The best manufacturers of dog food in Russia

The appearance of a puppy in the house is not only joy and tenderness, but also a great responsibility. The baby must be brought up, vaccinated in a timely manner, and, of course, properly fed.

Nowadays, industrial food for animals is gaining more and more popularity. Canned food and granules are easy to use and have a well-balanced composition for the full life of pets.

dog food manufacturers in Russia

Russian or foreign?

Today, the market for pet products is constantly growing. Not only imported companies offer their products, but also domestic manufacturers of dog food. In Russia, this direction was formed about 25 years ago and continues to develop successfully. Brands are active in reaching a large number of consumers and present to the attention of buyers canned food and granules from economy to super premium class. In the lines of Russian brands it is no longer difficult to find the right product for both healthy animals and those with diseases.

Interest in domestic brands

Recently, many foreign brands are moving production of goods to Russia. And dog and cat food manufacturers are no exception.

dry dog ​​food manufacturers in Russia

Such popular brands as Royal Canin and Pro plan have long been making their products in our territory, and not brought from abroad. In this regard, some owners complain of deterioration in the quality of feed and begin to look for domestic analogues of industrial food. Attention to Russian goods is also dictated by a sharp jump in prices for foreign dry food and canned food. Therefore, the owners are trying to choose a domestic dog food that is not inferior in quality, but cheaper than the usual imported food. Manufacturers in Russia are trying to keep the bar and not lose in this matter to their Western competitors.

Gatchina feed mill

The company occupies a leading position among companies manufacturing industrial food for our smaller brothers. The plant presents a wide range of products, including more than 1200 types of canned food and dry dog ​​food. In Russia, manufacturers keep up to date and offer customers products of a different class and price range. And the Gatchina plant is no exception. Both economy-class and super-premium feeds are presented here. The latter include the rather famous “Stout” among owners.

List of dog food manufacturers in Russia

The line has several types of prepared food, designed for different needs of dogs. For adult dogs produce 7 types of feed with different tastes:

  1. Depending on the size of the pet, there are granules for small, medium, large and giant breeds.
  2. Hypoallergenic feeds are suitable for pets with a tendency to such reactions.
  3. Animals with a troubled stomach are suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion.
  4. Predisposed to overweight dogs, the manufacturer offers food with an optimal level of energy value, which also helps prevent obesity.

Although the manufacturer classifies Stout as a “super-premium” line, veterinarians still classify it as a “premium” class, since the composition cannot boast of the proper amount of meat.

Another no less popular product of the Gatchina plant is Our Brand. The range is constantly growing and replenishing with goods designed for different animal needs. In addition to standard granules with different tastes for dogs without health problems, puppies and older individuals, the manufacturer produces dry food, designed for active pets and working breed dogs.

the best dog food manufacturers in Russia

"Wedge Vet"

No less famous among manufacturers of dog food in Russia is KlinVet. The Willy Tail brand represented by the company offers canned food and dry food for human four-legged friends. The line includes several products designed for both puppies and adult individuals of small, medium and large breeds. Despite the fact that the feed is an economic variant, it does not contain chemical components, GMOs or flavorings. However, consumers in their reviews write that canned food and granules are suitable only for healthy animals that are not prone to allergies. In addition to industrial food for dogs, the manufacturer offers products for other pets.

the best dog food manufacturers in Russia


The Skif company is also included in the list of the best manufacturers of dog food in Russia. A wide selection of premium dry feeds makes it possible to purchase ready-made meals for kutis and adult dogs of various ages, activities and weights:

  1. Puppies of small and large breeds, including universal food for all babies.
  2. Adults will use granules designed, in addition to live animals of different sizes, for allergy sufferers and dogs with a susceptible stomach.
  3. The producer offers a mobile and leading a measured lifestyle animals with a carefully balanced balance of all important substances.

dog food manufacturers in Russia

Granules are made at a modern factory of the international holding Provimi, which allows us to talk about the quality of the product. It lacks soy, preservatives and other chemical elements, which minimizes the likelihood of allergies in pets.

For ready-made nutrition, chicken and turkey meat is used, as well as cereals and vegetables for the proper digestion of the pet.


RosPes specializes in treats, accessories and dog food. In the list of manufacturers in Russia, this is almost the only company engaged in the development of goods designed only for dogs. The line includes ready-made food for any dogs: from puppies to adults, including service ones. Due to the variety of tastes and trends, you can pick up granules for almost any pet that does not suffer from chronic diseases:

  1. Several flavors are offered to dogs with troubled digestion or food intolerance.
  2. Puppies can be pampered with feeds created both taking into account their breed, and universal nutrition.
  3. For adult and older dogs, the manufacturer made granules according to their needs and age-related problems.

RosPes is constantly improving its product, trying to meet Western standards and customer expectations.

dry dog ​​food manufacturers in Russia

Choose domestic products

The question of choosing food for a four-legged gourmet is rather complicated. A huge selection of granules and canned goods confuses even experienced owners. Experts also have different opinions on the issue of pet feeding. Many still prefer to treat their wards with imported food, believing that it is of better quality. But it is important to understand that most foreign brands have long been manufacturing their products in Russia.

The best manufacturers of dog food, according to veterinarians and breeders, changed not only their location, but also the composition and formulation of the granules, which could not but affect their quality. The owners of tetrapods have repeatedly noticed this. By purchasing an expensive foreign package, the buyer, in fact, takes domestic feed, but with a manufacturer’s margin. Therefore, more and more often owners choose their food of Russian production for their favorites, since its quality has only recently been growing.


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