What issues does local government decide in the Russian Federation? What is local government?

Domestic policy in the Russian Federation is implemented at two levels. It is carried out by bodies of state and local self-government. At the second level, executive structures of municipal significance are formed. State and local self-government are distinguished by a range of powers and their areas of distribution. Municipalities form an independent direction for the implementation of domestic policy of the Russian Federation. They are independent from the federal structures and are not accountable to them. Let us further consider the general principles of the organization of local self-government.

what issues does local government decide

Basic information

Local government and self-government act as one of the forms of expression of the will of the country's population. It is implemented at the level of Moscow oblast - in rural and urban settlements, cities or their individual areas. Local government solves issues related to the life of the Moscow Region. Moreover, the key role in this is played by citizens living within a particular municipality. The will of the population is expressed in elections, referenda, meetings, public hearings , etc.

What issues does local government decide?

The constitution, federal, regional laws, as well as the charters of the Moscow Region define a range of problems assigned to the jurisdiction of territorial structures. Speaking about what issues local government decides, it should be noted first of all that the functions of administrative-territorial units include the disposal, possession and use of their property. Accordingly, the powers of territorial structures include the implementation of measures for the maintenance and operation of non-residential and housing funds. They determine the list of objects assigned to one or another category, the category of citizens who can get them for rent, use or property. Municipal bodies of local self-government establish the procedure for the provision of facilities, as well as the rules for their operation. In this case, regulatory requirements must comply with federal laws. The key objects of ownership are land, residential buildings, educational, cultural institutions, healthcare, trade, industry and consumer services.

Infrastructure maintenance

Speaking about what issues the local government decides, it is necessary to note the most important serving function of authorized structures. Their responsibilities include ensuring the proper condition of communication networks. In particular, we are talking about electricity, gas, water, heat, wastewater and sewage. In addition, the tasks of the structures include road construction and the maintenance of routes connecting different settlements within the boundaries of a particular municipal unit. One cannot but mention what issues local government decides in the field of land improvement. The tasks of the structures include landscaping of streets, maintenance of landscape gardening.

local government resolves issues

Financial control

Not many people know what issues local government decides in the field of budget support. Meanwhile, for the proper exercise of their powers, each MO must have the necessary funds for this. As sources of income are:

  1. Fees and taxes, fines, part of state deductions provided for in the Federal Law and the Charter.
  2. Proceeds from privatization or leasing of property.
  3. Deductions from profits of industrial, service, trade and other enterprises.
  4. Subsidies.

General organization of local government

The structure of the system is formally defined in the legislation. In accordance with the Federal Law, local self-government in the Russian Federation consists of elected (directly elected by citizens) or formed by the representative institution of the Ministry of Defense structures. They are vested with their own powers. These territorial structures are not included in the system of state bodies. For them, a specific list of areas of work is determined. Local government is implemented throughout the country. The boundaries of the Moscow Region are changed and established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Types of territorial structures

Above, we examined what issues local government decides as a whole. However, in its structure, services, institutions and enterprises are formed that are vested with authority in specific areas. Territorial self-government bodies are authorized institutions of the Moscow Region, formed to carry out administrative functions within its borders in order to develop the economy, socio-cultural sphere, and ensure the interests of the population. Among the main structures should be highlighted:

  1. Representative institutions.
  2. Head of Administration.
  3. Supervisory authority.
  4. Administration of Moscow Region.
  5. Other bodies, the creation of which is provided for in the charter of a settlement for resolving issues of local importance.
    local government decides

Mandatory is the presence of elected structures and administration. The latter acts as an executive-administrative institution. The rules for the establishment, terms of reference and term of office, accountability and accountability of local authorities are defined in the Charter of the Ministry of Defense. The names of the territorial administration and its head, representative structure are established by regional legislation. This takes into account the cultural and historical traditions of the village.

Representative structure

Local self-government includes an elective institution vested with the right to represent the interests of citizens and adopt decisions and other normative acts on their behalf, the effect of which extends to the entire territory of the Moscow Region. Representative structure includes deputies. They are chosen by citizens residing in the territory of the Moscow Region according to the principle of universal, direct, equal, secret ballot. The structure is considered formed when at least 2/3 of the total number of deputies established in the Charter are elected.


