Phraseologism expresses the general content of the Bhagavad Gita, which is an excerpt from the great philosophical work of the Mahabharata. The pretext for the appearance of the expression is the explanation of Krishna to the main character, Prince Arjun, of the need to reconcile with what is happening and not to resist future changes. This beautiful legend became the basis of the philosophical principles of the whole teaching of yoga in general, and "Karma Yoga" in particular.

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Option Three: The Knight's Motto

They attribute this phrase to the knights. There is an opinion that it was an additional motto of the Knights Templar, in addition to the main “Not for us, Lord, not for us, all for the glory of Thy name”. Such an assumption seems quite real, since all the activities of this order were carried out for the glory of the name of the Lord, that is, the knights saw their future only as it should be, and did not allow the possibility of changing what was intended.

Option Four: Writing Fiction

What does it mean, “Whatever happens”? Perhaps phraseologism came out of the pen of the writer? The origin of this phrase is supposed to be a beautiful expression, invented by the author of the legends of King Arthur, Sir Thomas Mallory. That was the chivalrous motto of his characters. Expression fell into common circulation at the end of the era of European chivalry.

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Option Five: French Folklore

Some believe that the expression became popular thanks to an old French song in which there was a line with this expression. Therefore, the expression does not have a Latin original.

The creativity of Leo Tolstoy can also indicate the French origin of expression. His favorite French proverb was “Do what you must, if what happens”. It is these words that complete the writer's diary, written by him in Astapovo, on his deathbed. In the Russian translation, this phrase is associated with the name of the great Russian writer.

Option Six: Roman Legionnaires

Roman legionnaires in the fourth century followed the principle of "Do what is due, and be what happens." Such was not just their motto, but the whole philosophy of life. If you look for a more accurate definition of the author, then such is considered Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and the great commander. He became famous among the people of Rome as a wise and kind ruler. Throughout his life, he strove to go with the flow, using current circumstances and not trying to act contrary to fate. Another option sounded: "And whatever happens, it means so."

how to understand what will happen

Option Seven: Samurai

“Whatever happens” is a phraseology that is often recalled in all the teachings of the samurai. Briefly explaining the principles of Busido, it is humility to circumstances and the fulfillment of a duty that will be his main idea. Although the phrase “Whatever happens” is not used in the literal translation of the samurai themselves , it can be assumed that it appeared as a result of the spread of the teachings of Japanese warriors among foreign cultures.

The phrase "Be what will be" in different languages

What does it mean, “Whatever happens”? Despite the fact that the true author of this expression is quite difficult to find and, most likely, simply impossible, it is present in a variety of world cultures. Although the verbal sound of the expression may vary, its semantic content is almost the same. This is how the expression sounds in different languages ​​of the world:

In Latin: Fac officium, Deus providebit - "Do your duty, and God will supply you."

In English: Do your duty, come what may - "Do what you want, and everything possible will happen," or Use the means, and God will give the blessing - "Use all means, and the Creator will bless."

The American will say: Do your duty, come what may - "Do your duty, and let everything be."

In German: Tu 'deine Pflicht! Gott wird schon sorgen - "This is your duty, and only due will happen."

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Cultural Studies of Expression

The prevalence of the famous phraseological unit in the world is understandable. “Whatever happens” may mean different things to each person. Since the foundation of the world, for many centuries people in different parts of the world have been reflecting independently, but on similar issues. Despite the fact that these thinkers were separated not only by distances, but by entire eras, the ideas that excited humanity were about the same. Thus, since different people were worried about the same question, as a result, they received similar answers. This can explain the presence of expression in various languages ​​and cultures.

Etymology phrases

How to understand "Be what happens"? It is worth touching on the etymology of expression, or rather, the culture of translation. Humanity has long ceased to live in isolated groups. The cultures of different peoples are closely intertwined, and it is already quite difficult to determine to whom the expression originally belonged. A huge number of translators are working on enriching literary funds. However, few of them translate verbatim.

How to understand “what will be” in other countries of the world? Most texts translated from other languages ​​adapt to end users. That is, it is quite natural that the translator, having met in a foreign language a phrase similar to the generally accepted expression in his language, uses the latter. From here it becomes clear the different verbal sound of the expression in different languages, that is, the same ideas in the translation process can be expressed in different words.

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As a result…

“Whatever happens” is a phraseological unit with a rather uncertain origin. It is so deeply rooted in history that its appearance is covered with a dense curtain of mystery. Maybe the phrase came to us from the Bible or inherited from knights or followers of the Samurai teachings, perhaps it was coined by a very specific person, Marcus Aurelius or Thomas Mallory. For example, Sophia Kovalevskaya signed the motto “Say what you think, do what you owe, and be what it will be!”. Now this is not so important. The main thing is that the meaning of expression is still relevant today.

The phrase predetermines reasonable questions: "How to act?" and "Is it worth the attention?" The answer is determined by the expression itself: your actions are right now - act, the goal is everything around. That is, phraseologism is filled with a philosophical attitude to life: it is necessary to accept reality and not to show any resistance, to go with the flow. In order for life to develop as it should, you just need to do the due.

What does it mean, “Whatever happens”? The definition should be clear to everyone, but the variant of origin - everyone will choose the one that suits him best.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5808/

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