"The Legend of the Mamaev Massacre": a summary and analysis

The summary of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre” will help you find out the main events described in this monument of ancient Russian literature. It tells of the Battle of Kulikovo, one of the key battles of the combined Russian army under the command of Dmitry Donskoy against the Golden Horde of Mamaia. This work tells of heavenly visions that portended the victory of the Russian people, provides many interesting details and details. Along with the historical facts that actually took place, the work contains fictional episodes based on legends and tales.

Features of the work

What is the Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

The summary of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre” should be well known to everyone who is interested not only in Russian literature, but also in history. Interestingly, it differs significantly from other military stories dating back to that time. From the contents of "Tales of the Mamayev Massacre", whose author is unknown, we can conclude that the person who wrote it was a churchman. At the same time, he seeks to make Mamai a pagan. Religious understanding of events determines the choice of the appropriate artistic techniques, the manner of narration. So, on the pages of “Tales of the Battle of Mamaev,” a brief summary of which will allow you to recall what this work is about, the author constantly compares the events and their heroes with characters in world and biblical history. For example, he mentions Moses, Gideon, David and Goliath, the Byzantine emperor Constantine the Great, Alexander the Great, Yaroslav the Wise and Alexander Nevsky. Analogies with the Bible and important historical events of the past give even greater significance to the battle on the Kulikovo field.

Writing time

The Tales of the Mamaev Massacre

We have at our disposal the full content of "Tales of the Mamaev Massacre." The author, the year of writing of this work is impossible to establish.

It is worth noting that the work reached us on the lists, and some of them are very late, even refer to the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. All this suggests that it was extremely popular in Russia. At the same time, it must be recognized that it was significantly influenced by the ideological and political atmosphere of the time in which it was created and edited.

For example, many researchers in the analysis of the summary of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre” note that special attention is paid to the role of the church. During the years of confrontation between Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and then with the Crimean Khanate, anti-Lithuanian and anti-Horde accents intensify, respectively.


For a long time, the linguist Aleksey Shakhmatov and the doctor of philological sciences Sergey Shambinago were engaged in the analysis of the legend of the Mamaev Massacre. In their works, they noted the uniqueness of this work in the desire of an unknown author to demonstrate the role of the historical person, its significance in current events, which almost never was done in Russian literature before. In this regard, the author went much further than the usual annalistic text.

In the analysis of the content of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre”, it is noted that this work is multi-figured, and in it three groups of main characters can be distinguished. Princes Dmitry Ivanovich and Vladimir Andreevich, as well as Mamai, belong to the main ones. The secondary include Dmitry Bobrok, Sergius of Radonezh, Oleg Ryazansky, Olgerd of Lithuania, brothers Olgerdovich. Occasional heroes have a certain influence on the narrative: Mikhail Brenk, Zakharia Tyutchev, Thomas Katsibey, Metropolitan Kiprian. For the analysis of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre” it is extremely important that the fate of each hero is not confined to a separate micro-plot. The author seeks to show the role and significance of each, even if they are insignificant.

Main events

The Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

In this article, we introduce readers to the summary of “Tales of the Mamaev Massacre.” The work begins with the characteristics of the eastern prince Mamai, a pagan and persecutor of Christians. He goes to war on Russian land, receiving support from his protege Oleg Ryazansky, who expects to receive Vladimir, Kolomna and Murom, and Olgerd of Lithuania, hoping to get Moscow.

Olgerd and Oleg are convinced that Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy will not dare to oppose the Tatar-Mongol army and leave his city to the enemy without a fight. When Dmitry finds out about the impending threat, he sends for his brother to Borovsk, and also addresses all the Russian princes. At the same time, he communicates with Metropolitan Cyprian, telling him that he had not done anything wrong with Mamai and paid the full tribute. The priest advises him to humble himself by sending all the gold that is, and if this does not satisfy the eastern ruler, then the Lord will have to defeat him.

Meeting with Sergius

Analysis of the Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

Even in a very brief summary of “Tales of the Battle of Mamaev”, attention must be paid to the events preceding the battle. Having obeyed the Metropolitan, Dmitry sends Zakharia Tyutchev with a large train of gold to meet Mamay.

Once in Ryazan, Zakhary learns that Oleg and Olgerd plan to join the conqueror, secretly sends a messenger to Dmitry with this message. The prince consults with Cyprian, and then calls on all Russian soldiers to come to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin in Kolomna.

The prince himself, along with his brother and other Russian princes, goes to the Trinity to meet with the old man Sergius. He blesses him to battle, predicting to defeat the enemy. Sergius gives him two monks with him: Andrei Oslyabyu and Alexander Peresvet.

