Pear Care in the Spring, Pest Control

Pears are characterized by abundant fruiting. In late summer or early fall, they are covered with a huge number of brightly colored fruits. But such a result is possible only with good care and a properly formed crown. Proper care of the pear in the spring will make it possible to enjoy its delicious aromatic fruits.

The soil

Pear grows well in loose, loamy soil. He loves black soil, forest gray earth.

spring pear care

It grows poorly on sandy or heavy clay soils. The latter contribute to stagnation of water near the roots.


It is better to plant a pear in the fall. But you can do this in the spring, before budding. Nevertheless, it is better to cook a pit in the fall. When choosing plants for planting, you need to consider that there must be at least two pears in the garden. This will improve tree pollination.

Usually a pear tree is quite tall. Its roots do not like frost, and the crown requires good lighting. Therefore, it is better to place it in the western or southwestern part of the garden. Try not to let mountain ash grow nearby. After all, they have the same enemies with the pear. The pear will not bear fruit near the wall of the house.

spring pear care

A pear in nature loves to grow on slopes or hills. You can use this feature to grow it.

Dig a hole in the form of a cube with a side of 1 m, mix the selected soil with humus, compost, a kilogram of superphosphate, potassium chloride (100 g). It is very good to liming the soil by adding one and a half kilograms of this substance to the pit.

The pit is completely filled. Water the tree, tie it to the support. You can leave a recess for watering, which is then mulched with a thick layer of grass, straw or sawdust.

After planting a pear, its root neck should be 3 cm from the ground level.

apple and pear care in spring

Young pear trees do not like direct sunlight. From their exposure, the leaves begin to blacken. In this case, you need to pritenit tree. And when it grows, the sun will be most welcome for him.


A pear, like any tree, will not be able to take root without enough water. You can water it by sprinkling. This option is the best for the pear, but not always available to its owner.

In this case, you can dig a groove about 15 centimeters deep around the tree and pour water there. The amount of watering is determined by weather conditions. After planting, you need to water it every other day, in cool weather - once every three days for two months.

The thicker the mulch layer, the less often you can water the pear trees. With excess moisture, the roots can rot.

Caring for pear seedlings in spring includes watering. If there is little moisture in the ground, the pear is watered before it blooms. For this, 5-6 buckets will be enough for a young tree, and older pears are watered at the rate of three buckets per square meter of area occupied by the root system. After watering, add, if necessary, a layer of mulch or loosen uncovered soil.

If the soil is moist, then care for pears in the spring does not include watering. Its root penetrates into the depths, where the amount of water is sufficient for normal development.

Early spring pear care

Starts with trimming branches and forming a crown. It is carried out after the blowjob is a threat of early frosts, and is completed before the buds open. After all, it’s pear until this time that you need to heal the wounds so that it does not enter the spring weakened.

move for a pear in early spring

Trimming can be aimed at forming a crown or corrective. You can get a normal crop only from a properly formed tree.

Pear crown happens:

  • Palmetta.
  • Sparse-tiered.

Palmetta suggests minimal interference with the shape of the crown. The central conductor remains and grows up. Although it is shortened, it is not cut into a ring.

With a sparse-tier form, the crown of the branch grows in tiers, in each of which several skeletal remains.

Pear care in spring after leaf opening

One-year-old seedling is cut off by 90 centimeters. When young branches form from buds that have opened, they must be directed to a horizontal position. To do this, an ordinary linen clothespin is hooked over non-lignified shoots. Its long part directs the escape in the right direction. If in May or June they did not manage to carry out this procedure, then in July-August they are sent using twine.

Having planted a two-year-old seedling in the ground, 3-4 skeletal branches are left with it and they are shortened by a quarter of the length. Shorter circumcision leads to late fruiting. In addition, the growth of strong young vertical shoots begins on the branches cut in this way, which will still have to be removed. The conductor is cut above these branches by 20 cm.

A larger number of skeletal branches (first order) in the lower part of the crown overloads it and does not contribute to the formation of a beautiful crown.

