Moscow Agricultural Timiryazev Academy. Seedlings

The Russian State Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev (TSHA), or the Timiryazev Academy, is the highest agricultural educational institution, the oldest in Russia.

Timiryazev Academy seedlings

Michurinsky Garden is a nursery in the fruit growing laboratory of the Timiryazev Academy, engaged in the cultivation of planting materials. In addition, he provides training in pruning and grafting fruit crops. Timiryazev Academy also implements seedlings and cuttings of fairly rare varieties of crops from their collections. The Michurinsky Garden in Moscow is located on the territory of the Main Botanical Garden.


The Michurinsky Garden was founded in 1939 by the head of the Department of Fruit Growing, one of the most honored workers of science and technology, Professor P. G. Schitt and senior researcher B. N. Anzin. At that time, its territory was 9 hectares.

Timiryazev Academy nursery seedlings

In 1976, its territory was expanded to 20 hectares. Currently, the head of the nursery is Vladimir Alekseevich Vikulov.

Nursery of the Timiryazev Academy. Sale of seedlings

Currently, the collection includes a large number of quite old varieties of folk selection, as well as new, modern and quite promising varieties, including imported from other countries and regions. The collection of the laboratory of fruit growing has available fruit, berry, medicinal, ornamental plants and grapes. Seedlings at the Timiryazev Academy: apple trees - 197 varieties, pears - 173, plums - 45, cherry plum - 29, cherries - 45, apricot - 32, sweet cherries 28. Also grows Timiryazev Academy saplings of berry crops: strawberries - 112 varieties, gooseberries - 120, black currants - 80, red - 43; raspberries, there are 47 varieties; honeysuckle - 35, rare varieties of fruit and berry plants - 78, ornamental crops - more than 200 species. In recent years, the laboratory has assembled a unique collection (about 70 species and varieties) of a wide variety of greenhouse and indoor plants. The nursery collection is constantly replenished, the range is annually restored, new crops and varieties are added.


For a long time, the Michurinsky Garden of the Timiryazev Academy belongs to the leading center of agricultural science in Russia. The main areas of activity of the fruit-growing laboratory are the organization of the educational process for the training of specialists in the field of fruit-growing and nursery farming, the carrying out of research work in this field, and the production and economic activity that provides the material and technical base of the Academy. K.A. Timiryazev.

seedlings in the Timiryazev Academy

Research topics

The main research topics to date are as follows:

  • The cultures of fruit trees are studied on skeleton, stubo and krone formers. The purpose of the study: to increase winter hardiness and productivity of the most promising and valuable varieties and breeds.
  • Variety studies and varietal testing of varieties and hybrids, the purpose of which is to develop more winter-hardy and productive varieties and hybrids with fruits of excellent quality.
  • Selection and variety study of the main and rare fruit and berry breeds.
  • The influence of the summer formation of seedlings in the garden on the acceleration of their fruiting is studied.


The nursery of the Timiryazev Academy provides services for the population and organizations:

  • The Timiryazev Academy (nursery) implements seedlings of very many varieties of fruit and berry and ornamental crops that have an open and closed root system (in containers). Here you can buy fruit trees and fruiting berry bushes; cuttings of fruit crops (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, cherries, cherry plums, apricots).
  • Consultations are held with amateur gardeners on various issues of gardening (grafting, pruning).
  • It provides crop pruning, plant protection from various pests and diseases, landscaping and landscaping, and garden and plant care.

The nursery has an assortment that is always in demand among amateur gardeners, professionals in fruit growing, floriculture, nursery farming, landscape design.

To implement Timiryazev Academy seedlings begins in the spring, from April 10. You can make a purchase throughout the spring-summer-autumn season until frost in late November. However, it is best to purchase seedlings at the beginning of the season. During this period, the nursery has the most complete assortment. In winter (end of January - end of March), it is possible to purchase cuttings of various fruit trees for grafting. Timiryazev Academy is selling 1-2-year-old seedlings, but there are also three-, seven-year-old seedlings.

nursery of the Timiryazev Academy seedlings for sale

Varieties that are time-tested are grown in the Michurinsky nursery. Planting material is produced of the highest quality, which guarantees longevity and fruitfulness of the garden.

Qualified salespeople can provide professional advice if necessary.

In the nursery you can buy strong, healthy, acclimatized seedlings, which for many years will bring you joy with their beauty of flowering and a rich harvest.


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