Monkey pillow - how to sew with your own hands

Sewing toys with your own hands is a pleasant experience. Especially if then they find their application. But what to do if you want to do creativity, but the family has no children? A great option is to sew a monkey pillow with your own hands.

Sketch creation

Any creative activity should begin with a sketch. Therefore, before you do the pattern, you need to think about options for pillows. Show your imagination. You can be inspired by drawings and photographs of animals or examples of soft toys. Everything is up to you. The main thing is to be beautiful.

monkey pillow

The next step in creating a pillow monkey is a sketch. Here you can give free rein to the imagination. The pillow does not have to include the entire monkey. It can be made in the form of the muzzle of an animal or a waist portrait. And you can also draw a pillow, made in the shape of a palm tree, on which the monkey climbs up. An interesting idea is to sew a monkey with bananas. Bananas can be designed with Velcro so that, if necessary, such a pillow can be divided into two to three parts.

We make a pattern

What next? Having drawn a sketch, you can proceed with the manufacture of monkey pillows. The pattern of this functional toy will depend on the size and shape of the future product. For example, consider the manufacture of pillows in the shape of an animal's face. First of all, we will need to cut two ovals of brown or black color. This will be the head of the future animal. You can choose any size of the product, but the average pillow, which has a decorative purpose, has dimensions of 40x40 cm. Having cut out the main parts, do not rush to stitch them. First you need to finish all the work with patterns. The next step is cutting the face. It will be one oval of light color. You can choose any fabric, from beige to white. Now cut out the ears. These will be 4 circles of dark brown color (or the one you took as a basis). Next you need to cut the ear pads. Here you can show imagination. These 2 circles can be the color of the face, or you can take any bright shade, for example, red or pink.

DIY monkey pillow


After making the pattern of the pillow monkey, you can start sewing the product. For such functional things, a pile cloth, such as faux fur or fleece, is best suited. You can, of course, choose ordinary natural materials, but still, the monkey pillow primarily has a decorative purpose, so bright colors and terry textures will be more appropriate. We apply patterns made of cardboard or paper to the wrong side of the fabric. It is best to circle blanks with a bar of soap or chalk. Do not use markers or markers for this purpose. They can soak the fabric of the future product and leave ugly marks. After everything is circled, you need to cut out the pieces and chop them together with English pins.

We sew a pillow

At this stage, you need to take all the component parts of the product and think through in what order they will be stitched. In our case, the monkey pillow consists of six parts and three pads. Getting to work. The first step is to sew the first patch of the muzzle to the head. Fold in this order: to the face of the brown part we apply a light overlay inside out. We sew the muzzle with a hidden seam, leaving a 3-4 cm incision below to fill the patch with synthetic winterizer. After this step is completed, we sew the product. The next step is flashing the head. You can do this in two ways: manually and on a typewriter.

pillow monkey pattern

As in the previous step, you do not need to sew up the parts completely, but leave a small hole of 7-8 cm. Through it, you need to unscrew the future head and fill it with padding polyester. After you sew this oval, you should have an almost ready head. Now we sew with each other ears and twist them. Filling these circles is not necessary. Sew to the crown of the monkey pillows. Glue on the ear pads made of colored fabric. The pillow is ready, it remains to add eyes and nose.

Decorate the product

The last step in the manufacture of a pillow-monkey with your own hands is the completion of the product with parts. How? First of all, you need to glue a monkey eye pillow-toy. You can cut them out of the fabric yourself, or you can buy them at any needlework store.

monkey toy pillow

If you decide to make your own eyes, it is best to cut them out of oilcloth. For this, fabric in white and black is suitable. Cut large white ovals - these will be the whites of the monkey’s eyes. And the black little circles will be the pupils. You can also make a nose for a pillow toy yourself or buy a plastic drop button. If you decide to make your nose yourself - cut a small black circle, collect it with a “needle forward” seam, pull off the resulting bag and put a small piece of padding polyester inside. It remains to completely tighten the nose and sew it in place. If desired, you can cut out a mouth from red or black fabric and stick it on the face of the finished product.


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