Battle preparation

Summary of the Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

Dmitry tells Kiprian that Sergius predicted his victory in the battle against Mamaia. The metropolitan also blesses him for battle, sending a divine cross to the Nikolsky, Frolovsky and Konstantino-Eleninsky gates so that any warrior leaves them sprinkled with holy water and blessed.

In Kolomna, Dmitry distributes the regiments and appoints a governor in them. Having received a blessing from Archbishop Gerontius, Oka passes over the head of the army, praying to his relatives, brothers Boris and Gleb, for help.

At this time, Olgerd and Oleg learn that Dmitry is moving towards Mamaia with a large army. They begin to doubt the success of the invader, decide to withdraw from the battle, waiting for who will be the winner. But the princes Dmitry Bryansky and Andrei Polotsky, Olgerdovich, unloved by their father because of the stepmother baptizing them, decide to join the Orthodox army of Dmitry. They leave the father.

Council of war

An important role in the content of The Tales of the Mamayev Massacre is played by the meeting that Dmitry holds with Olgerdovich and brother Vladimir, discussing whether he should cross the Don to fight the enemy. Those convince him of the need for this, so that none of the soldiers would even have a thought about retreat, because there will be a river behind them.

As a result, the Russian army crosses the Don. From the scouts it becomes known that the Tatars are very close, besides they are aware that Dmitry gathered a large army. The prince rides on shelves with encouraging speeches, urging to defend Russia and the Orthodox faith, not sparing his own life.


Author of the Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

The robber Thomas Katsibey, whom Dmitry will forgive for courage by posting on a post on the Churov River, is witnessing an important omen. He is honored with a vision. God wants to correct Thomas, showing how a huge cloud moves from the east, and from the south are two young men in light scarlet and with sharp swords. Those demand an answer from the leaders of the army, asking who they allowed to attack their native land. They chop down opponents with swords, not a single enemy is able to escape. Thomas talks about his vision to the prince, since then begins to believe in God and takes up the mind.

Prince Dmitry sends his brother Vladimir, together with Dmitry Volynets, to the oak forest up the Don, so that they hide there with their regiments. On the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, both troops meet on the Kulikovo field.

The author of the work describes how nature reacts to this: the earth seems to groan, predicting a thunderstorm, and the field itself bends, rivers come out of the banks from so many people. The messenger, sent by Sergius of Radonezh, gives the prince letters of blessing, as well as a loaf of the Holy Mother of God. The prince addresses with a prayer, asks the Theotokos and the Trinity for intercession. After that, he mounted his horse, standing in front of the first rows of his warriors to lead them into battle. Moreover, his entourage is against, discouraging him, but Dmitry does not listen to them.

Battle of Relight

A fierce Pecheneg with a height of five fathoms leaves from the Tatars to meet the Russian army. From the Russian army stands the monk Alexander Peresvet, as ordered by Father Superior Sergius of Radonezh. They rush at each other, fight with spears, after which they drop dead from their horses.

Dmitry calls on the soldiers to demonstrate their courage, the battle begins.

Kulikovo battle

Heroes of the Tale of the Mamaev Massacre

In "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev," the author describes that the Tatars at the seventh hour began to defeat the Russians, tipping the scales in their favor. At this time, Prince Vladimir, who was hiding with his warriors in the oak forest, was eager to rush to his brother's help, but he was stopped by Dmitry Volynets, claiming that the time had not yet come for this.

Only at the eighth hour did the fresh forces of the Russian army, which were in ambush, rush into the thick of the battle. Exhausted by a long battle, the Tatars cannot withstand this sudden attack. They are fleeing the battlefield. Mamai turns to his gods, and to all in a row (Salavat, Perun, Khors, Rakli, Mohammed), but they do not help him at all. He also has to flee. He manages to escape from the persecution.


Prince Dmitry defeats the Tatars, as the author notes, with the help of God and the Mother of God, Saints Boris and Gleb, who were Katsibey. The prince himself is found wounded and beaten in an oak grove. He orders the soldiers to bury their comrades so that their Orthodox bodies do not become the prey of animals.

The army remains on the battlefield for eight days, all this time they bury their associates. Mamai returns to his land, intending to go to Russia with a new army, but then he finds out that he himself was in danger, since Tsar Tokhtamysh is sent to him from the east. Tokhtamysh smashes Mamaia on Kalka. He hides in Kafu under a false name, but he still manages to track down and kill.

Having learned about Dmitry's victory, Olgerd shamefully goes to his possessions, and Prince Oleg Ryazansky escapes from his estate, fearing that Dmitry will send his army to him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5858/

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