Caring for the animals. How to care for horses

Horseback riding is undoubtedly one of the most exciting hobbies. In addition, this is one of the most expensive hobbies in the world. Horses are very difficult to care for, and they require much more attention and more specific food than dogs and cats. Caring for animals, whatever their size and characteristics, is very important, and the owner should be aware of this before taking a pet for raising. If you take care of him, then the animal will treat you with respect and love, every minute of communication will bring joy and good mood.

The appearance of the animal is very important not only during various competitions and exhibitions. Every day, the neat look of the pet should delight its owners. Caring for horses requires great responsibility from the owners, since this is not a simple animal, but a giant, if you compare its size with the size of other mammals. It’s easy to care for them - the main thing is to know the features of their content and use the recommendations of professionals. Having got acquainted with the experience of domestic and foreign horse breeders, we tried to develop universal recommendations that will facilitate care and turn it into an exciting lesson.

Horse care is needed not only to improve external data, regular cleaning of hair and skin will help to keep them healthy, it will also help to identify tumors, various swelling and nodes. It is horse cleaning that is an integral part of hygiene and caring for the health of the pet. In nature, they watch all this themselves: they bathe, ride in the dust, rub against trees and bite each other. Modern horses are already used to the fact that all these procedures are done by man. Caring for animals requires maximum warmth and kindness, only then they will thank you the same.

The ring lasts only seconds, where you can see the horse in all its glory, but for its impeccable appearance, you need to learn how to care for it long before the boardwalk.

Every day, normal cleaning and caring for animals is recommended, for special occasions an ideal cleaning. Features of the procedure depend on the type of horse, season, weather, discipline and control system. But under no circumstances should you wear equipment or blankets on a dirty horse. Respect yourself and the animal. If you do not have time, then clean only those parts that the harness will be wearing.

Recommendations on how to care for animals are not limited to tips on the care of wool and skin; it is necessary and proper to choose the feed. First of all, you need to know about the needs of your horse. The larger the animal, the more food it needs. Do not forget that the horse consumes grass and hay, needs a lot of fiber and water. Animals spend a lot of energy while running, which is why they should renew it at any time when they want to eat.

Caring for horses requires a lot of patience. Like all living animals, they can have individual eating habits. Some people like hay more, others like silo, others like straw. If the horse is without food for at least a day, then there is a risk that she will β€œearn” a stomach ulcer, which is very poorly treated. In one day, the animal should consume the amount of feed so that they make up about 2-4 percent of its body weight.

Horse care also includes vaccination and deworming. Among the required activities are vaccinations against tetanus, rabies and influenza. Only an experienced veterinarian can pick up a drug for vaccination.

As you can see, caring for animals is a definite obligation that the owner assumes. You need not only to love horses to look after them, you need to know how to do it right.


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