Silver hoof (apple tree): description, photo

Summer variety of apples Silver hoof was obtained by crossing varieties Snezhinka and Rainbow. The experiments were carried out in Sverdlovsk by the famous breeder L. A. Kotov. The result is simply excellent.

Apple tree view

Silver hoof - a summer apple tree, very productive. It is characterized by increased winter hardiness and drought tolerance, as well as resistance to various diseases. If apples are stored in compliance with all necessary conditions, then they can survive for two months, which is quite a lot.
Silver hoof is a self-fertile apple tree. Its pollination requires the presence of flowers of an apple tree of some other variety.

Apple tree Silver hoof: description, photo

By type of apple tree of this variety is a tree of medium height, which is covered with a very dense crown. The leaves have a light green color, and the fruits are densely cream. At the same time, the fruits are of medium size. The bark on the branches has a light color.
The fruits of this variety of apple trees are formed mainly on the gloves and on the spears. The leaves of the plant are quite large, the edges are slightly raised.

silver hoof apple tree

During flowering, the apple tree is covered with large white inflorescences, which gives it an unforgettable look.

Apple fruit

Apple tree The silver hoof, the photo of which can be observed in this article, has rather small fruits. Their average weight is slightly less than one hundred grams. It is interesting that on the same tree, as a rule, fruits of the same size grow. In shape they are very regular, even, the skin on them is thin. Such apples look quite beautiful and appetizing.

apple tree silver hoof photo

As for the color of the fruit, it predominantly has a creamy yellow hue, sometimes turning into a brighter orange-red. The flesh of this fruit is firm, juicy, with a very rich sweet and sour taste. But the aroma is not very pronounced.

Features of adaptation in the regions

Silver hoof - an apple tree, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, can be grown in many regions of our country. Not surprisingly, you can find a lot of positive reviews about her. Now this variety is already loved by the residents of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Kirov regions.

apple tree silver hoof photo description

Gardeners of Udmurtia and Kazakhstan also have this variety of summer apples on their plots. With proper care, the variety is able to adapt to growth in most regions.

Variety Productivity

Silver hoof (apple tree, the description of which is given in this article) is a variety that is able to please high yields in gratitude for your departure. As a rule, a tree begins to bear fruit already in the third or fourth year after planting. However, the quality of this crop will be far from ideal. Apples with good consumer qualities will grow only by the fifth year.

Productivity is quite high. The fruits ripen around mid-August. However, in the zone of natural growth, ripening may occur a little earlier. Harvesting is recommended from early September to late October. Fruits a tree every year, steadily.

silver hoof apple tree description

Planting and caring for an apple tree

The silver hoof - an apple tree, a photo, reviews of which can be observed in this article - is very undemanding to the soil. However, he loves good care and attention, it is on them that the future harvest depends.

If you are going to plant this variety of apple trees on your plot, then you should use the classic set of fertilizers. In the future, care will not take you much effort. Landing can be done in autumn, spring and summer. But it’s best to still plant the plant in the fall. It was this planting period that was recognized as the most favorable for this variety.

You should not plant the plant where groundwater is close to the surface of the soil. This is fraught with decay of the root system of the seedling and its death.

Tips for choosing and planting seedlings

When buying a seedling, you need to try to choose the one with the best developed root system. Of course, it is better if you get it in your own climate zone.

Planting is best done on a sunny territory. Moreover, if the seedling is young, then it quickly adapts to the conditions of your site. Before landing, it will be good to drain the site, prepare the landing pit according to all the rules.

silver hoof apple tree reviews

If you plant several seedlings of apple trees of this variety, then planting should be done tightly, for example 5x3 or 6x3 meters.

Pest and Disease Control

Silver hoof is an apple resistant to diseases. Most often, the plant affects garden rot and no less common scab. If the apple is damaged by hail or birds and scratches appear on it, then the likelihood of garden rot appears to increase significantly. The disease begins with a small speck and eventually spreads to the entire fetus. Scab also quite often affects the fruit. In this case, timely preventive measures play a very important role.

The reasons for the appearance and spread of scab on apple trees may be too much humidity or stagnation of air in the crown of the plant. If you notice green-brown spots on the leaves, you should immediately take preventative measures and conduct treatment from scab. As a preventive measure, ash can be applied to the soil, fertilized with potash fertilizers, and the crown can be formed in advance.

However, preventive measures are not always successful on time. If you notice that the disease is already progressing, then you need to start treatment, which consists in spraying the apple tree with special preparations, as well as treating the soil.

Collection and storage of apples

The silver hoof is a summer apple tree, its fruits begin to ripen en masse by mid-August. If stored correctly, then the harvested crop can be consumed for several months. For storing apples, it is recommended:

  • humidity 90-95%;
  • store harvested apples in a wooden container;
  • storage temperature approximately 0 degrees;
  • pick fruits depending on their size.

You should also carefully inspect the fruits before storing them. Those that show signs of deterioration or defects should be postponed in advance. During storage, you should also periodically inspect the fruit and make sure that they do not spoil. Otherwise, the whole harvest can be infected from one apple.

silver hoof apple tree photo reviews

Silver hoof apples are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for conservation. They make excellent jam, jam, juice. Their sweet and sour taste makes them versatile and suitable for almost any kind of preservation. Also, these apples in pastries and summer salads will look great. However, in view of the fact that this is still a summer variety, the fruits are quite soft and are not very suitable for locks or preserves in general.

A dry, cool, well-ventilated cellar may very well be suitable for storing freshly picked fruit. However, in this case, care must be taken that the rodents, which often live in such rooms, do not spoil the fruits. It is better to pre-treat the room with drugs to combat these animals.


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