"Metastop" for cats: instructions, reviews

When treating animals, it is recommended to use natural preparations that do not cause side effects. "Metastop" for cats refers to similar drugs. However, not everyone understands the principle of its action and the validity of the reception.

metastop for cats

Features of the composition

"Metastop" for cats consists only of natural ingredients. Therefore, it is recommended for use even to weakened individuals and kittens. The main ingredients are:

  • Extracts from Shiitake mushrooms.
  • Sprouts of oregano, burdock and horsetail.
  • Extract of broccoli, celandine, St. John's wort, grass shepherd's purse, fireweed, bedstraw, lemon balm and Echinacea purpurea.
  • Birch leaves and nettle sprouts.
  • Flowers of clover, immortelle, marigold, meadowsweet.
  • The roots of licorice, burdock, hemorrhage and comfrey are rough.

Additional components:

  • Calcium stearate.
  • Amine nitrogen.
  • Starch.
  • Lactose.

Therapeutic effect

Due to its rich plant composition, Metastop for cats has a powerful effect on the tumor process in animals.

  1. Antitumor activity and a slowdown in the development of metastases occurs under the influence of shiitake mushrooms. Lentinan acts on infected cells, which destroys them. An increase in immunity is affected by D-glucan.
  2. Slowing down the appearance of metastases is caused by the action of polysaccharides from Reishi mushrooms, which provide the production of their own interferon.
  3. To delay the growth of the swelling at an early stage, chaga and burdock are used, which, when combined, have a powerful effect.
  4. In the treatment of breast cancer, broccoli and fireweed extracts are used that have an antitumor effect.

Thus, Metastop for cats (veterinarians confirm this) has a complex effect due to its rich plant composition. The drug increases immunity, makes the body fight the disease. The ingredients can kill infected cells in the early stages. If the disease has passed into a more severe form, then the technique helps to slow down the process of tumor development and metastasis.

metastop for cats reviews

Packing requirements

"Metastop" for cats can be purchased in two variations. Pharmacies offer plastic jars containing 50 tablets, or bags in cardboard packaging.

Pills - biconvex, white or cream color. Small inclusions are allowed. In any case, each package should contain information about the manufacturer, a description of the product and storage conditions. Also, the release date and implementation dates must be indicated.

It is necessary to pay attention to the marking "For animals". It is a must. There should also be a note on radiobiological safety and certification.

metastop cytostat for cats

Indications for admission

The drug belongs to highly effective drugs, so it should be prescribed by a veterinarian for treatment. You can take it before surgery to remove the tumor to slow the growth of the formation and increase immunity. Also, the drug can be prescribed after surgery to reduce the risk of developing new tumors.

Taking the drug increases immunity after the disease, removes toxins and prevents the appearance of metastases.

metastop for cats instruction

Dosage Features

Only a veterinarian can prescribe Metastop for cats. The instructions are attached to each package, but are intended for reference only. The dosage depends on the stage of the disease and the timing of its administration.

  • If surgery is planned, the doctor may prescribe a course of taking the pills. An animal is given one tablet per day. The admission period is three days.
  • After the operation, one tablet is also prescribed, but within a week.
  • Admission must be repeated quarterly throughout the life of the cat.

A more detailed scheme and its adjustment will be prescribed by the veterinarian on the basis of an updated diagnosis and condition of the pet. If a therapeutic dose was accidentally missed, the course should be resumed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the effect may disappear.

metastop and cytostat for cats reviews

Reception methods

There are no special instructions when taking pills. If a pet calmly eats a pill, then you just need to offer him water. However, not all pets are happy to take medicine that is available in solid form. Experienced breeders have a few tricks to simplify this procedure:

  1. The tablet is masked with butter or cheese. The soft texture hides the tablet well. Milk aroma reliably discourages the plant smell of the medicine.
  2. Naughty cats can be offered sour cream with a powdered tablet. It is important to interpret it well, otherwise the cat may refuse treats.
  3. When all else fails, you can use a blanket. The cat is swaddled up to the throat to immobilize it and protect itself from sharp claws. The tablet is placed in the mouth and the animal is stroked along the neck, causing a swallowing reflex.

Reviews of breeders indicate that masking pills in sausage or meat does not have the desired effect. Pets have a great scent. The medicine has a strong herbal smell, so the animal is wary and either does not eat at all or swallows only meat.

Negative moments

Only a veterinarian can prescribe Metastop for cats. Reviews indicate that the drug is well tolerated by animals. However, the disease leaves its mark on the well-being of the pet. When taking the tablets, chills can occur and the temperature rises. So the individual reaction of a sick organism that fights the disease is manifested.

In the process of use, as evidenced by the reviews, there are no complications. However, due to the completely herbal composition, a cat may develop individual intolerance. Therefore, taking pills should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. If there are side effects in the form of nausea or other suspicious moments, the reception is stopped.

With other drugs "Metastop" goes well. Contraindications only in pregnant animals.

Drug analogue

The drug has high efficiency and unique composition. However, it has analogues. Among the most famous is "Cytostat". In the case of neoplastic diseases, the veterinarian may prescribe Metastop and Cytostat for cats. Reviews show that their composition is almost identical, so you need to choose one thing.

If “Metastop” is a universal antitumor drug, then “Cytostat” has a more directed action. It is more often prescribed for breast cancer.

Do not replace drugs on your own without the approval of a veterinarian. Despite the similar action and the main components, the composition is somewhat different. A sharp change in medication can adversely affect the well-being of the pet.

metastop for cats veterinarian reviews

Final points

In pharmacology, there is a wide variety of antitumor drugs for animals. However, not all of them are safe and have a natural composition. "Metastop", "Cytostat" for cats compares favorably with many drugs. If the pet's well-being and medical history allow, then veterinarians prefer to prescribe these drugs because of their effectiveness, efficiency and safety.

According to breeders, side effects are rare. If you follow all the instructions of the veterinarian, then the disease can be corrected. Even in the case of a dosage, practically nothing threatens the animal’s health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5897/

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