DIY birthday gift for mom

Each person has many important dates for him, but the most significant is, of course, the birthday of the closest and beloved person in the world. Mom is an earthly guardian angel, protecting us at our every step, the closest person, and therefore a gift for her should be especially pleasant. Of course, today it is not a problem to choose and purchase a present. In the gift shops there are many pleasant and beautiful trinkets for the birthday: vases, paintings, panels and much more. But still the best, no matter how trite it may sound, is a gift that you can make yourself by investing in it with a piece of your heart.

More recently, it was considered bad form to give something done on your own on your birthday, and only children would please their mothers with crafts. However, years passed, and the current fashion for hand-made everything changed. Now everyone can make an amazing gift for the birthday mother.

β€œWhat interesting things can you present to your beloved mom on her holiday? It's easier to buy something in a store. ” Such thoughts are visited by many, but ... Of course, you can buy any valuable or rare thing for money. But the point is not in the value of the gift, but in its essence, because the best present should be from the bottom of the heart and contain a piece of the soul of the giver. And the best gift to a mother on a birthday for her mother with her own hands from a daughter or son can be anything, because the main thing is that this surprise conveys the warmth of the hands of her native blood.

What are some ideas for creating a special presentation? At the time of our grandmothers, daughters embroidered or crocheted napkins for senior female representatives as a gift. How much effort it all cost them ... And today, the search for material and ideas for a gift will take a lot of time. A do-it-yourself birthday gift for your mother can be made from almost any material at hand. Children who go to school or kindergarten can make crafts from paper, foil, plasticine, and older boys and girls from stronger and more serious materials: polymer and simple clay, felt, beads, etc. So, for example, from clay you can create jewelry, flowers, amulets. And from the felt will come out both jewelry and cute little things like a handbag for a mobile phone, a needle bed.

Original gifts can be made from something small and beautiful: for example, a picture embroidered with beads or a bouquet of bright flowers from it. In addition, a beautiful openwork necklace or necklace can be made from good quality beads. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the Internet.

Those who are very good at knitting or crocheting can please their mom with a new thing that matches the latest fashion trends. This will be a great gift, since there are a variety of beautiful fabrics and yarns on sale, as well as sewing and knitting magazines. A new scarf, jacket or jacket will warm your mother on cold evenings, if you invest in them the warmth of their own hands.

With your own hands, you can create a designer birthday present for your mother yourself, you just need to make imagination and find a few extra hours: a new lampshade for your favorite table lamp, ceramic tableware with a picture, paintings and shawls from batik, and much more.

As a present for mom, you can also present a delicious cake of your own making with a beautiful inscription. This gift will be appreciated not only by her, but also by the guests: however, such a surprise requires skill and dexterity.

All of the above gifts are good, but the most important of them is a home-made card, the same as in childhood, only made on beautiful thick paper using decorative elements, high-quality paints and glue. All of us once were engaged in this fascinating business in labor lessons at school. By the way, now you can purchase the appropriate sets for scrapbooking, and use it to create a colorful and original postcard for any holiday.

And the last, a birthday present for mom with her own hands should please the birthday girl and become for her the most unforgettable and pleasant surprise, because for parents there is nothing more expensive than the attention of children.

We hope that this article, if it doesn’t help, will at least give you the idea that you can give your mom a birthday. With your own hands you can cook anything, the main thing is to show patience and imagine the surprised and happy face of the birthday girl.


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