What is brought from China: choose souvenirs

China is a mysterious eastern country, from which, for a long time, everyone sought to bring something special. But, if earlier it was paper and gunpowder and merchants took them, first of all, now it is much more interesting to bring souvenirs from China.

What is brought from China?
However, they can also be quite practical, for example, Chinese tea is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. So what are brought from China?

Jewelry and clothes

Even a button from Chinese clothing can be a souvenir - you will not find one in Europe. But itโ€™s better to stop your search for what is brought from China with more traditional gifts. For example, choose a luxurious dress with a classic handmade embroidery. Panels can also be made from the finest silk, which can decorate any interior, small scarves that will remind you of a journey in the midst of everyday hustle, or beautiful bathrobes, which are also often bought when choosing souvenirs from China. What to bring to those who collect jewelry? Of course, pearls. Local pearl markets amaze with a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

What souvenirs to bring from China?
The price is determined by the size of the pearl, so any tourist can afford to find the option.


One of the obligatory items among everything brought from China is tea. You can buy a good product everywhere, but in a tea shop there will be a wider assortment. However, the price may be higher. It is difficult to tell which variety to choose, because everyone has their own unique taste and characteristics. For example, white or โ€œwildโ€ tea is collected on the tops of the mountains; it is distinguished by bitterness with a sweet aftertaste. Regular black tea can be purchased here in the form of balls, which can be brewed up to seven times and consumed as food. A variety called "yellow orchid" has such a charming aroma that it is advised to smell it first and then drink it. Aesthetes will like tea with dried jasmine - when brewing, the flowers will bloom right in the cup. A popular souvenir is also medicinal vodka on the root of ginseng and other traditional medicine products, unusual local beer and grape wines. Even sticks for

Souvenirs from China: what to bring?
meals can be quite original and also serve as a good reminder of the vacation.

Pleasant trifles

The question of which souvenirs to bring from China is difficult to answer monosyllabic. If you have the same difficulties with choosing small pleasant gifts, pay attention to traditional trinkets. For example, the Chinese fan will be an excellent decoration of the interior. Fans come in wood, porcelain, ivory or jade, they are richly decorated and brightly convey the eastern spirit of this country. Another option is porcelain. The choice is very rich: from huge jugs to tiny vases. Any trinkets made of Chinese porcelain are made with high quality and decorated with traditional paintings from ornaments and flowers. By purchasing gifts in the market, you can bargain and lower the price. Finally, among those brought from China, jade souvenirs are worth mentioning. These are very popular crafts in China, symbolizing luck and prosperity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5911/

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