How to install add-ons for VoB. Where to install add-ons for "VoB"

Add-ons are special programs that are used by players in World of Warcraft. Their installation helps not only to improve and simplify some graphic characteristics in the game, but also to track a variety of game events. To date, add-ons are issued by many developers, and there really is plenty to choose from.

how to install addons for vov

We present to your attention the guide "How and where to install the add-on for VoB?" In fact, it is a guide for beginner players who have heard about the convenience of such programs, but do not know how to use them correctly.

Where to find the addon you need

Before installing add-ons for VoB, the gamer is faced with a difficult task - the selection of the most necessary of them. The first thing to do is to appeal to those who have been playing the game for a long time. You can do this either on the forums dedicated to the famous MMORPGs, or in the chat of the game itself. Having decided on a set of add-ons useful for a particular character, you can find them on the Internet by name or install a special program that already contains a list of necessary additions. Then it remains only to understand all the intricacies regarding how to install add-ons. The WoW game cannot be called special in this regard, since the sequence of actions for the successful implementation of additional functional programs in it is the same as in other similar games. To get started, you just need to download the addon to your computer and unzip the folder, indicating the correct path.

where to install addons for vov

The way to install add-ons for VoB

The next popular question for beginner gamers concerns where to install add-ons for VoB, because an incorrectly specified path for unpacking files will mean that the programs are inoperative. In order for the addon to start working, it must be placed in the AddOns folder, which can be found in the Interface section. Where to find this section? Everything is simple: look for the World of Warcraft program on one of the disks (C or D) and open it. The fourth folder on top is what you need.

A common mistake of many novice players is that, after unpacking the archive with add-ons into a regular folder, they try to copy it to “AddOns”. However, with this installation method, add-ons often fail due to the loss of some documents. It is best to unzip and extract the files immediately to the desired folder.

The main inconvenience associated with the “manual” installation of add-ons is the need to systematically update them. Usually this is done like this: the old version is completely removed from the add-ons folder, after which you can proceed with the installation of the latest version of the modification. In order to find out which packages require updating, just go to the section of the same name in the game and check the "Deprecated" item in the upper right part of the window that opens. Those add-ons that can be updated will be highlighted in red. Are there any ways to install add-ons for VoB with one click? Fortunately, they are.

Installing an addon using a special program

Today, there are several services, after installing which you can no longer worry about constantly monitoring new versions of add-ons. These programs already contain the latest software packages. In addition, when the next updates appear, the player will not have to look for them and install them independently. Just start the program and click on the addon that requires updating. The system will do everything by itself: it will unpack the files in the desired folder and replace the obsolete with new ones.

guide how and where to install the addon for vov

Some of these programs involve connecting VIP status to the user. In this case, the gamer does not need to do anything at all, as the add-ons are updated in an absolutely automatic mode. So, we figured out the basics of how to install add-ons for VoB. Let's move on to the equally important question: how to enable the addon if it does not work?

If the addon does not work: configuration and inclusion

Even with all the rules, it sometimes happens that add-ons do not work. To fix the situation, gamers need to follow a few simple steps:

  • restart the game if you were online while installing add-ons;
  • at the stage of character selection, open the “Modifications” tab and mark the necessary ones with a “tick”;
  • if the addon was installed manually, you may need to do it again by first deleting the folder with it from "AddOns".

how to install add-ons wow game

So we figured out how to install add-ons for VoB and fix errors in their work. Successful and memorable game to all lovers of WoW!


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