The drug "Dantinorm Baby": reviews of parents

dantinorm baby review

More than half of babies experience very painful sensations that accompany teething. This condition can sometimes last more than a week. Children in this period are very excitable: more restless, capricious and tearful, poorly eat and sleep. Quite often, teething has companions such as increased salivation and gum disease. There may be an increase in body temperature, sometimes very significant (up to 40 ° C), digestive problems occur. Relatively recently, the drug “Dantinorm Baby”, which is represented by the French pharmaceutical company Boiron, has appeared on the pharmacy shelves. This remedy is a completely homeopathic herbal remedy. It helps to relieve pain in teething in young children.

Solution composition

Pharmacy chamomile, rhubarb and Indian ivy are the main natural components of the Dantinorm Baby preparation. Reviews of mothers who have already used this tool are extremely positive.

In addition, the composition is so carefully verified that all the components of this tool do not just work separately from each other, but enhance the mutual effect. They are absorbed very quickly into the surface of the gums, bringing noticeable relief to the child almost immediately.

dantinorm baby instruction price
Means "Dantinorm Baby": instruction

The price of this drug on average ranges from 190 to 220 rubles. Dantinorm Baby is available in small bags, each containing a single dose. The instruction has an indication that the solution is permissible to use no more than three times during the day. Giving it to the child should be in between meals. The contents of the package are simply squeezed into the baby's mouth.

The drug "Dantinorm Baby": reviews

Teething in babies is a natural physiological process, which is often accompanied by digestive disorders. A runny nose may appear. But it is impossible to accelerate this process, but it is quite possible to remove the painful symptoms. The drug “Dantinorm Baby” copes with this task perfectly. Reviews of parents who have already used it are only positive. Moms note that the tool not only anesthetizes the gums, but also has a good effect on the whole body of the baby as a whole.

The gels used to alleviate the symptoms act locally and give a short-term analgesic effect, unlike the Dantinorm Baby solution. Reviews of mothers have a lot of references specifically about the long-term effect of the drug in question.

Side effects

dantinorm baby

Dantinorm Baby does not contain artificial preservatives. Therefore, no information about the occurrence of side effects was recorded. Overdose when using this tool is also impossible.

Nevertheless, in some children, an allergic reaction to the components of the solution is possible. Therefore, if symptoms of an allergy (rash or redness) appear, taking this drug should be discontinued.

special instructions

If no improvement occurs within 3 days, then you should consult a pediatrician. An open container must not be stored.


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