Roof ventilation: planning, execution technique, necessary materials and tools

The roof of the house always has a rather complicated structure and is assembled from many elements. One of the prerequisites for a long roof service life is the presence of a ventilation system. Ventilated in country houses should be both insulated roofs, and "cold". Roof ventilation should be equipped, of course, should be correct.

Why should the roof be ventilated?

During operation, fumes always accumulate in any residential building. After all, the air temperature inside the rear is in most cases higher than on the street. Steam in the premises of houses can be formed, for example, during cooking, residents taking water procedures, etc.

Skate ventilation

Warm air, as you know, according to the laws of physics, always rises. Together with him, fumes penetrate into the attic, and then into the subroofing โ€œpieโ€. As a result, the stingrays insulation becomes wet and ceases to fulfill its functions. That is, the attic or attic of the house becomes cold.

Rafter systems of country houses in most cases are assembled from wooden elements. The couples rising from the living quarters can settle not only on the insulation, but also on the rafters, the crate, etc. As a result, these elements begin to rot, swell, crack. This, in turn, is the reason for reducing the service life of the roof of the house.

In winter, frost can occur on structural elements of an unventilated roof due to increased humidity. It also contributes to the rapid destruction of wooden elements.

Ventilation Design: Which Varieties Can Be Used

In order to ensure effective ventilation of the roof, different methods are used. In this case, the ventilation of the roof can be:

  • natural;

  • forced.

In most cases, airing of roofs is carried out in country houses in the first way. More expensive and difficult to install forced ventilation is usually installed only on roofs with a very small angle of inclination of slopes or flat. Natural ventilation on such roofs is simply impossible.

Also, such systems are often installed on roofs of complex configuration. Air flows in the thickness of the slopes of such roofs often simply can not overcome many kinks. That is, natural ventilation in this case also becomes ineffective. Ventilation during the arrangement of artificial systems is provided using special equipment.

Fungus ventilation

Natural ventilation of the roof

In this case, when installing the โ€œpieโ€ of the roof, builders simply leave holes for air flow in the soffits under the eaves of the roof. In this case, under the ridge, vents are provided through which the air goes out.

Certain rules for the installation of such roofs are observed when equipping a โ€œpieโ€. So that air can circulate in the thickness of the ramp, in this case, a hydroinsulator is laid in a special way. The roof is mounted so that between this material and the outer skin there remains a gap of 3-5 cm. Sometimes, such an air gap is also provided between the waterproofing and insulation.

Installation technology of aired "pie" step by step

To ensure effective ventilation under the roof, the slopes of the roofs of country houses are usually sheathed by the following method:

  1. A rare wire mesh is stuffed from the side of the attic onto the rafters to support the insulation.

  2. They install mineral wool slabs between the rafters opposite the rafters.

  3. A waterproofing device with a slack of 2 cm is mounted on top of the cotton wool. This material is not laid down to prevent it from breaking when the rafter system moves. Fasten the film to the rafters using 3 cm thick bars;

  4. On the bars they fill the crate.

  5. Roofing material is attached to the crate.

Air masses with this installation method will subsequently freely pass between the waterproofing and the casing, drying them. To protect the insulation from the attic, before installing the finishing material on the ramp, a vapor barrier film is mounted. For its fastening, 3 cm bars are also used. Thus, an additional clearance is arranged.

Ventilation gap

What equipment can be used when installing a roof with natural ventilation

At the final stage, when assembling such roofs, the eaves of the slopes are usually hemmed. In order to ensure free passage of air masses into the โ€œpieโ€, the following can be provided in spotlights:

  • one slit along the entire length of the roof 2-2.5 cm wide;

  • individual holes with a diameter of 25-10 mm.

At the same time, such a number of holes is provided in the filing of the cornice so that their total area is 200 m 2 per 1 m of length.

Holes under the ridge in the winter in some cases can become clogged with snow. Therefore, recently, for the ventilation of the roof during the construction of buildings, owners of suburban areas began to use special pipes called aerators. Such devices are inexpensive. But at the same time with their use it is possible to equip the most reliable ventilation.

It is supposed to install such pipes no further than 60 cm from the ridge. The optimal distance between the uppermost plane of the roof and the aerators is considered to be 15 cm.

Artificial Roofing

In this case, when assembling the โ€œpieโ€ of the roof, a ventilation gap is also left between the hydroinsulator and the skin. In the spotlights provide holes. But next to the ridge, in order to provide artificial ventilation, aerators of a special design are mounted, supplemented by a fan. Such equipment provides forced ventilation of the โ€œpieโ€, driving away air in the thickness of the slopes.

What tools and materials are needed to mount aerators

To install the ventilation pipes on the roof you will need:

  • marker;

  • plane aerator template;

  • scissors for metal, hacksaw;

  • means for degreasing surfaces;

  • screwdriver;

  • roofing screws.

You will also need to prepare a sealant.

How to make ventilation on the roof of the house: mounting fungi on a metal tile

Installing such elements is best in dry weather. In the rain during the installation of fungi, moisture can get inside the roof pie.

Aerator Mounting

The technology for installing aerators depends primarily on what material was used to cover the slopes. Effective ventilation of a roof made of metal, for example, can be achieved using the following method for installing fungi:

  1. Markers mark the place of installation of aerators on the roof. The step between these elements along the length of the ridge depends on their capacity and is indicated in the technical passport by the manufacturers.

