How to find out the debt of the FSSP? Possible options

find out the debt of the Federal Security Service
How to find out the debt of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service)? Perhaps someone will ask: why do you need this? Well, there is a debt, and so what? Is someone going to chase you?

All this is certainly true, but ... If you have a debt, then, believe me, it is better to pay it off. Moreover, in the age of computer technology, this is not at all difficult.


There are enough cases when a person was unable to go abroad on vacation, a car was confiscated or someone was detained due to unpaid debts. By the way, in addition to paying off the debt itself, you will need to pay a fee for the collection services of the FSSP, even against your will. Jokes are bad with the law. And if so, let's be law-abiding citizens.


So, initially you need to know the debt of the FSSP, more precisely, to identify whether it exists in principle. Do not think that debts can grow like mushrooms after rain, only if you have not paid child support or a bank loan. Variations on a given topic - a lot. It can be a debt in favor of the tax authorities, or even a trivial mistake (this - alas and ah - also happens). Often unexpected debts are generated if fines from the traffic police come not at the place of your actual residence, but at the place of registration. If they are not paid on time, a case is brought up, which is subsequently submitted to court (you may not even suspect about it), and after the verdict is passed, you replenish the ranks of malicious defaulters, to whom strict measures can be applied, up to and including imprisonment.

FSSP learn debt

A personal meeting

The easiest way to find out about your debts is to use the services of the territorial authority: to come to the reception and get a certificate of lack of debts. This is not a very troublesome thing, but enough time will be required. But, if necessary, you can immediately pay off everything, and you will have an official document in your hands.

FSSP website

The FSSP Russia website also works great. You can find out debt through the mentioned resource almost instantly. On the main page, the subsection “Databank of enforcement proceedings” is selected (a bright orange plate blinks, attracting attention in every possible way). Having gone from the main page to information systems, you are obliged to choose a region, enter personal data and send a request. If necessary, the introduction of captcha may be required - as protection against spam. After a few seconds, an inscription appears at the top of the page about the status of your affairs.

In fairness, we should also mention the fact that, despite the strictly agreed deadlines for notifying various services about the repayment of debts, it is imperative to make an allowance for negligence. Some departments manage not to fulfill their obligations for a long time. As a result, even after a couple of months after payment of all debts, you can still be in a single database as a counterparty, for which there is a certain debt. Be carefull.

Social networks

You can find out the debt of the FSSP through social networks. In particular, through

FSSP of Russia find out the debt
VKontakte website. All that is required of you is to go into the applications and drive into the search the following phrase: “Databank of enforcement proceedings”. After entering, you must enter the name, surname, date of birth and region of registration. Send a request, and if you have no debts, then an inscription on a green background will be displayed below: "No records were found according to your request." Otherwise, the information you need appears.

You can use the same service through the Odnoklassniki website. Even easier, you can find out the debt of the FSSP through an application installed on mobile devices (Windows Phone, Android, iPhone).

ATMs of Sberbank

In some regions, Sberbank ATMs are equipped with similar applications. You must select the group “Other payments” - “Payments to the bailiff service”, after which you will receive information about the debt and the ability to pay it. The identification number in this case is the passport number. Please note that Sberbank charges a fee for its services.

Portal of Unified Government Services

find out the debt of the Federal Security Service
It is just as easy to get information from the FSSP (to find out the debt) through the portal of unified public services. To do this, you will need to log in using the SNILS number (Insurance number of an individual personal account located in the state pension insurance certificate) as a login. True, it is worth noting that registration, which gives you access to such information on the portal, still takes some time: you will need to confirm your identity and get special keys for access. The portal provides several ways to enter the site.

Payment Methods

If a debt is found, it is best to contact the inspector in person. It’s more reliable, but in the absence of time or desire, you can pay receipts received through the Internet portal, through express payment terminals, bank cash desks or Post of Russia branches. It is worth remembering that a money transfer takes time. Typically, such an operation takes three to five business days.


The ideal option is the absence of all kinds of debts. Commonplace

find out the debt of the Federal Security Service
prudence will save you from unnecessary waste, both money and time. On the official website of the tax service, you can use your personal account and view all the information you are interested in.

The only thing that can become an obstacle for a simple user is the key. The latest innovation was the mandatory receipt and registration on the site. Six months ago, it was possible to view debts only by entering the TIN and personal data of the taxpayer. Now, to access the service, you will need to visit the nearby tax office, where you will be given identification information to enter the site. The login number is the TIN number, and the primary password will be assigned.


Checking for fines issued to you in the traffic police is also easy. The existing on-line system is not one. The most reliable way to do this is on the state portal (either the traffic police or EPGU, but the latter has a too long registration system). In addition, there are several other third-party sites through which you can learn about debts and pay them on time. In fairness, it is worth recalling that progress does not work “like clockwork” in our country, so it’s best to keep receipts for paying fines with you, in order to avoid misunderstanding and contentious cases.


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