At an older tree, the branches are moved horizontally, tied with a rope and secured to a nail driven into the trunk. In a pear, this is easier to do than in an apple tree. Its branches are much more elastic. Although the rest of the care for apples and pears in the spring is much similar.

Pruning adult trees

If you were unable to translate some branches to a horizontal position, it is better to remove them by cutting them onto a ring.

Branches that remain to grow vertically later bear fruit. And if the crown is not cut and its formation is not carried out, then the yield from the tree will be minimal.

The crown can be expanded by transferring the skeletal branches to the outer ones of the second order. To do this, cut the branch so that the kidney, located after the cut, was on the outside.

The second tier is formed in the fourth year of life of the pear. The conductor is cut, leaving 7 kidneys. All branches that are between the tiers are shortened to bear fruit.

In the fifth and subsequent years, the crown is lightened, all shoots growing vertically are cut into a ring, or, if necessary, they are transferred to the external bud.

In the future, dry, sick, broken branches are cut. They do not allow crossing and friction of branches against each other.

If the growth of the pear during regular feeding has decreased to 20 cm, you can conduct a light anti-aging pruning. Weak branches are cut, the rest are shortened, transferring them to the side. This will provide an opportunity to get a high harvest for several years.

spring pear care

Caring for a young pear in the spring continues to clean the shelter, which for the winter protected the roots and shtamb of the plant from frost and rodents. Check their condition. Rodent wounds are treated with vitriol and covered with garden var. Caring for pears in the spring includes treating the trunk with lime mortar. This will protect him from sunburn in the period before the leaves bloom and destroy some pathogens.

The soil around the tree is dug to a depth of 8-15 cm. In this case, not only increases aeration and moisture is opened, but the pests that winter there are destroyed. Then the trunk circle is mulched.

Top dressing

Pear care in the spring usually includes top dressing. A pear with a normal development process per year gives an increase of 40 centimeters. If it is much smaller, then you need to urgently feed the tree. In this case, the age of the tree must be taken into account. If he is already over 15, then top dressing itself will not help, you need to carry out anti-aging circumcision.

It is not necessary to fertilize a pear in the first year after planting. After all, in the pit you put all the substances she needed. And in the second year it is already possible to start adding organic matter every three years, mineral fertilizers - every year, the same as during planting, mixing them with the soil. Organic fertilizers are added after mineral fertilizers.

spring pear seedlings care

Useful pear foliar top dressing. Before flowering, it is sprayed with a three percent solution of superphosphate. Treatment with a two percent solution of urea strengthens the tree and increases its productivity. This is not a mandatory, but very useful procedure, which includes pear care in the spring.

Pest and Disease Control

It often happens that in spring the pear blossoms like a drenched one, covered with fruits in the summer, and there is nothing to pick in the autumn. Therefore, pear care in the spring includes the fight against diseases and pests.

Diseases with which pears are most often damaged:

  • scab;
  • rust;
  • moniliosis;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • cytosporosis;
  • fruit rot.

pear spring care from pests

A lot of harm brings:

  • apple bee-eater;
  • gall mite;
  • codling moth;
  • pear throat;
  • aphid;
  • root gnawing on the chafer larva.

The fight against diseases and pests can be carried out using complex treatments.

Bordeaux fluid, Pennkotseb, Azofos, Horus helps with diseases.

But spraying alone will not be enough. If you want to get a good harvest, get ready to provide the pear needed for care. In the spring, spraying with "Aktara", "Bi-58", "Karate", "Decis" helps to get rid of pests.

It must be carried out several times:

  • before budding;
  • before flowering;
  • after the formation of fruits;
  • after harvesting.

In May, the Aktara bag is planted in a bucket of water and young trees are watered to protect the roots from destruction by the May beetle larvae.

Clone rootstock pear care

What is the advantage of clone stocks for pears:

  • they significantly reduce the height of the pear;
  • trees are more likely to bear fruit;
  • their productivity is higher than usual.

When choosing a clone stock for a pear, you need to consider that they are incompatible with some varieties.


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