Proper kitten care

If you are determined to take a kitten to the house, you should take care of purchasing in advance some of the things your pet needs from the very first minutes of appearing in the house. This bowl, tray, cat litter, bedding, claw sharpener, toys. If the kitten is very small (up to 1 month) - you need a baby formula. In advance, even before the kitten crosses your threshold, take care to remove the wires of electrical appliances from the floor, and teach children to think that the kitten is not a toy, it also has the right to rest and sleep. You should also look under your feet and carefully close and open the doors.

Kittens are often given to someone else's house at the age of one month. But this does not mean that you got a completely independent cat in your arms, at this age you need especially careful care for the kitten. 1 month - this can be said to be still an infant age. Despite the fact that the young animal runs briskly and smartly, its stomach, heart, immunity, and the psyche have not yet strengthened. Once in a stranger’s apartment, the kitten may be shocked. Do not be surprised if the animal does not eat, drink or go to the toilet on the first day. Let him sit in some dark corner. The less you touch it, the faster it will become comfortable. Children's curiosity, in the end, will lure him into exploring a new world.

Choose a place in your apartment, quite secluded, shaded, with access to fresh air, but without drafts, and place a box with low sides and bedding there. Do not buy a cat house before acquiring a kitten: some individuals suffer from congenital claustrophobia and will never love such designs, preferring to relax on a closet or sofa. Next to the cat’s place, adjust the claw point so that the animal, waking up, can satisfy its instinct to sharpen its claws. Caring for a kitten involves caring for its claws. Later you will need claw scissors, but little kittens do not need to cut their claws.

The kitten should have at least 3 bowls for food. How to care for a monthly kitten and what to give him to eat - will tell the owner of a cat-mother or a breeder. Do not get carried away with solid foods, even if the label indicates that it is kitten food. Small teeth still cannot crack dry balls, and a delicate ventricle cannot digest them. Give cereals from infant formulas such as "Kid", boiled sausage "Children's", "Doctor", boiled chicken. Caring for a kitten requires frequent (5-6 times a day) feedings and small portions. Later, you should increase portions and reduce the number of feedings.

The toilet tray should be with low sides so that the kitten can fit into it on its own. Take from the owner of the cat-mother or breeder some used filler and put it together with clean filler in the tray. Kittens have a quick metabolism, and already 15 minutes after eating you can put them on a pot. Swipe the kitten with a wet finger across the genitals - this will cause a urination reflex. Such proper care of the kitten will subsequently provide you with a good smell in the apartment, and you and your cat will retain nerves. Do not hit the kitten if it is spoiled outside the tray. If you find him doing this, clap your hands and say “Fu!” In a loud voice, and then put him in the tray.

Wool, ears, eyes and teeth also require your care. Caring for a kitten, especially a small kitten, does not imply frequent bathing. If you picked up a street kitten that you just need to wash, make sure that it does not get too cold: let it dry in your bosom. All cats, regardless of breed, need to be combed. Ears and eyes should be cleaned at least once a month with cotton swabs: ears with baby oil, and eyes with warm water.

Toys buy special for cats. Threads and Christmas tree "rain" kittens can strangle or swallow them. Kittens should be trained no more than 15 minutes daily because they get tired quickly.


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