Raspberry Disease and Fight

Raspberry diseases and the fight against them is a very extensive topic. In this article we will consider only some of the existing diseases.

Raspberry Disease and Fight
Rust is a very common fungal disease that affects the fruits and leaves of raspberries. In the spring, yellowish pads may appear on the leaves from above, and in summer black, dark and light orange bulging spots cover the underside of the leaves. With a sufficiently severe lesion, the leaves dry out and fall off, the raspberry yield falls. If the humidity is increased, then the disease can drag on until late autumn.

Ways of struggle: it is not necessary to allow thickening of beds, the rasped shoots of raspberries that have thawed should be cut off immediately. In autumn and spring, it is necessary to dig up the soil, the remains of raspberries affected by rust - to remove and destroy.

Raspberry anthracnose is another very common fungal disease. The disease develops in the spring and can last until the fall. Concave violet spots form on the affected shoots, then they turn gray. The affected bark thickens and acquires a brown tint. Berries are covered with sores and dry. The methods of struggle are the same as with the defeat of raspberries by rust.

In general, raspberry diseases and the fight against them are in most cases very similar. For example, white spotting is another common form of fungal raspberry disease. With it, raspberry leaves and berries are also affected. Brownish spots appear on the leaves in early spring, which then brighten and turn white. The disease reaches its peak during the ripening period. The bushes affected by white spotting do not bear fruit well. The methods of struggle are the same as with rust and anthracnose raspberries.

raspberry pests and control
But there are also other raspberry diseases. And the fight against them is also completely different. For example, the viral disease chlorosis affects biennial stems and leaves. At the initial stage, the leaves along the veins turn yellow, over time, yellowness spreads over the entire leaf. The berries dry. The virus persists in shoots, is transferred from diseased bushes to healthy ones through insects.

The fight involves a careful selection of material for planting (plants with signs of disease are removed), loosening and fertilizing the soil, spraying bushes from sucking insects. Do not plant a new raspberry plantation immediately after removing the infected. Once every two years, compost, humus, peat must be added to the soil.

Raspberry root cancer is a bacterial disease that penetrates the root system through damage caused by earth pests. Outgrowths form on the roots of raspberry bushes. Fight: the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, manure, timely watering and loosening of the soil. The roots of raspberry seedlings can be disinfected for five minutes in a solution of copper sulfate, then rinse them in a solution of boric acid (0.2%). As you can see, raspberry disease and the fight against them is a complex process that requires a lot of time and physical expense. As mentioned above, raspberry diseases, photos of which you can see in this article, are a rather extensive topic. And to cover it entirely in this material is not possible.

Pests of raspberries and the fight against them

The most common pest of raspberries

Raspberry Disease Photo
is a raspberry beetle. He lays his eggs in flowers, and later on the tops of the ovaries. Hatched larvae penetrate the fetus and destroy it. For wintering, beetles and larvae go into the soil to a depth of 8 centimeters. Fight: during the growing season, the soil must be loosened, adding tobacco dust and wood ash to it. Before flowering, treat raspberries with Iskra or Fosbetsidom.

There are also black bugs called strawberry-raspberry weevils. In winter, they hide under fallen leaves and in the soil. These beetles are very voracious, eat young leaves, after which they dry up and fall off. They lay their eggs in buds. Fight: during the flowering period, raspberries should be sprayed with the Iskra preparation, and after harvesting it should be treated with Fosbetsid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5863/

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