Help for the traffic police to replace the rights. Full paperwork

Today we will be interested in the help for the traffic police to replace the rights. More precisely, a complete list of documents required to translate ideas into reality. Not every citizen knows how to exchange a driver’s license correctly. And therefore, while receiving the service, some problems may arise. But we will study all the features of the mentioned operation. What can be useful to a citizen? Where can I get these or other papers to replace my driver’s license? We will talk about this in the article.

help for traffic police to replace rights

About rights

Help for the traffic police to replace the rights provided by almost every driver. Often, it means a medical certificate in the established form. But about him later. First, we’ll try to find out what a driver’s license is.

This is the name of the document indicating the right to drive. It records information about driving skills, as well as information about the owner of the paper. It is issued for 10 years, after which the rights are subject to replacement.

About the reasons for the replacement

But this is not the only scenario. Help for the traffic police to replace the rights may be different. Their list directly depends on the reason for receiving the service.

To request a new copy of the driver ’s license must:

  • upon detection of typos;
  • if the document is lost or stolen;
  • upon damage to a valid certificate;
  • while receiving the next category of driving;
  • if the citizen has changed personal information;
  • subject to significant health changes.

In all these cases, it will be necessary to form a particular package of documents, and then submit a written application for a replacement driver’s license. What may come in handy will be described later.

Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights

Where to go?

What is needed in the traffic police to replace the rights? Answer definitely will not work. As we have already found out, there are many reasons for receiving the service. And in each case, a variety of documents may be required.

In addition, the exchange of a driver’s license is made in different authorities. You can get a similar service in the following places:

  • MFC.
  • Single window services.
  • MREO.
  • STSI.
  • GAI.

Multifunctional centers and services such as "My Documents" received the right to issue a driver’s license recently. But now they are enjoying tremendous success among the population.

what you need in traffic police to replace rights

Binding papers

What is needed in the traffic police to replace the rights? Let's start with the list of papers, which must be prepared by each driver. It is advisable to bring with them not only their originals, but also copies.

You can submit the required package of documents as follows:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration;
  • a document indicating that the certificate was not withdrawn;
  • photos (3 pieces);
  • application form;
  • old rights;
  • any confirmation of payment of state duty.

In fact, there is no difficulty in preparing for the operation. And even a novice driver is able to cope with the task. This is not a complete list of certificates for the traffic police to replace rights. What else could come in handy?

what documents to replace rights


It all depends on the circumstances. For example, if a person has lost rights, then they do not need to be presented to the traffic police along with the application. Enough previously listed package of securities.

And in other cases, a variety of help may come in handy. They most often include:

  • divorce certificate;
  • document confirming marriage;
  • certificate of training a new category of driving;
  • medical certificate.

There are some minor issues with the last element. Next, we will consider in more detail what exactly is meant.

About the medical certificate

Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights? Previously, the legislation of the Russian Federation obliged all drivers to go through a special commission when issuing a certificate of the established form.

To get a health certificate, the driver has to work around:

  • therapist;
  • Laura;
  • surgeon
  • optometrist;
  • neurologist.

After inspection by these specialists, a person is given a certificate of the established form. To pass the commission you must have a passport and military ID with you.

Where to get help?

A new certificate for the traffic police can be issued in various medical organizations. Every citizen has the right to appeal to state polyclinics. There, in a few weeks, they will draw up the corresponding paper.

new help for traffic police

If you want to save a lot of time, it's time to get a certificate through private medical centers. They often offer a driver commission profile . It will cost approximately 2,500-5,000 rubles. In a few hours, the above-mentioned paper will be manufactured and issued to the applicant.

Current changes

Do I need a medical certificate to replace the rights? This question is asked by many modern citizens. After all, the legislation of the Russian Federation is constantly changing. And in the field of document replacement as well.

Previously, it was necessary to undergo a medical examination for any reason related to the manufacture of a driver's license. Therefore, the operation took a lot of time.

Since 2016, new changes have come into force. Now a medical certificate for rights is needed in exceptional cases. Accordingly, it will not always be necessary to manufacture it.

When is required?

We have already figured out what documents to replace the rights requested by the traffic police in a particular case. And, as was emphasized earlier, a citizen has the right to be exempted from the compulsory medical board.

A certificate from doctors of the established form is mandatory in the following situations:

  • replacement of rights by term;
  • if the document was taken away by the court, and at the time of its return the paper expired;
  • when learning a new category of driving;
  • during the first registration of rights.

It follows that the replacement of rights in connection with a change of surname or loss of a document frees the driver from additional paperwork. Very comfortably!

MREO replacement rights

For commission in addition

Are you planning to replace rights in MREO? If the applicant needs to make a medical certificate of the established form, a little work remains. The thing is that the previously proposed specialists will not be able to sign a certificate if it does not have some marks.

We are talking about the records of a psychiatrist-narcologist. He will have to examine the patient and indicate his complete adequate and sane state. It is also necessary to fix the fact of the lack of registration in drug treatment clinics.

It is not difficult to guess that in order to realize the idea, the applicant will have to additionally record in the dispensary for examination. Nevertheless, some private centers specifically for the commission of drivers invite the appropriate specialist. This information should be clarified directly at the institution where the medical examination will take place.


Help for the traffic police to replace the rights is valid for a certain time. How much exactly? How long can I use it?

Since 2016, such a document has been valid for exactly 1 year since the day it was issued. Previously, a medical certificate was issued for 2 or 3 years. But now they will have to undergo inspection more often with specialists to exchange a driver’s license.


As we have already said, the process under study is not free. You will have to pay for making a driver’s license.

A regular copy of a document costs 2,000 rubles. When paying the fee through "State services" you can get a 30% discount.

Paper driver's licenses (usually they mean a temporary certificate for driving a car) cost 500 rubles. But, as practice shows, citizens most often do not produce such a certificate.

International driving licenses will cost 1,600 rubles. They can be made only on the basis of customary rights issued in the Russian Federation.


We figured out the procedure for exchanging a driver’s license. More precisely, with the documents that are needed to translate ideas into reality. There are not so many of them.

replacement of rights in connection

In addition, we were able to clarify a very controversial issue that arises among drivers - the topic of a medical commission to replace rights. Often, she is simply not needed. And this phenomenon greatly facilitates the life of the population.

If there is any doubt about what documents the traffic police need to renew their rights, you can call the traffic police and clarify the full list of papers. So you can avoid unnecessary problems! In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem initially!


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