In the person of representative structures, local government solves problems related to:

  1. Adoption of the Charter of the Ministry of Defense, making amendments / additions to it.
  2. Approval of the budget and reporting on its implementation.
  3. Establishment, amendment and cancellation of fees and taxes in the territory of Moscow Region.
  4. Adoption of programs and plans for the development of the settlement, approval of reports on their implementation.
  5. Definitions of the order of disposal and management of property, which is the property of Moscow Region.
  6. Monitoring the implementation by territorial structures and their officials of their powers.
  7. The procedure for making decisions related to the creation, liquidation of institutions and enterprises of the Moscow Region, as well as the establishment of tariffs for their services.
  8. Definitions of the rules of material and technical support of the work of authorized structures.
  9. The participation of municipalities in organizations of intermunicipal interaction.

Other powers of representative structures are established by the Federal Law, as well as regional laws and charters.

state and local government

Head of MO

This is the highest official of the municipality. The head of the Moscow Region is empowered by the Charter and is controlled by the population and representative structure. His jurisdiction includes problems of territorial significance, the approval of orders on the appointment of employees to the administration. The legislation provides for the procedure for the early termination of powers of the head in the event of resignation at will, recall by voters and in a number of other situations.


Local government in the Russian Federation can carry out individual state. credentials. They are determined by the Federal Law and regional regulations. These powers are delegated primarily to the MO administration. The head of the municipality or the person appointed to this position under the contract can act as a leader. It, in turn, is based on the results of the competition. The term of office of the head is determined in the Charter. The structure of the administration is approved by the representative territorial body. It may include functional (industry) and other departments.

Rights of territorial structures

Issues addressed by local governments are often urgent. In this regard, the authorized structures should have the appropriate authority to eliminate any problems in the shortest possible time. Russian local government is vested with a number of rights that are transferred:

  1. Social Security Department. He has the right to assign benefits and pensions.
  2. Department of Education. He acts as a body of guardianship and guardianship and submits to the head of the MO the adoption proposals, supports in the courts the requirements for depriving parents of their rights.
    general organization of local government

As the most important area of ​​the implementation of functions, the publication of binding normative acts is advocated. These include, in particular, decisions and decisions containing rules of conduct for citizens and officials on the territory of the Moscow Region. For non-compliance or violation of regulations, liability is provided.

Property Management Features

The powers of local self-government include:

  1. Management of treasury MO - a single unallocated cash fund.
  2. Determining the use of forests, water bodies and land.
  3. Monitoring the activities of municipal enterprises.

Authorized structures are entitled to:

  1. Transfer property to companies or individuals for economic management. In this case, the municipality remains as the owner, and the economic entity carries out its activities using the provided material values.
  2. To rent property.
  3. Privatize objects. Rules and conditions for the implementation of the procedure are determined by the population.
    general principles of local government


The legal basis for the functioning of local authorities is established by the Constitution in Art. 130-133 and 12, Federal Law, regional legislation. The charters of the Defense Ministry may provide for various positions, including heads of administration and representative structures. The head of the municipality may be elected by the population living directly on its territory. The head of the MO can also be nominated by a representative body from among its members. The leader elected by the population has the right to chair meetings of the legislative structure, if this is provided for in the Charter. The term of office of the head and elected representatives of a representative body may not be less than two years.


Territorial structures are primarily controlled by the population. They are also liable to the state in the manner prescribed by law. It comes by decision of the relevant court in violation of the provisions of the Constitution, Federal Law, regional regulatory acts or the Charter of the Moscow Region by the authorized structure. Officials are held liable in the event of failure to perform or improper performance of certain state. authority. The head of the region has the right to issue a normative act on the removal from office of the head of the Moscow Region in the manner prescribed by law. This is allowed when identifying violations in the work of an official based on the results of the audit. The period in which it is approved cannot be less than 1 month. from the date of entry into force of the last judgment, serving as the basis for its adoption. Supervision of the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and legislative acts by territorial structures and their employees is carried out by the prosecutor's office and other authorized federal bodies. The norms provide for the possibility of appealing against actions / omissions, decisions and other legal documents issued by territorial structures.

municipal bodies of local self-government


Local government acts as a link between the population and the state. The key task of territorial structures is to ensure favorable conditions for the population living in the territory of the Moscow Region. For its implementation, local authorities are vested with relevant authority. At the same time, territorial structures are primarily responsible to citizens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5900/

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