What is a dense forest?

Forest is one of the constituent parts of the surrounding world, a system of animate and inanimate nature (air, water, earth). This place is covered with plantations of trees, bushes, mushrooms and other plants. Almost a third of the planet’s land is filled with forests.

What are they like?

There are various classifications of forests. Consider some of their varieties:

dense forest

  • Distinguish between tall and low trunk forests. High trunks are trees grown from seeds, and low trunks are from sprouts.
  • Forests are subdivided into sets of stands from the same species and mixed when two species (or more) of trees are found.
  • By age - young, middle and old.

Other classification

Separately distinguish the European classification of forests:

  • Those located in the northern and temperate zone. Here you can see the evergreen coniferous stands, separately man-grown parks, groves, where mainly broad-leafed trees, dense forests, as well as forests where different species of wood are present, predominate.
  • Forests located in the tropical zone and subtropics. It is dominated by a mountainous, prickly impassable forest, copses grown in swamps or with exotic plants.

It is generally accepted that the surface of the earth covers many spontaneously grown trees, shrubs and other organisms that feed on air and inorganic substances from the soil, depending on the climatic zone of their location. So, in the northern zone often occur dense forest, deciduous-fir, bush-like spills. Due to the fact that the northern part of the earth’s area is less populated, and the infrastructure is poorly expressed, the air in these parts is especially clean. Edges are often found - these are stripes where the forest smoothly transforms into adjacent vegetation. A dense forest deserves special attention - it is dense, overgrown, impassable or generally impassable. As a rule, wild animals live in it.

dense forests

In the tropics there are humid rainy forests, mainly they grow in swamps, form thickets. The territory of the forest is not clearly defined; it smoothly passes from one deciduous ecosystem to another. There are many vines, tree plants that cling to other bio-organisms. It is not often that you can meet an overgrown dense forest, people bypass such impenetrable thickets, it is very dangerous to be in them.

Who lives in the forest?

The fauna is an integral part of forest nature. The inhabitants are diverse, their species and distribution depend on specific ecosystems. Animals such as bear, fox, deer, beaver, partridge mobilize in cool territories. Tigers, monkeys, mongooses live in warm countries. The dense forest, which is found everywhere, is inhabited mainly by wild animals: moose, wild boars, hyenas. More often than in other forests, snakes are found.

Green spaces of forests play a large role in human life and nature as a whole, as it takes an active part in the circular circulation of oxygen and water, and has a huge impact on the gas flow in the ecosystem. In addition, the forest has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, is a powerful antidepressant.

dense forest is

However, people often harm the forest system through their actions. Since trees are a source of energy and raw materials, they are constantly being cut down, it takes at least ten years to restore new territories. Because of the improper behavior of people in nature, fires often occur. In this case, a dense forest poses a great threat, which is very difficult to extinguish the flame, which at the same time spreads at lightning speed.


Therefore, it is necessary to teach people to protect nature from the earliest years. The vital activity of all mankind depends on its safety.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5882/

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