A few tips on how to make a dollhouse yourself

Modern children do not suffer from a lack of toys. The boys are full of robots and cars, and the girls have all kinds of dolls and, of course, all the accessories and clothes attached to them. But all these toys need to be kept somewhere. Keeping them in a box is, of course, inconvenient. And this is where the problems begin: a doll needs a home. And since such a pleasure is very expensive, many parents of girls are wondering how to make a dollhouse with their own hands.

how to make a doll house with your own hands


First of all, it is important to consider what material the future structure will be made of. The best option is to build a dollhouse out of cardboard and plywood. It is both simple and most affordable. It just makes no sense to come up with a heavier structure, because it will be in the girl’s room, and there is rarely a lot of free space for such a voluminous toy.


When figuring out how to make a dollhouse with your own hands, you should also think about how high the building should be. A one-story house is not very practical and convenient, because there is not much to fit. And dolls need a bedroom, a hall, a bathroom, a wardrobe, and sometimes even an attic. An ideal variant is a three-story house - everything certainly fits there, which only has enough imagination.

play houses for dolls

Door windows

Thinking about how to make a dollhouse with your own hands, it is important not to forget about windows and doors. A variant is possible when the house looks as if in a section, then the openings can be quite small, because the dolls will not need to go through them. The situation is different if the house is a small copy of a real building: it has four walls and a roof. In this case, the dolls have to "get through" the doors, so it is better to make them the appropriate size.

Interior decoration

When deciding the question "how to make a doll house with your own hands", it is very important to think through everything to the smallest detail so that it can look like a real one. An important role here is played by the interior decoration of the room. In addition to the furniture, which will be discussed a little later, you can make a staircase in the house for lifting to the second or third floor, a fireplace, a balcony, standing on which the doll can listen to the serenades of a loved one.

cardboard dollhouse


Play houses for dolls should also be filled with various household utensils. Buying the whole interior will be simply uninteresting, another thing is to do it yourself. So, a doll’s sofa or bed can be made from an ordinary kitchen sponge covered with fabric. Wardrobe and chest of drawers - from matchboxes. You can make several whatnots on which books or various trifles will be stored. Hang curtains on the windows. The rooms will also be decorated with pictures - clippings from magazines or postcards. An old rectangular alarm clock will work as a TV set, a shuttlecock covered with fabric will serve as a floor lamp. If you try, you can also make several flowerpots with flowers that the doll will look after. You can buy chairs (such furniture is not too expensive), but if you decide to do everything yourself, you can use the designer or matchboxes, a little foam and beautiful shreds of fabric for upholstering chairs or ottomans. To design a bathroom is also quite simple: here plastic boxes are suitable as a building material. Use foil for the mirror. In general, if you connect your imagination, you can come up with a lot of different design and decoration options for such a house.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5833/

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