Technical problems of the Skyrim game: the launcher does not see files, the console does not work. Solutions

Many fans of the game Skyrim sooner or later turn to various user modifications that make these or those changes to the original gameplay. At the same time, newcomers often encounter certain difficulties, the most important of which are activating add-ons in the game launch environment, as well as working with the in-game console, which is sometimes crucial for some mods.

Activation of mods in the launcher

If a situation arises in which the Skyrim launcher does not see add-on files , you can refer to several ways to solve this problem.

The first way is to edit the configuration file.

The SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in the Windows document storage folder is responsible for displaying game archives in the launcher (My Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim \ is used by default, but the paths may vary depending on the user's individual settings).

The file can be opened with a regular notepad, after which it is necessary to find in it a block starting with the line [Launcher]. Immediately below it, insert bEnableFileSelection = 1, and then close the editor, saving the changes.

Editing SkyrimPrefs.ini

Usually this method works flawlessly, but sometimes this is not enough: the launcher still does not see the files and Skyrim, respectively, does not register the mode. In this case, editing the registry key will help.

In Win 7, the registry editor opens through the "Run" item located in the "Start" menu. In Win 8 and older, it is easier to use a combination of Win + R.

In the line that opens, enter regedit, click OK, and then in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Wow6432Node / Bethesda Softworks / Skyrim / branch, find the Installed Path key and replace the erroneous parameter of this key with the path to the current directory of the installed game. After these manipulations, the launcher will display all the game archives and allow you to activate add-ons.

Using an alternate launcher

Another way to activate mods is to use third-party programs that not only control the launch of the game and control the installed add-ons, but also have a wider and more flexible functionality. The most famous of them are Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organizer.

Console Interaction

There are often situations when console teams help both when using various add-ons (for example, getting items from a mod), and when circumventing many game errors and bugs (reloading a looped quest, for example). But for many users of Russian Skyrim localization, entering console commands in English is initially unavailable.

How to change the language in the console? Skyrim accepts two ways:

  1. Change the default keyboard layout from Russian to English. For obvious reasons, it is not suitable for everyone.
  2. Editing the Skyrim.ini file located in the default or user-specified folder for storing documents. In the file, replace sConsole = RUSSIAN with sConsole = ENGLISH under the [General] line, and after saving the changes, apply the Read-Only attribute to the file.
Editing Skyrim.ini

The next time you start the game, the player will have the opportunity to introduce console commands in English.


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