The meaning and origin of the surname Naumov

We can say about the origin of the Naumov surname that it has a connection with the history of our country, in particular, with such a moment as the baptism of Russia. After this event occurred, all newborn babies during the baptismal rite were given the names of their heavenly patrons. They were recorded in the holy calendar or in the month of the month. With a high degree of probability, we can say that when the church sacraments were performed, the ancestor of the clan was once called Naum. Details about the history and origin of the surname Naumov will be described in the article.

Translated from Hebrew - "comforting"

Baptism of Russia

So, the generic name in question is related to the name Naum, which has Hebrew roots. Translated from the language of this people, it means "comforting." This name was included in the list of canonical baptismal Christian names.

Prophet Nahum

Considering the meaning and origin of the surname Naumov, it should be noted that two saints with such a personal name were especially revered by the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church. One of them is the prophet Nahum, and the second is the Rev. Nahum of Ohrid. The first refers to the twelve minor prophets and lived in the 8th century BC. e. He gained his fame due to the fact that he predicted the destruction of Mr. Nineveh, that is, Babylon, due to the wickedness of its inhabitants.

In Russia, there was a tradition to pray to him that the teaching was successful. A similar perception in the public mind of the personality of the prophet is evidenced by sayings that call upon St. Naum to instruct the mind and say that he will exhilarate the mind.

Naum of Ohrid

The second of the holy Naumi became famous for the fact that, along with other great enlighteners in Orthodoxy, such as Cyril and Methodius, as well as his associate Clement of Ohrid, he belongs to the founders of Bulgarian religious literature. At the beginning of the 10th century he founded a monastery on the shore of Lake Ohrid. Today he is called the name of the saint. It contains his relics.

Son or grandson

The surname Naumov, whose origin is considered here, is formed from the indicated name using the Russian family suffix "ov". This indicates a relationship to the person who wore it, while the relative was the youngest in age. Thus, Naumov is either the son of a grandson or the nephew of Naum.

When considering the origin of the Naumov surname, there is reason to believe that the founder of the studied generic name was a person who enjoyed a certain authority or was known in the area of ​​his residence. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that the surname was formed not from a diminutive, everyday or derivative, but from a full proper name. In the first three cases, we are referring to people who are not ordinary.

Famous representatives of the surname

Considering the question of what the name of Naumov means, one cannot but say that in Russia there are a number of personalities who in the past or present glorified the surname in question. It is, for example, about:

  • Naumov Aleksey Avvakumovich (1840-1895), a famous Russian wanderer;
  • Naumov Naum Solomonovich (1898-1957), a cameraman who shot, among other films, the famous film "We are from Kronstadt";
  • Naumov Vladimir Naumovich (born in 1927), film director, creator of popular films, including "Running", "Tehran-43."

In conclusion, the study of the origin of the surname Naumov should recall the noble families.

Service nobility

Naumovs nobles

It was in this way that the numerous genera of the Naumovs received it in Russia. One rather old clan comes from clerks, and only one is related to the ancient nobility. In the 16th century The Naumovs at the royal court played a prominent role. Among them can be called I.F. Zhekulu-Naumov, who was a falconer in 1540, his younger brother V.F. Naumov, who headed the oprichnina Bed-Bed Order.

Historians speak of five representatives of the Naumov clan, the guardsmen. Among them mention Jacob Gavrilovich, city clerk in 1565 in Suzdal. He put the oprichnik nobles there. In 1577, he was mentioned in connection with the Zemsky court. In 1579, in the mural of the Moscow siege, among those left in the city. Ya. G. Naumov in 1581 accompanied the tsar on a campaign, which indicates his proximity to the court.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many of the Naumovs served in the boyars, were governors, as well as captains and deceivers, solicitors and governors, in other ranks. In the first half of the 19th century Mostly several noble families were distinguished by length of service. These were such branches as Kursk, Kaluga, Volga, Tula.


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