  2. In places of installation, a template is applied and a marker is circled around it. Try to perform this procedure as accurately as possible. Templates in most cases come with the aerators themselves;

  3. Using scissors for metal, holes are cut in the roofing material. If thick metal tiles were used for roof sheathing, holes of small diameter can be drilled along the marker contour. This will facilitate the work of cutting metal.

  4. The area around the hole is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust. Further, this area is smeared with a degreasing agent.

  5. A hole is cut in the aerator casing. Its diameter should be approximately 20% less than the cross section of the pipe itself. The casing should ultimately be put on an interference fit. Thus, the tightness of the connection will be ensured.

  6. The pipe is inserted into the casing and the aerator is assembled.

  7. The edges of the holes in the metal tile are carefully lubricated with sealant.

  8. The aerator is mounted in place. At the same time, the casing of this element is screwed to the metal tile with self-tapping screws.

At the final stage, the ventilation pipe on the roof is carefully aligned vertically using the building level and fixed in this position. Fungi supplemented with fans are mounted using the same technology. But in this case, of course, the wiring also extends to the roof slope.

Roof ventilation

Features of the installation of fungi on a soft roof

When arranging the ventilation of the roof of this variety, it is especially important to comply with all the required technologies. The fact is that soft roofing materials with strong heating can melt. Therefore, such a roof should be ventilated as efficiently as possible.

Aerators on roofs trimmed with flexible material are installed using approximately the same technology as for metal tiles. However, in this case, the installation technique has some of its own characteristics. In the place of installation of fungi on such a roof, a flexible tile is first dismantled. A hole is cut in the roofing material, as well as in steel sheets. Next, establish the fungus according to the technology described above.

After the aerator casing is fixed on self-tapping screws, it is carefully coated with bituminous mastic. Next, a flexible tile is laid on top of the casing and this material is pressed tightly.

How to make roof ventilation: features of installing aerators on corrugated board

On a roof sheathed with such sheets, fungi can be installed in the same way as on a metal tile. But on such roofs, aerators are sometimes mounted using a slightly different technology. In this case:

  • at the locations of the aerators, marking is applied;

  • they cut the metal crosswise, bend the resulting โ€œpetalsโ€ to the plane of the ramp and screw them with screws;

  • a box brought down from the boards is brought into the resulting opening and fastened to the elements of the rafter system;

  • an aerator is installed in the box;

  • pass all remaining cracks with sealant.

Installation of curtain rail

The arrangement of ventilation on the roof of the house involves, as already mentioned, not only the installation of aerators. Air must enter the roofing cake during its operation, of course, naturally - from below. To do this, in the necessary order, when assembling the roof, holes are left in the overhang file.

In many cases, the space under the eaves is nowadays closed using special plastic elements - spotlights. Such material is initially perforated. That is, builders do not need any additional actions when using it to ensure the ventilation of the roofing pie.

Cornice ventilation

Spotlights during installation of roofs in most cases are used when covering skates with professional builders. With self-assembly of skates, the owners of private houses for this purpose often still use the usual edged board. When filing the cornice with your own hands, roof ventilation is, of course, also necessary. For this, private traders usually simply drill holes in the boards in front of the ramp sheathing in increments specified by the regulations.

In the same way, you can do the same when covering the overhangs with your own hands lining. However, the holes can, of course, somewhat spoil the appearance of this aesthetic material. Therefore, the lamellas of the lining when covering the cornice are still more often simply installed at a small distance from each other. When using this technique, air into the ramp subsequently enters the gaps between the boards. The gap between the lamellas of the lining when using this technology should be left at about 5-10 mm.

When using lumber for cornice, among other things, it is advisable to leave a hole in the casing from the side of the windshield. This will make ventilation on the roof of a private house even more efficient. To prevent birds or small animals from getting into the cornice in the future, the holes near the frontal board should be closed with a grill at the final stage.

In some cases, eaves overhangs when assembling the roof of houses can also be hemmed with corrugated board. In this case, a gap must be provided between the sheets and the wall of the house to ensure ventilation. That is, such a covering should not be brought a little to the facades. The width of the gap between the wall and corrugated sheeting should be equal to the height of the wave of the latter.

How to bring ventilation to the roof

Of course, in any private house not only slopes should be ventilated, but also the attic and the internal premises themselves. Ventilation in suburban residential buildings can also be equipped with both natural and forced ventilation. But in both of these cases, ventilation is provided on the roof. That is, a pipe that removes dirty air from the premises is displayed on a ramp next to the ridge to create traction.

Ventilation outlet

The riser or ventilation sleeve through the roof, of course, must also be carried out correctly. The technology for installing the outlet pipe in this case will look as follows:

  • a branch sleeve is drawn into the attic and brought to the ramp;

  • a hole is made in the slope through the insulation, waterproofing and roofing material;

  • a special passage assembly is inserted into the hole;

  • from the attic side a pipe joins it;

  • a fungus pipe is mounted on the roof slope.

The passage unit when venting to the roof is also installed in the ceiling. The use of such elements allows you to make laying as quickly as possible.

A vent pipe in the out-of-town houses is usually removed directly from the ridge. In this case, it should rise above it, according to the standards, at least 50 cm.

The air supply in the ventilation systems of country houses provides another highway. For its installation, holes are made not in the roof, but in the walls. At the same time, a passage assembly is also used for laying. At the final stage, when assembling the ventilation in country houses, both mains - both the outlet and the supply are connected to a special installation with fans. Such equipment in a building is usually installed in the attic.


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