Sample characteristics for employee awards

Sooner or later, the personnel officer is faced with the question of how to draw up a characterization for presentation for the award. There are no normative acts on this issue, a unified form is also missing. In practice, such a document is prepared according to the general rules of paperwork, many employees of the personnel departments rely on their own experience.

general characteristics

The sample characterization for rewarding an employee is not the same as an ordinary characterization. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of the future award. It can be a distinction from the municipality or state bodies, a local or departmental award, a certificate. Naturally, it is not forbidden to use an ordinary characteristic as a basis.

In fact, such a characteristic is an official recommendation, which should cover information on performance indicators, confirm the fact of impeccable performance of official duties and display information on the moral character of the person presented for the award.

award character

On the other hand, the characteristic itself is not a presentation for the award, but only an assessment document that allows you to determine the professional qualities and labor activity of a person.

Sample document structure

The sample performance for the award begins with the title: Feature. Such a document does not have to be drawn up on a company letterhead. In the introductory part, brief information about the person to whom the characteristic is issued should be indicated. Then the place and date of preparation of the document are prescribed.

After the heading, full information about the employee to be awarded is reflected. You can start with a position, specialization or profession. If the award is supposed to be at least at the departmental level, then to describe a person, it is important not only the last place of work, but actually his entire work experience.

The main part of the sample characteristics for employee awards consists of the following information blocks:

  • general data from a person’s biography;
  • brief description of labor activity;
  • characteristics in terms of functions performed;
  • information about participation in public life;
  • business qualities and other information.
canvas characteristics

Biographical data

This block of the sample characteristics for the award should contain information about the place and date of birth, as well as information about what kind of education a person has (indicating completed schools and the period of study). Data for filling is usually taken from accounting documents, which are mandatory in the personnel department of the enterprise.

There are two ways to present information:

  • in narrative form;
  • as a list.

Information on marital status and availability of children can be included in this block.

Labor activity

The next block of the sample characteristics for the award should include information on labor activity, which is signed from the last place of work, gradually moving to the beginning. As a rule, more than five years of experience are not indicated. The personnel officer takes this information from the work book.

general form

Characteristics of the functions performed

Further, in the sample characteristics for awarding, data on labor and professional activities are recorded. This information can be summarized as follows:

  • position or profession;
  • A brief description of the organization where the employee worked (works);
  • terms of reference of a person.

If a detailed description is made, then the emphasis should be on the achievements of the employee.

Participation in public life

In this block of the sample of the characteristic for awarding a diploma, you should show the employee the best side, submit information about the person’s participation, for example, in the social projects of the company, telling what role he played in this, what he managed to achieve. And it doesn’t matter, a letter is issued at the enterprise itself or a person is nominated for an award at the municipality or state level.

It is possible to describe not only social activities outside the enterprise, but also inside the company. For example, an employee is part of a permanent commission that works at the enterprise, or is a member of the association for the development of product inspection regulations in a particular industry.

award procedure

Business qualities

A sample of the employee’s characteristics for awarding can be supplemented with the business qualities of a person. In fact, this block should reflect that side of the employee, which allows you to submit his candidacy for rewarding. If certification is carried out at the enterprise, then information can be taken from there. In the event that no certification is provided for in the organization, it is better to evaluate the business qualities of an employee together with his management. A personnel officer can prepare a questionnaire for the head of the awarded person to answer key questions about the subordinate.

For example, the questionnaire can be divided into several blocks:

  • assessment of professional qualities;
  • executive activity, that is, how much an employee is organized, persistent in fulfilling tasks, and so on;
  • assessment of the employee’s leadership (if he has subordinates);
  • creative traits to achieve a result;
  • social activity;
  • propensity for self-education, support and training of new employees.

You can start this block as follows: “During his work (full name) he established himself as a specialist who owns production technologies ..., knows the subtleties ... He performs his duties clearly and independently. He enjoys authority among employees ... ”and so on.

Naturally, there are no people without flaws, therefore it is recommended not to hide them, but to present restraint and neutrality. For example: “A little indiscipline, which manifests itself in rare and minor lateness to work, is more than compensated by organization throughout the working day.”

Photo Award Feature

Other information

This sample performance block for rewarding an educator or other professional is not required in such a document. But if we are talking about a teacher, it is very important to reflect the information that children are drawn to this person, love him and listen. If there is other information that can complement and characterize the employee from the best side, then it is better not to miss such information.

For example, if an employee constantly expresses readiness to participate in the process of implementing new projects, has been repeatedly encouraged financially or has diplomas. Perhaps the employee independently underwent some training in his spare time from work.

A sample of the characteristics of the leader for the award is no different from a document drawn up for an ordinary employee. However, it is necessary to reflect in the document exactly the activity that allowed to improve the organization’s production or financial performance during the period when this person held a leadership position. The main thing is that the characteristic should be compiled truthfully and truly reflect the qualities of the employee.


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