Shungite stone for water purification: reviews, properties, applications and effectiveness

Shungite for water purification, whose properties can be called unique with confidence, has been used for a long time.

shungite water treatment reviews
The rock, whose geological age exceeds 2 billion years, got its name in honor of the village of Shunga (South Karelia). It was there that the first deposits were discovered.

Theory of Shungite Origins

Among various versions of the appearance of shungite on Earth, there is a theory of its cosmic origin: the rock could be present in the fragments of a fallen meteorite. Perhaps shungite is a product of volcanic activity or was formed from bottom sediments of organic rocks, which for many millions of years were tamped, covered with new layers, gradually plunging into the depths of the Earth. There, under the influence of pressure and high temperature, over time they formed into schungite rock.

Chemical composition

Despite the difference in version about the origin, shungite is a mineral with unique healing properties that can enhance human health.

shungite for water purification and conditioning

In its structure, a natural composite is a quartz microporous framework, which is filled with particles of various minerals. Shungite contains 70% carbon and 30% ash, of which almost half is silicon oxide, less than a quarter is aluminum oxide, the rest is oxides of various micro and macro elements: sulfur, carbon, chromium, zinc, nickel, lead and others. The unusual structure of the carbon matrix and the presence of fullerenes (molecular spherical compounds of 60-70 carbon atoms) in the rock endowed the mountain mineral with special physical, chemical and therapeutic properties. The uniqueness of shungite lies in the fact that when interacting with water, it gives away only useful components to the liquid.

Water is the source of life

The key to human health and the source of life of any creature is water. Liquid substance contained in almost every human organ:

  • Helps convert food to energy
  • participates in the purification of blood vessels;
  • delivers micronutrients to all cells of the body;
  • removes toxins;
  • dissolves mineral salts;
  • regulates body temperature.

The pH of unboiled water is almost the same as the pH of the blood, so simple raw water is recommended for use. The product flowing today from cranes leaves much to be desired in terms of purity and safety. To protect the body from harmful substances carried by tap water, it is recommended to turn to such a useful mineral as shungite for water purification.

shungite water treatment properties reviews

Customer reviews confirm that water purified in this way does not pose a person any danger. The liquid, endowed with healing properties, strengthens the body's defenses and has a beneficial effect on the work of all its systems.

Shungite: properties, application for water purification

Customer reviews indicate that the natural adsorbent is capable of retaining about 94% of harmful impurities on its surface: heavy metal salts, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine compounds, pesticides, radionuclides, oil products. Protective properties are manifested due to fullerenes, which, in contact with water, deactivate and destroy harmful organic compounds (humic substances, resins, acids, acetone, phenols).

shungite water purification harm prices reviews

The advantage of natural stone, resembling coal, is its ability to saturate the body with useful micro and macro elements in an optimal concentration for humans.

The use of shungite water, clean and transparent in structure, is recommended:

  • for consumption in its pure form (from 2 to 3 glasses per day);
  • in home cooking for cooking various dishes;
  • for cosmetic purposes for washing and bathing;
  • for caring for plants.

You should be aware that even after boiling, the water purified with shungite fully retains its healing properties.

How to purify water with shungite?

How to use shungite for water treatment? Reviews of people who rated the properties of a useful mineral indicate the need for cleansing the stone before use. To do this, thoroughly rinse and brush it. Then 300-500 grams of the mineral must be placed in a three-liter jar and pour water from the tap. Insist for 3 days, after which the contents are carefully poured into a clean dish. The remainder (about half 1 liter) containing a large amount of harmful impurities should be drained. Shungite for water purification, reviews of which confirm the positive effect of the mineral on the body, needs to be washed well and poured with a new volume of water.

For continuous use and the availability of sufficient supplies, it is recommended to insist in two containers. At the same time, the laying dates of the healing mineral should differ by a day. Every 7-8 months it is recommended to change shungite for water treatment.

Harm? Prices? Consumer Reviews? How to store purified water? A lot of questions.

Mineral infused liquid is undesirable to keep in the refrigerator. Shungite water, characterized by the absence of unpleasant tastes and any specific odors, is desirable to use for 3 days, so you can store it at room temperature. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to drink the healing fluid in small portions.

Shungite: the natural abilities of stone

Shungite for water purification and conditioning is used in the production of activator filters; they disinfect water in wells and pools with a mineral mineral, filtering it from harmful microorganisms, helminth eggs, biological toxins, plant spores, algae.

shungite water purification properties

Pieces of shungite rock or shungite gravel are poured into the well at the rate of 100 grams per 1 liter of water. Purification of well water occurs within 30-40 minutes, and its acquisition of bactericidal properties - after 3 days. Mining minerals eliminate domestic and industrial effluents from pollution. In terms of water purification, shungite is 30 times higher than activated carbon. This material is present in the assortment of many pharmacies; the estimated price for 150 grams is 50 rubles, for 10 kg - 750 rubles.

Properties of shungite stone for water purification: reviews

Shungite water, which has powerful healing power, has an antiseptic, analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. Thanks to such unique properties, healing fluid is used in various areas of traditional medicine, and has also found its application in the field of spa treatment. Reviews of people who rated the properties of a unique natural mineral indicate the prospects and economic benefits of its use.

properties of shungite stone for water treatment reviews

Unlike artificial cleaning filters, shungite for water treatment, reviews of which are only positive, is able to remain active for a long period.


Water purified with shungite has no contraindications, but it is recommended that you consult a doctor before regular use. It is necessary to refrain from the use of shungite fluid with various kinds of inflammation, a tendency to thrombosis and exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. When a metallic taste appears, indicating a glut of minerals, purified water should not be drunk.


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