Find out why wolves actually howl at the moon

Humanity has long been drawn to secrets. Everything mystical and unusual has always interested us. People not only tried to find a clue from a number of outgoing phenomena, but also invented their own stories. Sometimes such legends enter our life so firmly that many unconditionally believe in them.

why wolves howl at the moon

One of these myths, for example, “explains” why wolves howl at the moon. Most often they say that these animals have some kind of connection with the mysterious night luminary. Some claim (and even sincerely believe) that wolves howl at the moon when they are about to turn into werewolves! Of course, once in a dark forest on a moonlit night and hearing heartbreaking sounds, a person will think about various nightmarish events that occur in more often. However, unfortunately or fortunately, there is really nothing mysterious in howling. What do zoological scientists say about this?

Why do wolves howl at the moon

To begin with, it should be noted that in fact these animals howl not at all. Just their pose during this action and the head raised to the sky, mislead a person. Inaccurate information is further confirmed by all sorts of pictures of similar subjects and photographs, which in fact, as a rule, are the result of work in Photoshop.

wolves howl at the moon
The fact is that it is in such a pose that the howling sound turns out to be the loudest, and this is not connected with the moon. More precisely, almost nothing. Thanks to observations that are designed to give an answer to the question of why wolves howl at the moon, it was found out that animals behave this way in any state of nature, and when the sky is covered with clouds, including. And why exactly at night? Everything is simple. Wolves are nocturnal animals, their activity is most pronounced in the dark. Making mournful sounds, they seem to talk at a distance, this is the way they communicate.

A wolf howl may be a signal that the animal is about to go hunting. Quite often, a pair of animals tells their neighbors that they had small wolf cubs. In addition, predators can howl so that their relatives know that this territory is already occupied, and it is better not to come to uninvited guests.

However, there is still some truth in the fact that wolves howl at the moon. After all, moonlit nights are brighter, and therefore it is much more convenient for animals to hunt and lead an active lifestyle in this natural environment.

why dogs howl
Many people have often noticed that their dogs begin to behave like wolves, that is, they begin to howl. The reasons for this behavior can be very different. Many, answering the question of what the dogs howl for, start to come up with different signs. And all would be fine, but they are always bad. Therefore, to believe in them, of course, is not worth it. Better to know what the howling of dogs really means.

The most elementary and probable explanation is the desire of your dog to communicate with one of his relatives. Therefore, during walks, it is necessary to promote the development of friendships between your pet and your neighbor’s pet, for example. In addition, often dogs howl with pleasure. They are especially happy with the music or the fact that the owner returned from work.

Now that you know why wolves howl at the moon, and for what reason dogs do it, you can not be afraid of these heartbreaking sounds, because there is a rational explanation for everything.


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