Pruning hydrangea in spring. Hydrangea Care

People have known hydrangeas for a long time. For a long time, plants developed, some new species began to appear, methods of care improved, and they themselves acquired completely new properties. Currently, they are one of the most common garden and decorative plants. Hydrangea is mainly grown in the open field, in the garden. However, its more sensitive to cold species are cultivated in greenhouses or in a house in a pot.

The main types of hydrangea

There are many different varieties (over 500) of hydrangeas. They are very different from each other in their appearance, growth conditions and, of course, the method of care. And that is why you need to know what kind of species you are dealing with, since the flowering and even growth of your plant depends on this. Consider the main ones.

spring hydrangea pruning

Tree hydrangea

A typical shrub, which is characterized by constantly growing zero shoots with white flowers in the form of a ball, so this hydrangea is often called a white bush or white spherical, depending on the selected species.

Panicle hydrangea

It grows in the form of a multi-stemmed or single-stemmed tree, therefore many can confuse it with a tree hydrangea. The flowers themselves in their appearance may be a bit like lilacs, but the similarity here is minimal.

Leaf hydrangea

Here the emphasis is not on large leaves, but on large flowers, therefore, often the plant is also called large-flowered. Sometimes the name "garden hydrangea" is also found, since they are most often grown in gardens to create a particularly attractive environment and chic design of the site.

panicle hydrangea pruning in spring

It is the types of hydrangeas presented above that are considered the most popular and common, so people try to deal with them most often.

The main secrets of hydrangea care from spring to autumn

By itself, care for hydrangea in the spring is not very difficult, except for the need for pruning, these plants are not much different from others. But still, large-leaved hydrangea is considered the most demanding species , since the process of caring for it includes cleaning the soil from different weeds and old leaves, mulching with peat and loosening. Also, care for hydrangea in the spring involves fertilizing the soil for growing with special mineral fertilizers, which can provide the best conditions for growing flowers of this species.

In autumn, the soil should be enriched with special minerals and vitamins in order to grow the plant was much more comfortable and it had the best qualities.

hydrangea propagation by cuttings in spring

As soon as the snow melts in early spring, you can immediately ensure the ventilation of the plants, and after the snow has completely melted, you can gradually fully open them so that they are saturated with oxygen and can provide better conditions for further growth and development.

Remember that after the plant is opened, it should be protected from sunburn, since they can be fatal for not yet ready for open land after wintering hydrangeas.

How and when to cover hydrangea?

Heat-loving hydrangeas (large-leaved, serrate or other species) in snowy but relatively warm winters easily winter without shelter, and they can even bloom under similar conditions. It’s nice to winter and at the same time hydrangeas can bloom later if they are earthed, bent to the ground and covered with any cloth.

Remember that small plants do not tolerate winter well, so they will need to be properly prepared to provide the best conditions for such a harsh time of the year.

The timing of hydrangea shelter is not so important, for example, compared with a rose, but in any case it will not be superfluous to monitor the weather, because you can cover hydrangea even after the first frost.

Spring hydrangea pruning

Petiole hydrangea does not need pruning, only dry, diseased or damaged shoots and faded inflorescences are removed. Bushes and panicle hydrangea trees look much better if they are trimmed and crown formed.

spring hydrangea care

When should trimming panicled hydrangeas be carried out - in spring or autumn? The opinions of experts on this issue do not have unity.

To get a small form of the bush, hydrangea pruning must be carried out in the spring. Shoots are cut to 3 or 4 buds. During the year, the plant will release many more new branches. If the bush is very old, it can be rejuvenated. This is done by trimming all shoots to the level of a stump or trunk. But in this case, the bush will have a beautiful shape only in the second year. If pruning hydrangea is not carried out in panicled spring, the plant will look sloppy and may not even bloom.

To form a panicle hydrangea, panicled shoots are not much pruned, but only nipped. It is recommended to do this in the summer, about two times a season. The main vertical shoot is nipped only once in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

When the main shoot grows to the desired diameter, a crown is laid (at a height of 1-1.5 m). The shoot is cut to 4-5 buds, of which later the side shoots will go in height and width.

Tree hydrangea is growing rapidly. During the season, its branches can reach 1.5 m. Pruning hydrangea in the spring is only good. When pruning, stumps of 30–40 cm are left.

open hydrangea

In large-leaved hydrangea, weak, damaged or broken branches are removed. You can not trim the apical kidney - it is from it that the peduncle is formed. Pruning hydrangea in the spring is not carried out.

Plant propagation

Several methods of propagation of this plant are used.

  • One way is the propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in the spring. Cuttings with 4-5 buds are germinated in the Kornevina solution. Further, for rooting, they are planted in acidic loose soil. Seedlings should be constantly watered and shaded until the first young leaves appear. You can also make a greenhouse from a three-liter can. It is best to plant cuttings in the ground no later than June. In the heat, they do not take root well. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in spring is possible for all species. But it is especially convenient to cut a tree-like and panicled one when you want to form a tree or bush from them to your liking.
  • Some gardeners carry out the propagation of hydrangea by layering, however, this method is inefficient.
  • Often hydrangea is propagated by seed.

    hydrangea transplant in spring

Held hydrangea transplant in spring.

The list of the main advantages of hydrangea

  1. A huge variety of species of this plant, so you can choose any interesting for yourself to create a unique and original flower garden.
  2. Many types of hydrangea can be called winter-hardy, so their cultivation can be carried out without the use of shelter for the winter period.
  3. Hydrangeas are practically not affected by various plant diseases and pests, so growing them is a pleasure.
  4. Caring for hydrangeas is not very difficult, so even a young gardener who does not know all the subtleties and complexities of this process can cope with it.
  5. Well, of course, long flowering is ensured, thanks to which you can long preserve the decorativeness of your flower garden.


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