How is a four-pitched roof attractive when building your home?

A huge number of types and types of roofs speaks of the possibilities and variety of choice. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to dwell on something. I want it to be beautiful, and even cheap. The main division of roofs takes place according to the number of sides or, as they are called, slopes. For industrial facilities and multi-apartment high-rise buildings often choose the flat version. Such a roof is easier to fill, and roll materials can be used here.

four-pitched roof
Each type has its positive aspects. The four-pitched roof occupies one of the first places in this chain. Indeed, for the construction of a private house, the overall design is also important. The presence of four sides often helps to increase the area of ​​the attic, to make a living room out of it. There are different types that can be performed using this type.

It has long been known that the most stable figure in construction is a triangle. It is he who underlies the rafter system of almost any kind. The design of the four-pitched roof, made of four isosceles triangles, was called the "tent". It allows you to save on material, which is important, but the ridge connection node is very complicated here. So that everything does not fall apart, it is necessary to carefully connect the vertices of all triangles with additional protection measures.

gable roof construction
Such a four-pitched roof in the form of a tent is often placed on churches, giving them an elevated appearance. If the base of the house is not a square, but a polygon, then you should choose a different type of roof. It can be a domed roof or multiple gable. But here you can’t do without professionals.

The roof, in which two sides are made in the form of a trapezoid, and the other two are triangles, was called "hip". Its device requires additional fastening elements, but it is more convenient than a tent. Any roof is a rather complicated structure, and a four-pitched roof is no exception. Therefore, if possible, it is better to involve good specialists in the calculation and construction. But you can build a design with your own hands.

calculation of a gable roof
The rafter system of any roof is laid on the Mauerlat. For a house whose walls are made of wooden beams, the upper crown can serve as a fulcrum. If the walls are made of bricks, then it is imperative to fix the beam. The ridge run allows you to connect the upper parts of the slopes. An exception is the four-pitched roof, made in the form of a tent. Here, all the main diagonal rafters are brought to one point. The knot is very complex. But much will depend on its execution. Especially for areas with strong winds and large snow cover.

The roof for a four-pitched roof is suitable for any. It can be a tile, ondulin, flexible, metal seam made of copper. Even rolled materials are quite suitable. The hipped variant at monasteries is sometimes covered with gold leaf. Calculation of a gable roof must be done taking into account the possibilities. And the choice here is huge, but a lot can depend on the imagination. If desired, you can use combined options, that is, build a roof over each building, but combine this into one ensemble.


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